Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

How to Write a Good Marketing Essay

The Purpose of Marketing Essays
Marketing essays can help put a good marketing strategy in place by conveying information about competitive market advantages and financial profits. Marketing essays express thoughts and ideas and persuade people in understanding opinions and viewpoints relating to marketing strategy initiatives.

Tips for Writing a Good Marketing Essay
Begin with deciding on a relevant topic and thesis. This includes conducting relevant research about the marketing aspects that pertain to your chosen subject. Three important aspects of marketing are: image, the competition, and customer service. It is important to focus on these three marketing aspects when writing a marketing essay. In addition, the following tips will help you with your essay:

  • The Topic – Choose a topic based on a logical framework within your field, such as those researched by past marketing experts like Philip Kotler and Michael Porter.
  • The Framework – The framework of your marketing essay should have a theoretical approach such as with those by marketing experts. It is important to study other companies and products to understand market positioning, using reliable research sources, for a relevant essay. Reliable research sources include those from publications and universities such as JSTOR, EBSCOhost, Harvard, or Cambridge. Next, construct an outline of your essay to use as a blueprint for writing the essay.
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