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Author: Joan Young - Page 86

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 86

Book Review: Harvest of Empire

Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez book review essay:
From time immemorial, humans always had the ‘urge’ to move into new geographical territories with various motivations. Starting from earlier motivations of discovering new lands, imperialism to current economic motivations, people enter new countries en masse. This movement for economic development is known as immigration in present day context, and there are few economically developed countries, which elicit high number of immigrants. This immigration experience is one of the constant affairs of American life, as people from all over the world, view America as the land of immense opportunities, and enter it both legally and illegally. This view about America was critically analyzed by Juan Gonzales in his book titled, Harvest of Empire, focusing mainly on the immigration of the Latino population and how it impacts America’s foreign policies as well. Gonzales provides the readers a historical overview of how the Latino immigration started centuries ago, and at the same time provides a laser-like analysis of the current events, that are impacting the Latino population and thereby America’s politics and diplomacy. So, this paper will first provide a review of the book and then will analyze how its contents, particularly the portions which focus on the current issues impacting the Latino population, relate to today’s politics and diplomacy.

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Dissertation on Definition of Justice

Nandrea, Lorri “Having No Hand in the Matter,” in Ackley, Katherine Ann. Essays in contemporary culture, Mason OH: Cengage Learning, 2004. Print

Justice emerged through evolution and advancement of the human civilization to solve the social standoff characterized by the archaic tooth for a tooth tradition of dispute settlement and gender discrimination only served the powerful. Greek philosophy and civilization expound clearly through mythical indulgence, the areas where the society was most affected by injustice and the most affected members of the society. Dispute settlement was replaced by the better version of resolution through a thorough interrogation of the circumstances surrounding each case. This huge departure from the former version eliminated vengeance in reasonable and civilized dispute clearance, ushering the era of justice. Responsibility of wrongdoing could not unnecessarily be apportioned under the new approach. Confusion and resistance of the new approach had a number of ways to be solved, including negotiating with hardliners of the conservative school of thought of the eye for an eye version of dispute settlement. Agamemnon’s family surrounds the themes describing both the earlier and newer version of the civilization under justice development as featured in the works of many scholars specialized in gender studies. This discourse highlights Nandrea’s main points of justice through the evolution of the modern system as highlighted by Aeschylus touching on ancient Greek civilization in his trilogy of related plays.

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The Odyssey Essay

The Odyssey is characteristically classified as an epic though not all readers may find this book an epic. This book is certainly an epic since it is a heroic tale that is filled with many obstacles which the hero concurs. Also the tone that is used in the book is one of admiration which goes to increase the worthiness of the hero. This book is also full of supernatural powers that influence what is happening in the book. In this essay each of these three characteristics will be proved thus proofing that the odyssey is indeed an epic.

Book one of the Homers Odyssey foretells what is going to happen in the next twenty three books of the Homer’s Odyssey after the incantation of the Muse, the book then vividly shows the events leading to Athena’s appearance before the council of gods to seek their assistance in bringing Odysseus safe and sound back to his kingdom of Ithaca. After Troy is destroyed, the Greeks try to go back home but are unable after they were cursed by the gods. The ones who make it are met by death upon their return. However, Odysseus is left alone on the island of Ogygia and is held captive for eight years by the beautiful goddess Kalypso. Odysseus tries to go back home but his journey is blocked by Poseidon the sea god as Odysseus had blinded his son the Kyklops Polyphemos. However, all the other gods apart from Poseidon are in support of Odysseus return home.

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Indus Civilization Writing System research paper

Indus Civilization Writing System research paper:
Early civilization was first witnessed in parts of Asia and Middle East. Egyptians and Sumerians were some of the oldest people to develop in the world. In East and South Asia similar developments were being implemented along river bends and valleys. Some of these oldest developments were being carried out in the Yellow River valley, China. Here, the rich silt from Northern China provided the ideal grounds for civilization. The first Asian civilization was witnessed in the Indus River Valley. This civilization was witnessed in the 3rd millennium B.C (Kenoyer 7). This was more than a millennium prior to the Yellow River development. This civilization is also known as Harappan culture and can be categorized in the Bronze Age development together with Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Ravi or Harappan stage was the first to be witnessed in the Indus development. The phase got its name tribute to a river in the vicinity called Ravi River. This Ravi stage lasted for approximately one thousand years. On River Hakra another phase came after Ravi. The phase was known as the Hakra stage. The last phase was known as the Kot Diji phase. In Ravi and Kot Diji stage, settlements some discoveries were made of early writing. These writings were dated back to 3300-2800BC together with the Egypt and Mesopotamian writings.

These civilizations covered the whole of present day Pakistan and significant parts of both India and modern Afghanistan. Indus got its name from the Indus River which provided the Indus with water to irrigate and for their domestic use. The silt in the valley provided the fertile soils for agriculture (Kenoyer 26). The strategic position of the Indus valley helped in maintaining security. The Deccan plateau and the Himalayas protected the Indus from attacks from other people. The estimated area was about 1,250,000 km squared. Some of these examples of this extended development were parts of north Afghanistan in Shortughai and Hindon near Delhi in India. The population regarding all these areas was estimated to have reached the heights of about 4.5 million people. Most of this civilization is not fully known to people since it was forgotten till in the early 20th century. Writings of these developments still aren’t well scrutinized by humans and remains unidentified. Like its rival civilization, Indus disappeared in a mystery. It is accounted to the disastrous events during the time and the early invasions from their rivals. Most facts remain unknown to people about this civilization; like the language spoken by the people during this development is a mystery, no one can tell exactly the names of these people (Mughal 88). This is in contrast with Early Egypt and Mesopotamia civilizations.

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Research Paper on Classic English Literature

Sample Research Paper on The Great Gatsby:
The story begins with Nick Carraway getting a house in Long island in a place called West egg. He was a scholar and had been educated at the Yale University. During the First World War, Nick got a job in France and, this is when he travelled the world. Nick was not satisfied with the life that he lived. Therefore, he decided to move to the small town and start again. During a visit to her cousin Daisy, Nick learns about the name of his neighbor, well known for throwing parties all the time. The neighbor, Jay Gatsby is a rich man who lives in a big mansion. Nick learns that Jay was an old-time love of her cousin Daisy.

The two met five years ago and became extremely intimate friends. When Jay proposed to Daisy, she refused to marry him because he was not rich and, he had to go and work far away for a long period (Bloom, 72). Daisy instead married a young man from a sophisticated family who had so much money. Jay was hurt by daisy because she refused to marry him because he was poor. He worked tirelessly and eventually became a rich man. He then bought a house near the marital home of Daisy in a bid to rekindle the love they once had.

Nick brings the two together when he invites both of them to his house. Daisy likes the new Jay and the love they once shared comes back to life. Daisy does not feel guilty that she is has extra marital affairs. This is because she knew the extra marital affair that her husband had with the wife of a petrol station owner. Daisy and Jay spend a lot of time together and this raises the suspicion of her husband. Jay did not seem to care whether she was married. To him, Daisy as his wife and all the years that he was away, Daisy had an affair with Tom. He believes that she is his wife so much that he told her he had forgiven her for having an affair.

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