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Author: Joan Young - Page 83

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 83

Essay on Siemens CSR

Sample essay on Siemens CSR:
Siemens is an international company that deals with electronics. Over the years, the company has stood for technical achievements, quality, reliability and innovation. Siemens is the leading provider of technologies that are eco-friendly. In terms of energy efficiency, healthcare that is personalized and industrial productivity, Siemens is the pioneer.

What Siemens can leverage
Siemens can employ several strategies in order to leverage. The strategies will lead to long term growth of the company. One of such strategies is sustainability which means that the company will act responsibly in order to cater for future generations. The main aim of sustainability is to achieve social, economic and environmental progress (Voien 205)

To achieve efficiency, Siemens is providing products that are innovative in the area of environment. The company is also aimed at providing solutions that will improve the Eco balance of its customers and that of itself. When it comesto business, the company mainly focuses on the creation of long term values. The company also fosters its employees so that they can be good citizens in the areas where the company operates.

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Legalization of Drugs Research Paper

Research Paper on Legalization of Drugs has more benefits than harm:
A drug is any substance that alters the normal biological functions of the body. Production of Illegal drugs is normally prohibited and their use is strictly controlled because they can lead to addiction or habituation. Drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana can be extremely dangerous if wrongly used and beneficial if put into correct use. The issue of drug use and misuse has posed a serious real problem. Prohibition of drug use has been at the center of discussion in various countries across the globe. Since this drugs are now on the hands of the nastiest criminals all over the world, control and regulations are necessary. The only remedy to this menace is full legalization accompanied by appropriate controls. I fully support the motion that drugs should be legalized since prohibition will deny the authorities the chance to educate the children on proper use of the drugs (Gargaro).

The ongoing debate on legalization of drugs is asking the government whether it will help in solving drug problems appropriately. If I were asked a similar question, I would say yes. This is because the current prohibitions on drugs are just mopping up the problem and not providing real solutions. Legalization and taxations are the only ways through which real solutions can be achieved. Just think of this situation; at least every year in Britain, criminals control billions of pounds in the drug industry instead of the government and traders through the black market. This kind of business has encouraged global terrorism, illegal munitions trade, control on prostitution, and sexual slavery. Almost half of all the criminal offenses committed in the country are drug related. Couldn’t reducing these crimes free our legal services and prisons at least for a moment? Unnecessary prohibitions on drug use has led our children into committing drug related crimes, and this has denied them the much needed advice on drugs, besides undermining our respect for the law. The government should therefore take the obvious step, put all the drugs state control, and impose legislation and taxes on their sale. This will relieve our country the burden of staggering under unnecessary prohibitions (Gray).

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Research Paper on Maritime Technology

Research Paper on Maritime Technology and Environmental Regulations
1-0: Introduction
Two vessels collided on august 1990 near Gibraltar in Spain resulting in a sea disaster and oil spill. Sea Spirit along with the Norwegian gas tanker collided head on causing a spill of about 8000Tons of oil. Oil contamination in the marine spread far, even reaching the Moroccan coast in form of cakes, tar balls, and oil packs. Similar to this disaster is the major oil spill that occurred on July in 1979 near Trinidad and Tobago caused by the Atlantic Empress. The spill allegedly resulted in the largest oil spill of 287,000Metric tons of oil ever to be recorded. The disaster was never totally remedied since during pull away from the scene, the tanker continued to spill an additional substantial amount of oil. Conversely, the Aegean Captain also leaked large amount of oil. Some moments later on, Atlantic Empress sank deeply with its cargo remaining solidified. However, the spill from the two ships never reached the shores of the ocean.

2-0: Similarities
2-1: Similarities in environmental effects
In terms of ecological contamination, Both Sea Spirit and Atlantic Empress caused major impacts on sea animal and plant life. Sea birds became highly affected dipping the insulating capacity among such animals. Birds became highly vulnerable to temperature changes and less buoyant in water. The two oil spills contributed to huge impairments and disabilities related to flight in aquatic birds (Horn and Neal 2006, para 3). In fact, species found it hard to escape from predators. Research shows that the spillage especially from the Atlantic Empress led to the ingestion of oil by birds and covering on their feathers. This caused kidney damage, digestive system problems, as well as liver functionality among the victimized animals.

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Essay on Sports Management

Example essay on Sports Management:
Gymnastics is a sporting event that does involve various performances that require a lot of physical strength, agility, coordination, balance and flexibility. There are various forms of gymnastics and these include the following; artistic gymnastics which is the best known form of gymnastics and is practiced by both men and women.

It is divided into both the men’s categories that involve activities such as floor exercise, sill rings, vault, parallel bars, high bar, pommel horse and the vault and the women’s categories involve competition in vault, balance beam and uneven bars although women have been known to adequately compete in all the men’s categories in countries such as Russia early in the 1950’s. Another type of gymnastic is the rhythmic gymnastic which is mainly for women and does involve a combination of various elements such as ballet, dance, gymnastics and even apparatus manipulation.

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Research Proposal on Inhalants and Children

This paper contains a proposal on the research about the inhalants usage and its problem and how it affects children. The research question to be answered is why are children the most vulnerable group because they are the most affected by the usage of the inhalants? In many societies inhalants have been affecting the young children and not the old people in the society. There are many reasons as to why the children engage in the usage of the inhalants. These reasons can be defined through many ways. Inhalants are commonly used by the teens that later graduate and begin using other forms of hard drugs in the society. The reason is because they are readily available in the societies.

The research paper should be based on the analysis of different societies and why they engage in the usage of the inhalants. There are different numbers of products which are used at home and in the social settings which are commonly known as the inhalants. These products affect thinking capacities of the children and their social lives in the real sense. Most of the inhalants which are used today entail of products which are used on daily basis such as the paints, glue, fluid used for cooking, butane, gasoline, shoe polish and aerosols. These are the products which are readily found in the homes and which affect the social lives of the children. As a matter of fact, the children abuse the inhalants without the knowledge that these drugs have an effect in their lives.

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