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Author: Joan Young - Page 87

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 87

Case Study Essay on Nursing Informatics

Nursing Informatics in today’s Healthcare Delivery System:
This paper highlights the essentiality of informatics processes and technology in informatics in enhancing the safety of patients and summarizes nursing research that is relevant to the matter. The paper makes use of numerous material most of which is current to highlight the importance of informatics in improving health care. The author arranges the information logically, first by defining and describing the key aspects of the article, as well as, key terms. The information is seen as largely accurate and valid as it is cited correctly fro current materials and arranged in a manner that supports the topic and purpose of the article.

The conclusions of the paper are based on most of the information cited in the main body of the paper. The recommendations are deducted from the analysis of the information presented and, therefore, are believable to a certain level. One of the things that reduce the level of accuracy of the conclusions of the author is that he introduces new materials at the conclusion level and that makes the conclusion less valid. Though the author might have included this new citation to support the conclusions he draws, it would have been more accurate if the conclusions and recommendations were entirely drawn from the body of the paper.

The purpose of this article was to utilize an approach that was qualitative in exploring perceptions in nursing of the effects of health information system utilization in the work place. To achieve its purpose, the research utilized three institutions in National healthcare Group. It also involved seven nurses and interviews. The researchers provided a brief overview of the major aspects of the study which was supported by a number of current studies and literature. The literature is current and well cited and the information is arranged in a manner that is logical. It is highly probable that the information is accurate and valid as it is cited from current material.

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Prelab Work in Organic Chemistry essay

Experimet Title: Simple Distillation and Characterization of Compounds
Separation of ethyl acetate from microscale acetanllide by simple distillation at the semi- level, and characterization by spectroscopy of the two compounds using IR, and NMR by the determination of their physical properties.

Experiment Purpose

This experiment is purposely carrieed out in order to faclitate the separation of ethyll acetate from acetanilide through the process of simple distillation. This experiment will also seek to identify the IR spectroscopy, melting point, and density of the separated compounds.

Distillation: This a method of obtaining more purified liquids or identification of compounds where the initial liquid is first heated up to its boiling point. As the liquid boils, it vaporizes after which it is captured, condensed and collected later. Distillation is applied to the identification as well as purification of compounds. By applying the boiling point of a compound, which is an important physical property, it can be identified from a mixture of several compounds because it can evaporate at that temperature leaving the other compounds. When it comes to distillation as a purification process, the components of a mixture are separated by collecting the condensed compound at different temperatures. This experiment is a demonstration of how to purify a volatile liquid that contains impurities of non-volatile liquid will be done. The volatile component of the initial mixture will be ethyl acetate, which will be captured and condensed as pure ethyl acetate (Carey 72).

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Essay on Human Resources

Sample Essay on Human Resources:
My basic plan if hired
App sense being a leader in user virtualization for enterprise organizations has in the past won this title through what I believe is sheer hard work from all the concerned quarters of the company. I take note of the fact that App sense has managed to win awards due to the fact I have just outlined. In light of this view, my basic plan is focused in maintaining the success of App Sense and at the same time take it to higher levels. Secondly, I strongly believe that for any company to flourish and prosper in its returns and profits, the organizational culture should be cohesive. Therefore I will strive to get acquainted to my workmates so as to enable a harmonious working environment that is aimed at achieving high performance. (Stutley)

Thirdly, it is a known fact that customer satisfaction, cohesiveness among workmates and good relations between the management and employees are some of the factors that are the backbone of a human resource manager. Once again, I take note that App Sense has already established itself in these fields. I say established because the company has realized customers all over the world. Customers like: JP Morgan Chase, Lowes, United Airlines, Wachovia, ESPN and Richard Ellis. My basic plan here is to try and ensure that these worldwide customers are fully satisfied in terms of customer services. While keeping this in mind, I will also develop techniques of increasing the company’s global network. In increasing the global network, as a human resource manager, I will ensure good relations are fostered between the company and the customers so as to secure a long lasting relationship.

Outline form of a 30-60-90 plan

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Article Review on Online Identity

In “You Wanna Take This Online“, Chu has addressed the prevalent issue of cyber bullying. Chu commences the article by introducing the reader to a case study about a certain girl, Taylor and what she loves most as illustrated on her blog page. Chu progresses to illustrate how Taylor was informed by Sidney, her friend, about a list of Hos in which she has been listed. Chu has used a case study approach to introduce the reader to the topic at hand, creating a form of suspense to the reader who anticipates what the author is attempting to imply while reading through the article. Chu has selected the use of technology to pick on other people as the thesis for his article

Chu implies that cyber bullying is inversely relative to physical bullying in terms of gender illustrating the fact that girls bully other girls online whereas in the physical bullying boys are the victims. To reinforce on this point, Chu has provided survey results illustrating that 17% of the girls have been cyber bullied whereas less than 10% of the boys have been cyber bullied. Throughout the article, Chu has cited a survey by Clemson University who have investigated the topic thoroughly.

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Literary Critique Essay

Literary critique is necessary when an author is handing a manuscript for publication. The critique is used to design marketing strategy and determine the target readership for the piece of work. In literature, critique of a book is necessary to determine the historical background of the work. This analysis, gives an insight into what influences a writer to create a piece. Through criticism, the message of writer is passed to readers. Book critique presents a summarized version of the writers work and aim of writing. Book criticism, follows a certain critiquing instrument in order to achieve a masterpiece criticism. This paper aims to use the literary critique instrument to analyze an excerpt of The Prince by Machiavelli. The paper will use the instrument to give a clear analysis of Machiavelli piece of work.

The story is written during the Italian Renaissance period. Machiavelli was born in 1469, attended school to University level. He is reputed as an acute analyzer of institutions and personalities. He served in government in various diplomatic posts and other political assignments. The story is written right after the government he serves is overthrown. Machiavelli is forced into internal exile and later thrown in prison. The republican government overthrow made Machiavelli a victim of change. While in prison, he endures torture and after being released he retires to his farm. At this juncture, Machiavelli turns to literary pursuits; The Prince, is his first piece of literature. The political upheavals of the time influenced his literary work a lot. In The Prince, he seems to pass a political message to the rulers of the time.

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