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Author: Joan Young - Page 84

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 84

Essay on Women and Men in the US

Example essay: Major issues facing women and men in the U.S. today
There are very many issues that are facing both men and women in the U.s today. The effects are far reaching although others do not have very significant outcomes. Gender disparity is mong the major issues that are known to affect people in the U.S. The population in the United States has been established to be having many women than men. However, this is not depicted in the public area. The Supreme Court for instance has a higher male population than women. The country? presidents from Regan to Obama have tried to eliminate this disparity by making special appointments of females judges into the Supreme Court.

Another issue that is facing men and women in the U.S is the one that pertains to abortion. Facts, information and statistics about abortion and pregnancy in the U.S place a lot of evidence on teens being the most affected. There have been increased cases of sexual assault, rape, prostitution and domestic violence. In one way or another, either a man or a woman is being victimized. In many occasions, it is women who fall victim due to the notion by the society that they are a weaker sex. There are facts, statistics and stories that surround abuse and survival together with the appropriate ways that can be adopted to reduce these forms of abuse. In all creations, all people seek for love and intimacy. Yet, it is becoming evident that neither of them is a certain thing. People are different; some seek for soothe and stability while others have the desire for excitement and experimentation. As humans, we may know one another, but it is also a fact that it takes two to tangle. Currently, the issues that pertain to women? reproductive rights and the diverse forms of contraception are widely and legally accessible to all women in the U.S.

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Critical Thinking Essay Sample

What it means to be human in ancient Israel:
Israelites are a group of people in the Middle East who believe that they are all descendants of Jacob. The Israelites are perhaps the only people with a well recorded history dating back to 6000BC; their history is well written in religious books such as the Quran and the bible. In the olden days being an Israelite was a hard thing as you had to live according to the standards set by the leaders and the God that was never seen, most people suffered as there was no democracy. The Israelites were ruled by kings who had super special powers and no one was authorized to question their judgment. To them, the kings were a level lower than God and therefore deserved to be respected.

The people of Israel were monotheists, meaning they worshiped only one God but sometimes they ended up worshiping the gods and goddesses of the surrounding people. According to their religious beliefs, it was clearly stated that one should worship only God despite that some went against the rule. However, there were serious consequences attributed to that. For instance, anyone found worshiping another god was stoned to death outside the city and in the case where the whole group was found to worship other gods it resulted in mass punishments that would sometimes lead to death. The Israelite community constituted of twelve tribes. Among these tribes was the Leviticus where the entire priests were chosen from.

The Levites only become priest and they were not required to do any duties other than their temple work. Furthermore, they had no land and therefore depended on the other tribes for food who had to give out one tenth of their produce to the Levites. This can be seen as some form of exploitation of the people of Israel as others had to work and use their hard work to feed the people who had been chosen by god. Despite this, they highly believed that it was the right thing to do before God.

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Argumentative Essay on Management

Example Argumentative Essay on Management:
In the attempt to better the organizational performance, managers have opted to diversify their scope of managerial systems. Some of the main information systems currently used include the natural system, the open system and the rational systems. The rational system concentrates on the consequences and conditions of the organization’s production and general utilization of information. This managerial approach helps develop a detailed comprehension understanding of the manner in which information regarding accounting reflects and shapes organizational reality through the different methods of its application.

The rational system is particularly different from the natural system because it attempts to include the introduction of a given information system both the events before and after capturing the dynamism of the characteristics. Researches done on information systems as used in organizations conclude that rational systems are static. They make an assumption that the all patterns of information applications are a response to the technical or environmental forces operating at that time. A dynamic approach incorporates the evolution of information systems as time goes by. Unlike the open system, the rational systems incorporate both past and present forces which could influence the implementation of a system.

The natural approach of managing organization basically takes on board several theories in management. Unlike the other two, this type of approach towards management ensures that the employee values are the key drive in decision making. This concept of management is unique in a number of ways. One of them being that it does not equity human being to machines hence the need for the manager to develop policies that are more accommodative. It also establishes an optimum in the scope of control hence increasing employee motivation. Pay is not the only motivator of the employee hence the diversification of the remuneration package.

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Business Writing on Persuasion for Charity

Persuasion for Charity
Philanthropy as social corporate responsibly needs to be uplifted and supported by every person and organization. This is because corporate giving demonstrates that organizations feel and support the welfare of the society and local communities. It is therefore, a way of giving back to the society, in recognition of the many benefits that they in turn avail to organizations. Keep a Child Alive is a program aimed at providing treatment, love, and support to families affected by HIV/AIDS across the globe. It also provides lifesaving antiretroviral treatments, care, and other support services to vulnerable children and people in society. The charity has got offices spread throughout the world where they provide their services to this category of people in society. The charity does not rely on government for funding but rather draws its revenue from, their own programs, direct and indirect public support. They report no membership fees, non-government funding, and revenue from earned income. Therefore, it receives its huge chunk (approximately 95% of its total revenue) from private contribution hence makings it one of charity with an impressive fundraising operations.

According to, all information about charity organization can be accessed on the website. The website provides in a simplified manner data about various categories of charity organization in terms of their sources of income, location, the nature of their services, their current financial status, areas of operations among other information concerning them. It is therefore, easy and simple to access and determines the kind of charity to offer donation and support their course. Keep a Child Alive charity in 2009 financial years managed to collect a total income of $4, 088,674, and its expenses amounted to $3,556,335. In the year 2010, 87% of Keep a Child Alive charity revenues came from programs, 7% from fundraising, and 6% from management.

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Essay on Italians in America

Example Essay on Italians in America:
The Italians immigrated into the USA for various reasons, since the 18th century. As a matter of fact, since 1946, approximately 300,000 Italians settled in the United States of America During the early periods, as they began to move into the country, they were faced with massive discrimination. They were discriminated on the ground of their nationality. They were seen as intruders and foreigners in the country For instance, Irish Catholics were barred from exercising their religious rights. They were also barred from receiving quality education, becoming professions, holding public offices; involve themselves in trade or commercial. They were also derived off the rights of purchasing a land, voting and leasing land. Due to all these, the Italians living in America at that time had to look for some survival strategy. They used the ethnic strategy to become acceptable American. In this paper, we are going to discuss about these ethnic strategies, which were used by these people (Morrison,, p. 20-39)

To begin with, they took a step of trying to involve in active trade. They took over some type of trade and started controlling them. They turn out to be very vigorous in trade unions. As a matter of facts, they selected some leaders who played an important role in the American trade. These include people like Giovanniti and Tresca. Some of the trades they were very active in were as we are going to discuss below.

They involved themselves in active innovation. For instance, the Jacuzzi family invented the hot tub Jacuzzi in 1907. This became very rampant in the American market. This Italian family also made propellers. These were for supplying to the American military during the war. They were also very active and developed some jet water pump. All these products from the Italian family played an important role in the American market(Cannistraro,, p.60).

Another place where the Italians played ventured into the market was in the coffee field. An Italian by the name Vince developed a filter for extraction of oil from the coffee beans. These filters entered the American market very rampantly. It is estimated that at least 10 million of them are still being sold annually.

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