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Author: Joan Young - Page 91

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 91

College Term Paper Topics

The modern system of education is getting broader every day expanding the stores of study information gathered as important knowledge and at the same time closing up as a mouse trap for the student, that desiring to learn, get tight deadlines and great load of homework. Among all of those study troubles homework is the most problematic assignment.

First of all, unlike the work which you are to do at class, at home you are cut off the group study process and have to do it on your own. Moreover, there is no professor around to give you a helping hand. Homework is mostly assigned in form of written works which makes it even harder. Not only you have to know the material from the class but you are also supposed to put it on the college term paper with a fluent language to make your assignment readable.

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College Essay Topics

College essay tends to be the hardest written assignment for students in the whole education field. The reasons for this are numerous and are tied to the diversity of college essay variants.

The essence of the problem is mostly concerned with choosing the topic for the college paper. It is a well known fact that the topic of the college essay is a key factor for its success. Psychologists have long ago proven that when reading the relatively short piece of writing the most memorable for people are the beginning or the title and the final sentences. For this matter if a person takes a short look at your college essay the topic will be a decisive element to attract the person’s attention or on the contrary make them loose interest to the writing. That is why topic selection requires as much preparation and effort as the actual essay writing. Some of the academicians are convinced that a good topic is already 50% of the paper.

Considering this college essay topic should be carefully composed with a thoughtful approach. Once you have a topic statement the volumes of relevant information and related ideas will come at your possession to complete the content.

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Essay on Christian Propaganda

This is a free example essay on Christian Propaganda:
Throughout history, the Christian community has used various ploys in order to gain members. In the Ninth Century AD, monks, in England, recorded the folklore of their “heathen” neighbors in their own language. In the 11th through 18th centuries, in various areas, Catholics used raw torture and death to force conversion. And even today television stations such as PAX “family programming” is little more than tele-evangelists and trumped up “miracles.”

Two prime examples of the texts written and some what enriched by the monks of England are, of course Beowulf and Judith. While it remains unclear as to exactly who wrote the original manuscripts, it is believed that it was a monk or priest, and it has been widely accepted that these stories were handed down, generation to generation, by oral tradition. The epic poem Beowulf directly precedes Judith in the same manuscript, leading us to believe they were recorded by the same persons, with the same motives. In Beowulf we read of a hero that destroys the enemy of his brethren, Grendel (and Grendel’s mother), believed by some to be the descendant of the biblical Cain, thus ending his lineage; a lineage that has been that of pure evil from the time of Cain’s brother Abel’s murder. Beowulf then leads his people into battle with the dragon, killing both the dragon and himself, much like St. George. In Judith we read of a heroine (interestingly an Israelite) oppressed by a tyrant, Holofernes. Eventually Judith can take no more, and rises up and smites her oppressor, with, ironically, his own sword. Much as the Hebrews did in Exodus.

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Workplace and Drug Abuse Essay

This is a free example college essay on Workplace and Drug Abuse:
Drug abuse has been an ongoing problem that has plagued America. The ramped use of illegal drugs impacts our society in many ways. Drug abuse attributes to increases in violent crime, poverty, domestic violence, HIV, school drop out rate, homelessness, teen pregnancy, and increasing health costs due to health related problems.

Since the beginning of the 19th century America has had a problem with drug abuse. During this time, morphine, cocaine, and heroin, were commonly used like aspirin is today. By the time the twentieth century cam along our nation was dealing with its first problem of increasing drug use. The use of opium became ramped in the United States as well. Eventually the government began to recognize the problem and put laws in place to regulate drug use (Carroll, 2002). By the time of World War II was in existence, drug abuse had basically come to a halt, and was not an issue as it was previously.

That all changed with the onset of the 1960’s. Marijuana and psychedelics were popular in the 1960’s and was more widely accepted. Because of this newly, wide spread use, the government began to create federal agencies to aggressively enforce the federal laws that were in existence. These laws were put in place to regulate illegal drug use. Soon after the 1970’s were here and so was cocaine. During the 1970’s cocaine use was considered the drug of choice, it also brought along with it a new surge of violent crimes and increased addiction.

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Refutation of the Myth Theory Essay

This is a free sample essay on Refutation of the Myth Theory:
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most debated historical event the world will ever see. For those who believe in the resurrection, their hope and happiness is encapsulated within the testimonies of the Bible. For those who reject it, their hope and happiness exists by disproving the evidence of the believers. The fact is simple – disproving the resurrection means disproving Christianity.

It is therefore no wonder why the believers are playing defense as rash and blazon minds try to shut down the key to Christianity. The four main theories set down to disprove the resurrection are the swoon theory, hallucination theory, myth theory, and the conspiracy theory. Using the analogy of an archer and his bows, it is up to bold and resolute Christians to counter the piercing claims the non-believers fire attempting to hit the bulls-eye – the core of Christianity.

The most intriguing of the non-believers theories is the myth theory. It accounts as a post-modernist correlation of the hallucination and conspiracy theory, and is the accepted ‘standard line of liberal theology.’

I decided to choose the refutation of the myth theory for the content and evidence argued is the most factual and objective of all the theories. Also, it is the most interesting and explores a wider base than the other theories.

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