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Author: Joan Young - Page 79

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 79

How to Hire a Research Paper Writer

It may be something that you dread, but during the course of your education, you will be required to write research papers. This is a big part of much of the grade in certain majors, so if you want to get the best grades possible, you will need to turn in excellent research papers. However, this may be a challenge sometimes because of all the work you have to do, along with your busy life and schedule. There may be times when you are not able to get all of your work done by yourself. This is when you should hire a research paper writer to write your paper for you. However, you need to know exactly how to do this.

Where to Find Research Paper Writers
You may wonder how you can get help with your research paper, but all you need to do is look online. There are plenty of experienced, professional freelance research paper writers available on one of the many academic paper writing sites online. Just do a relevant search for keywords that pertain to what you want, such as ‘research paper writers’ or ‘online academic paper writers.’ Just be sure to ask questions before you use any service, so that you will have an idea of their process.

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How to Write a Business Essay

Purpose of a Business Essay
Writing a business essay is for the purpose of conveying a message, giving information, or convincing the readers to take some sort of action. So, the business essay must be clear and to the point. It is a good idea to make sure you know your audience before you start. This will assist you in creating a good outline that will keep you focused on the task and topic. This also ensures that you effectively demonstrate your point to your audience.

Segments of a Business Essay
In order to write an effective business essay, you need to be organized and create the essay in relevant segments. These segments are:

  1. Purpose of the Essay
  2. The Title
  3. The Introduction
  4. The Body
  5. The Conclusion
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How to Write a Research Paper in APA format

Writing in APA
When asked to write a research paper, it can be a very daunting process, but when it is required to be written in APA format it can intimidate even the most competent writer.

Foremost in learning how to write a research paper in APA format you will need to understand the APA style and what the basics are in the APA format. The APA format is the official writing style of the American Psychological Association and is used most commonly in psychology, educational and social science papers. Examples of APA research papers would be when one has to write case studies, literature reviews and methodological articles. Before starting to write your research paper in the APA format it is important to pay special attention to the directions given to you in regards to the paper. You will be expected to follow certain guidelines as stipulated by your lecturer. It is also advisable to keep a bibliography of all your sources while you are busy researching your paper, this will allow you to write your reference list with ease once our paper is complete.

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Vegetarianism vs Omnivore Essay

Why Vegetarianism is better for the Health than Omnivorism?
Vegetarianism is the practice whereby a person does not consume animal foods, restricting him or herself to eating vegetable foods only. Such a person is referred to as a vegetarian. Vegetarian diets vary widely, ranging from exclusive non-consumption of animal products at all to consumption of animal products such eggs, dairy products, poultry and fish. Vegetarian diets involve plant based foods like legumes, grains, vegetables, nuts fruits and seeds. Vegetarians vary depending on whether or what kinds of animals are eaten. Strict vegetarians are called vegan and their diets exclude all forms of animal products like fowl, meat, eggs and dairy. On the other hand, a lacto-ovo- vegetarian consumes dairy products such as eggs besides plants products. Whereas Lacto vegetarians consume dairy products in addition to plant products, an ovo vegetarian consumes eggs only, as animal products (Nordqvist).

Fruitarian vegetarians consume raw and dried fruit and vegetables only. Cooking is believed to harm the fruits’ nutritional ingredients. Such vegetarians eat all types of fruits, both sweet and non sweet. There are also the semi-vegetarians who consume plant based foods combined with slight amounts of poultry and fish. On the other hand, the macrobiotic vegetarians’ diet consists of cereals, whole grains and cooked vegetables. Omnivorism vegetarians on their part belief in the exclusive consumption of animal and plant based foods. They consume both in moderation. There is a growing concern that the different types of vegetarians like lacto vegetarians are ethical omnivores. An omnivorous diet contains plants and animal foods, but omnivorous persons put more emphasis on meat than on other foods (Nordqvist).

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The Vietnam War Essay

1. The French were involved in a war of Indochina prior to the American involvement. Trace the causes of this conflict and describe the key events and general course of the French Indochina War.
Traditionally, the First Indochina war started in the French Indochina in 1946 and ended in 1954. The war was a fighting or conflict between forces from France and their Viet Minh opponents. Numerous factors were involved in the conflict including the French Far East Expeditionary Corps from the French Union led by France. The Vietnamese national army supported the French against the Viet Minh whose leaders were Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh. The large part of this conflict occurred in the northern region of Vietnam called Tonkin, although the fighting engulfed the rest of the nation, spreading to the protectorates of the French Indochina in Cambodia and Laos (Young, 1991).

After the French reoccupation in Indochina after the Second World War, the region being in control of the Japanese, the Viet Minh started a protest or rebellion against the French authority that was in control of a number of French colonies in Indochina. The few initial years of the conflict involved rural uprising that was increasingly low key against the French. Nevertheless, after the communists from China arrived in the Vietnamese northern border in 1949, the fighting took another turn and became a conventional war between two forces that were armed with modern weapons (Jian, 1993).

The forces of the French Union included several forces from the rest of the former empire including Tunisia, Algeria, Laotian, Moroccan, Vietnamese, and Cambodian ethnic minorities. While the plan of pushing the troops of Viet Minh into launching a war on the excellently defended base was validated, the lack of materials for construction, air cover, and tanks prevented an effective defense, leading to a decisive defeat of the French forces. The Geneva conference made a provisional decision to divide Vietnam into two regions, the north, and south. The northern region was the Vietnam democratic republic under Ho Chi Minh, and the south was the Vietnam state under Bao Dai (Jian, 1993).

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