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The Concept of Islam Religion Essay

Islamic Religion and the State
Islam is depicted as a way of life. However, this eliminates the fact that it is a political phenomenon. Islam is a religion which is a social aspect rather than political. Islam is a peculiar concept of secularism. This means that Islam opposed the idea that it should involve itself with other parts of life. Islam, as a religion, was also seen as a good way of governing society, and this should be incorporated to the modern society. As a result, a political institution had no place in the Muslim society. Every individual of the Muslim society was seen to be guided by the teachings of Islamic laws, rather than the set political structure.

Islam was a religious way of life. It was also seen as a form of governance. Islam scholars argued that Islamic values and the way of life had a similar style of governance like most of western government. They depicted this as an effective way and did not consider political organization of any other nature. Those who were supporting political society were regarded as modernists, but many of the scholars who were traditionalists were against this. They saw this as a violation of Islamic state laws. Islamic state was honored since they believed that, it was drafted by Prophet Muhammad. They believed that Islam was a sacred institution that was not to assimilate any form of foreign intervention. Rules that were outlined by religious values and there was no need for political intervention. Islam, from the early beginnings, did not have separation between politics and other social values. Islam, therefore, did not require any organization to govern the Muslim society. Political institution was eliminated since leaders were seen as ordained by God. In addition, Muslim society did not see any person above the law and hence did not require any political leaders.

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