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Author: Joan Young - Page 82

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 82

“Inherit the Wind” Essay

Movie Summary on the Movie “Inherit the Wind”
Movies and films in general have been used to relay different kinds of information to different audiences in an attempt to ensure that people are able to get a certain message within which the producers and the makers of the film generally have in mind. It is a way of entertaining while at the same time, relay different kinds of information to the different people who might be in need of the same. It is not in line to indicate or assume the fact that a movie or film could be used for entertainment purposes only.

The film inherit the wind was a piece of rather ingenious creation of Stanley Krame who was the overall director of the film. He sought to look into the misfortune of a science teacher (Bert Cates) who was charged and subsequently convicted of teaching the theory of evolution as according to Charles Darwin in Hillsboro located in Tennessee. This film covers more than the entertainment part of which most of the films are to cover and provides for a scenario whereby there are differences that exist whereby the freedom to inquire is generally challenged with the dogmatic thoughts which were present at that time.

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American Democracy Essay

Democracy is a political arrangement that, at its most basic, demands that there be collective decision making and equality in the mechanisms of coalition building and deliberation (Christiano, p.1, 2008). The strictest definition would imply that decisions are made directly by the citizens and no electoral process is employed to select legislative representatives who would, in turn, make decisions for the citizens (Christiano, p. 2, 2008). Where representatives are elected to make decisions on behalf of the electorate, such a system is defined as a republic. Although a republic system is not entirely a pure democracy, it is built on democratic principles and normative theory would argue that this distinction is irrelevant as it can be accommodated into the very definition of democracy: practical democracy can involve the election of representatives or it can involve the direct decision-making powers of a citizen class (Christiano, pp.2-4, 2008). In fact, democracy, and its more practical offshoot republicanism, both demand that there be equal political opportunity and voice and a government responsive to the demands of its citizens.

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“A Man for all Seasons” Essay

Summary of the movie “A Man for all Seasons”:
In the vision of the poet, the 1530s London is as good as any backdrop against which to pose a question with regards to the love of God, as well as, the nature of Law, the honor demands. Questions that are posed appropriately at the human reasoning, since they cover at every human spirit season in unraveling the mysteries that they are occasionally entrapped in.

The conflict amid Sir Thomas More and King Henry VIII depicts a larger conflict of the times. More in the Play stands for the Civil law, whilst King Henry VIII on the other hands stands and represents the monarchical power. First of all Thomas More asserts and explains that there is the existence of the divine law, and compared to the Man’s law, it is to a greater extent more powerful, but it is rather mysterious and is not known by any individual.

Even though, Thomas More stands for the church law, he does not claim power and authority with regards to those particular issues. In Act One, More asserts that he is not God. He is cognizant of the limits to the knowledge, as well as, power of the individual, comprising the King. A king who cannot put himself at will above the church laws, or the land law to which he has authority over and rules. Over the centuries, Civil law has been availed and established so that it might facilitate an individual to live with regards to the conscience provided with the verity that he avails no harms, as well as, that he can walk safely through a life protected from the misuse of power by others.

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The Canterbury Tales Essay

Interconnections between Characters in the Canterbury Tales
There are numerous inter-connections between tales in The Canterbury Tales. There are also interconnections between characters across tales in the book. This could be attributed to the fact that there are themes that the author seeks to address in the book. These themes run throughout the book and are brought out by different characters within the book. Thus, whereas it may seem that there are interconnections between tales and characters within the book, it is part of a wider plot by Chaucer to bring out certain themes within the book. This paper explores some of the inter-connections between tales and characters within the book.

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the most complicated and extraordinary pieces of fictional art of its time. The story revolves around thirty pilgrims journeying to Becket’s Canterbury shrine. On their way, the pilgrims hold a contest of narrating tales with moral lessons for the rest of the pilgrims to draw. The person whose tale is judged to be the best is going to win a prize. The rest of the group will also benefit from the free entertainment provided. Thus The Canterbury Tales are not tales intended purely for entertainment purposes, there is a moral lesson to every story.

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Why do Successful Companies Fail?

Essay: Why Do Successful Companies Fail?
The most important thing any business should get motivated to is the ability to make profits. If the business is not directed to reaching that goal, it heads to fail. If the business is directed to make that move, it should concentrate on the things that make it raise profits. Every successful business has goals, vision, mission and strategies to drive it to the goals and achievements (Zoss).

If the business changes its organization culture, it will finally fail to acclimatize to the new culture and fail. Abandoning the set plan to help the company achieve its goals is the surest way to make the company fail because the plan has the conventions that drive the business. In the plan, many factors are considered from the top management to the subordinates (Adams 24). The employees are the instrument that help the business achieve its goals. If they are not respected, they will be not motivated and stop being assertive to work for the achievement of the company. Lack of team work in the business means that there is disintegration and people are not focused in achieving one goal. Most of the companies stagnate because the feel contented about their position sand fail to work harder and fail to expand their clientele. This results to unachieved goals in the business (Zoss).

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