Progressive Delivery

Progressive Delivery is a unique service aimed at providing customers with more control over their orders. While it was initially designed to handle large orders over 30 pages long (such as Theses and Dissertations), it proved to be so useful that we have made it available for smaller papers as well.

The main benefits of the Progressive Delivery service:

  1. An opportunity to exercise more control over the completion of your order, because it is delivered in parts.

  2. A chance for you to make payment in several installments, taking into consideration your financial convenience.

  3. A personal manager who constantly monitors the progress of your order and the writer's understanding of your assignment.

  4. The opportunity for you to plan the work – the delivery schedule is modeled according to your needs and is always confirmed with you before the order is processed.

  5. A longer deadline to request a free revision. You enjoy 21 days of free revision period, opposed to 7 days period in regular orders

This procedure of order management was developed through close observation of our customers’ needs, and the academic writing market in general. Since there is a considerable amount of fraud involved in this field, we want you to be sure that you are safe with us.

Progressive Delivery enables you to:

  • minimize the risk of receiving a low quality paper

  • eliminate the need of major revisions, because you receive it in manageable stages

  • stay protected from investing too much money into a paper,the progress of which you cannot see.

Note! You have to approve each part of the odrer and pay for the next one (if there are any left) for the writer to proceed with your paper.

How much does it cost and how can you order it?

Our Progressive Delivery service costs only 10% more than the original price of your paper. If you want to include this feature, simply check the "Progressive Delivery" box in your order form, and get an instant quote.

Limitations to the service:

Please note there are some limitations to this feature - it is not applicable for orders with deadlines from 8 hours to 3 days and/or with a total value of less than $200. It is mandatory for papers with a deadline that exceeds or equals 7-10 days and a total price over $600.