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Business Writing on Persuasion for Charity

Persuasion for Charity
Philanthropy as social corporate responsibly needs to be uplifted and supported by every person and organization. This is because corporate giving demonstrates that organizations feel and support the welfare of the society and local communities. It is therefore, a way of giving back to the society, in recognition of the many benefits that they in turn avail to organizations. Keep a Child Alive is a program aimed at providing treatment, love, and support to families affected by HIV/AIDS across the globe. It also provides lifesaving antiretroviral treatments, care, and other support services to vulnerable children and people in society. The charity has got offices spread throughout the world where they provide their services to this category of people in society. The charity does not rely on government for funding but rather draws its revenue from, their own programs, direct and indirect public support. They report no membership fees, non-government funding, and revenue from earned income. Therefore, it receives its huge chunk (approximately 95% of its total revenue) from private contribution hence makings it one of charity with an impressive fundraising operations.

According to charitynavigator.com, all information about charity organization can be accessed on the website. The website provides in a simplified manner data about various categories of charity organization in terms of their sources of income, location, the nature of their services, their current financial status, areas of operations among other information concerning them. It is therefore, easy and simple to access and determines the kind of charity to offer donation and support their course. Keep a Child Alive charity in 2009 financial years managed to collect a total income of $4, 088,674, and its expenses amounted to $3,556,335. In the year 2010, 87% of Keep a Child Alive charity revenues came from programs, 7% from fundraising, and 6% from management.

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