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Author: Joan Young - Page 89

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 89

Business System Assessment Essay

This is a free sample college essay on Business System Assessment:
The information methods that can be used in analyzing requirements are the documentation, interview, observation, questionnaire, and the measuring methods. Each method can be an effective way to gather requirements but some can be better then others depending on what kind of business your company does. The documentation method can be an effective method of analyzing requirements if the company already has good documentation. The interview method is a good method to use for companies that are smaller and everyone is in one office. I feel that a face-to-face interview is more personable and more effective then doing an interview over the phone.

The observation method is a good method because it allows you to see how the current processes are done. If the questionnaires ask the right questions and are effective in tracking certain aspects of the business, then this is an effective method. I have never used the measuring method but the book says that it can be a good method for gathering statistical information from the existing system.

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Essay on Transsexualism

This is a free sample essay for sale on Transsexualism:
In 1952, few Americans were familiar with the concept of transsexualism. It was difficult to understand or acknowledge that “gender” was not synonymous with “sex;” that is, most people believed that the anatomy with which a child was born would indisputably influence his or her behavior, disposition, career choices, tastes and sexual preferences in one of two ways: male, or female. It was in that year that Christine Jorgensen was born.

Christine Jorgensen was in fact a pseudonym for a 26 year old ex-GI from the Bronx named George. Since childhood Jorgensen had been haunted by his place in the sexual binary system, pulled like a magnet to a female identity despite his male genitals. He had finally decided to seek sex-reassignment surgery, an operation that was not available in America but was crudely performed by some doctors in Denmark (Brown et. al). Eventually details of Jorgensen’s surgery were leaked to reporters and the Daily News screamed “EX-GI BECOMES BLONDE BOMBSHELL” one quiet morning in December, propelling America into a frenzy of shock, outrage, and curiosity. Some people even saw the fact and publicity of such an event as an important landmark in the destruction of all moral and societal “good.” What most Americans and other Western citizens didn’t know was that a rich history of transsexualism, transgenderism and/or gender variation had been alive and celebrated in many Non-Western societies for innumerable years. The Two-Spirited people of the various American Indian tribes and pre-contact south- and central-Americans are arguably the most interesting example of unique transgenderal customs, beliefs, and societal significance.

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Research Paper on Homelessness

This is a free example research paper on Homelessness:
Homelessness is a very huge problem that America has come to face. Millions of people, including children, families, babies, veterans, and the elderly live day after day without food, water or a roof over their heads. People that are mentally ill also have it tough on the streets, which can be extremely confusing to them, and dangerous to the rest of society. This problem must be solved soon, and therefore should be addressed as a major crisis that is affecting our society.

The number of homeless families with children has increased significantly over the past decade or so. They are among the fastest growing segments of the homeless population. Together they are approximately 40% of all people who are homeless. Sadly, rural areas contain the largest group of homeless families, single mothers, and children. Emotions hit home when children and babies can be pictured living in an alley with only dreams of warmth, while normal middle class citizens stroll by wearing coats and mittens without even appreciating them.

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Essay on Basketball

This is a free sample essay on Basketball:
The Women’s American Basketball Association is the premier showcase and developmental league for women. The W.A.B.A. organizes professional women’s basketball teams throughout the United States. The W.A.B.A. provides quality family entertainment through the sport of Women’s Professional Basketball. The W.A.B.A. provides exciting action, competitive performance, comfortable surroundings and affordable ticket prices. Through the promotion and organization of talented owners, directors, league officials, franchisees, teams, coaches, trainers, staff and players, the W.A.B.A. will help to develop the communities in which we play by providing role models for our fans and exposure for the talented women athletes.

Playing a 20 game regular season schedule with a full playoff format, women’s professional basketball players get to showcase their talent. There are many extremely talented women who have played at all levels of semi-pro or college basketball. With escalating popularity in women’s professional basketball, both in the United States and internationally, the W.A.B.A. exists to assist talented women players achieve the positions of their dreams.

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Essay on Overpopulated Cities

This is an example essay on Overpopulated Cities:
Many countries throughout the world have the problem of overpopulated cities but none more than those countries that are still developing themselves. This problematic nature of increasing overpopulation in the cities of developing countries is the biggest global problem needing to be addressed in the 21st century, and will continually need to be addressed in to the future, as overpopulation is increasing at an alarming rate. One country suffering such problems is Bangladesh and its hugely overpopulated capital city of Dhaka. Many different factors affect this city from education, water quality, health care, the cycle of poverty and many more, while this is a struggling developing country it can be compared to a very developed country such as Japan which is developed and extremely stable in comparison.

Throughout Dhaka the lack of educational services is extremely apparent and the need for new schools, university and other tertiary institutions is more than obvious. This educational problem has become so large that Dhaka is and could quite easily get trapped in the “cycle of poverty” meaning that their lack of educational facilities means that they cannot produce enough qualified people to do all the jobs a developing country requires. With only about 20 per cent of people able to read and write, and there is only two universities in the whole of Bangladesh, and even when they can get into schools “about 40 percent of those enrolling in primary school drop out before completing primary education” (General Information, 2001 [Online]). For a developing country such as Bangladesh they need more schools and universities so as they can study technology, find suitable places for mines or other resource stocks. This cycle is nearly impossible to break since if they have very few teachers and schools then it will take a long time to get more teachers even if they were able to put in more teaching facilities. This cruel cycle is heavily fueled by the fact that they are an overpopulated and developing country, for instance if this was Japan, a country with the same population (around 126,000,000) schools and universities could be supplied by the government or privately owned financiers.

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