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Author: Joan Young - Page 92

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 92

How to Write a Good English Essay

As easy as it might for some people to write good English essays, there are others who do not know how to go about writing an essay that will earn them top grades. There are many things that have to be considered when writing a good essay on any subject. Do you want to know how to make a good English essay? Here are some tips that will help you write an A+ kind of essay for your English course.

Before you sit down to write your essay, you have to have been prepared. Proper preparation includes making sure that you have all the materials you need to write a good essay. These materials are not just the usual pen and paper, but well researched information as well. When you are well prepared to write your essay, you will be able to write confidently and this will help you write an excellent English term paper.

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Dissertation on Counter Terrorism in UK

Topic: Counter-terrorism Measures after September 11, 2001: the effect on International Mobility and Migrant Workers in the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom entered the twenty first century with radical changes to its migration legislations largely in response to the surge in terrorism activities against its interest domestically and oversees. The new legislations enacted to guarantee homeland security from the threats and attacks from terrorist elements have unwittingly extended to impact the lives and migrants including those seeking to enter the country and those already residing there. This study will essentially be assessing how the evolution of anti-terrorism legislations in the United Kingdom since the dawn of the new millennium has impacted the state of migration over the last decade and of course the possible ramifications coming out of this.
Key Words: Migration, legislation, terrorism, United Kingdom


The world witnessed a major shakeup in international jurisprudence following the tragic events of the 2001 terrorist attacks on strategic locations in the United States. A shakeup that has left pundits within the legal fraternity sharply divided on the legality or otherwise in pursuing tough measures in combating future terrorist activities; indeed the United Kingdom and its traditional ally have especially borne the heaviest brunt of criticism emanating from critics of the so-called scorn of international laws perpetrated under draconian instincts. Both countries have especially come under fire for their loose definition of what constitutes terrorism inasmuch as such definitions have informed the promulgation of anti-terror laws.
For instance Human Rights Watch is on record to have called into question the looseness of these definitions and the accompanying laws that come out of them within the backdrop of how these anti-terrorism laws are steadily becoming an impediment to the safeguard of international human law.

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Dissertation on Human Resource Management

Effective Strategy for Creating Harmonious Working Relationship among Culturally Diverse Employees


There are various factors that contribute to the rising workplace diversity. These include increasing numbers of immigrants, company mergers and joint ventures in different countries, increased engagement of business consultants and temporary employees, international competition and the phenomenon of globalization, which has transformed the world into a global village. Globalization has occurred because of a combination of factors such as improved infrastructure, advancements in technology. Infrastructure and technology have not only provided cheaper means of communication and travel, but have revolutionized the speed at which individuals and businesses communicate with each other. Domestic companies are also spreading their operations to new territories across the globe in search of new markets or outsourcing some aspects of their production process.

Management of employee cultural diversity, through the integration of suitable strategies plays a key role in improving the competitive advantage of the business, especially on the global platform. Globalization calls for specific approaches that promote harmonious working relationships within increasingly culturally diverse workplaces. Hansen (2002) observes that workplace diversity is critical to the existence of businesses and identifying key strategies to ensure harmonious working relationships among culturally diverse employees is integral to the survival of any business. Diversity in this case means the differences between individuals based on their culture, which influences their perceptions, values and beliefs. There is increased pressure on human resource departments to integrate culturally diverse employees, while at the same time maintaining high levels of motivation among the divergent groups.

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Is It Safe to Use Free Papers?

The answer to this question is fully in the aim with which the free papers are to be used. It is an obvious fact that submitting a free paper to your school involves great risk to be expelled for plagiarism. Free papers can be downloaded by numbers of students and you have no guarantee that if you use it your call mate will not use the same paper as well. Of course free papers can be of use if you download them jut for examples.

Completion of some of the written assignments requires knowledge of the structure and writing skills. If you go online to take a look at free papers to be used as samples it can help you understand the layout of the paper, some basic features, writing style to be used, etc. It is not a secret that for an average student leisure is a lot more pleasant way to spend time and money then then doing a written assignment therefore using a free paper from the Internet which is instant and doesn’t cost anything seems very attractive.

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Essay on Managing through Continuous Improvement

This is a free sample essay on Managing through Continuous Improvement:
The corporate world in the new economic environment is experiencing a paradigm shift in management thought, where human resources have become the key asset of an organization and strategic human resource management is recognized as an important element to achieve competitive advantage.

The emerging scenario is highly complex, necessitating speed, flexibility, precision, quality and willingness and the ability to change for survival and success. This involves the formulation of a strategy to reorient organizational cultures to bring about openness, transparency, and mutual trust and healthy competition among employees.

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