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Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for Teenagers [2024]

There are several things which make writing a persuasive (also called “argumentative”) essay a special task, and it is worth mentioning all of them. First of all, the word “persuasive” speaks for itself. Your main task is to persuade those who will read your essay that your point of view is correct. In order to do that, you should back up your idea with facts from reliable sources, because your point of view is not so authoritative to persuade people without citing well-known and established scientists, writers, or politicians. Study all available materials which can be used for your essay. Second, you have to believe in your point of view. If you try to persuade people something is true, but you don’t believe in it yourself, chances are your words will sound insincere, and it will be easily noticeable. So, choose a topic that is rather debatable and choose a point of view that can be proven to be true.

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