Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

English 101 Reflecting Bullying Essay as a Therapeutic Experience

According to the UK Annual Bullying Survey 2017, 53% of 10 000 people aged between 12-20 years old have been bullied at some point in their life. They experienced verbal or physical bullying, cyberbullying, social exclusion or extortion. In fact, this type of conflict is so widespread nowadays that encountering it on daily basis isn’t surprising for anyone. Some American states have even adopted laws against bullying while the UK even doesn’t have a legal definition for it (but conducts surveys and researches on the issue).

English 101 Bullying Essay

Man showing business graph on wood table

Anyway, we bet you understand the seriousness of the issue. But we aren’t here to explain you something that you are well aware of. We want to tell you about therapeutic effects of writing a bullying essay. If you or your friend has ever been bullied, you always can use this approach to deal with the trauma.

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Take Advantage of List Topics to Write About US History

There are many moments that serve as turning points in history. They shape political decisions, create positive or negative national moods and work as catalysts for other changes on regional or international levels. In the US history, there were loads of such moments: Cold War, the assassination of JFK, 9/11, etc.  They are still remembered and discussed because they left a trace that will never fade away.

If you are tasked with a history essay, it’s great to write about the events like that. But the thing is that there are already so many papers that research these questions that you will hardly be able to offer some new perspectives or ideas. But that doesn’t mean that you have nothing to explore. There is also contemporary American history that contains as many turning points as other periods. They are truly important for changing the national mentality and forming new beliefs. That’s why we’ve arranged a 20 sample list topics to write about when you get a history assignment. You will surely be interested in some of them because many of the mentioned below events have happened and are happening in your plain view.

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Up-to-Date List of Essay Topics on Big Data You Can Choose from

We bet that you hear the phrase “big data” practically on every corner. But do you know what it really means? If you do, then good for you. If you don’t, no worries, we will break it down to you. Big data is a segment of IT that deals with gathering, processing and storing large chunks of digital information. They are so large that you can’t just put them inside an Excel document and analyze. You need competent experts in this field and special software to deal with all the data.

It is interesting that during the last two years people created more data than during the whole period of human race existence. In fact, it’s getting so big that in 2016 Amazon created unique trucks with containers: one such trailer can house 1 million gigabytes. These tractor vehicles are designed for companies that have movie vaults, large databases of satellite images, etc. Can you imagine? Special trucks. The topic of big data is very popular nowadays, so it will be no wonder when one day you will receive a task where you will have to write about it. And for such a case, we’ve composed a list of essay topics with 20 sample ideas that will perfectly work for the academic paper.

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Facts and Opinions in Opinion Essay Samples

In an opinion essay, the focus of attention is your own point of view, as opposed to an argumentative non-plagiarized essays, for example, where you basically defend another person’s opinion. A good opinion essay should include your point of view, stated in the introductory paragraph, reasoning for your opinion, and, of course, a conclusion, where you sum up your argument. Remember to back up Opinion Essay Sampleyour reasoning with examples. Preferably, place each opinion in a separate paragraph. You can also add opposing or supporting opinions of experts or your peers, but you have to remember that any opinion should be clearly stated.

The most important part of this essay is to effectively prove your point of view. For that, you have to build a solid argument. Normally we distinguish between two main types of argument, inductive and deductive. Which one to use in your essay largely depends on your thesis statement. In this post, we will learn about the two types of reasoning and if an inductive argument is suitable for an opinion essay.

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The Art of Knowing Where to Buy Papers Written Well: How to Spot a Fishy Scam

Deciding to buy a model paper is an easy decision. The next step is deciding where to buy an academic paper. It would be a shame to waste your money on low quality writing that doesn’t meet your requirements, or the worst, a paper that contains plagiarism.  It is important to be vigilant and steer clear of fishy companies that promise the moon, but may not deliver what they say they will.  So, how can you spot a scam when deciding where to buy your paper? Here are some telltale signs:Where to Buy Papers

Sloppy Design and/or Errors in the Web Page

A company website represents that company to the world and should be free of grammar errors, bad design and other unprofessional elements. If you see any of these when surfing the site intending to purchase a paper, beware. Consider the website quality as an accurate representation of the paper they will deliver and order accordingly. 

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