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Author: Joan Young - Page 77

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 77

How to Write a Business Case Study

A Business case study may be defined as a documented piece of research based on and devoted to a specific business, company, or policy situation. Composing an effective and powerful business case study one needs to be very knowledgeable in the business sphere they had selected and possess the overall understanding and skills of case study writing. A good case study is, in a way, like a detective story – you will need to make the audience solve the puzzle set in your paper. This commands a clear understanding of the subject and the process as a whole.

The paper composition process may be defined as “step-by-step”. The stages of the business case study composing may be described as follows:

  1. Pre-writing stage: Search of the facts and information – This process demands scrupulousness and attention. You may visit your campus or public library, surf the Internet, etc. Analysis of combined data – Once the information has been received you need to systematically analyze it. This will give you “food” for further research and serve as the basis for the entire business case study.
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How to Write a Good Philosophy Essay

A powerful philosophy essay begins with choosing a proper topic and general outlining. If you are not limited in the topic selection by your tutor, you are free to choose any topic that is interesting to you. This will allow for deep exploration into the details of the topic as well as viewing the topic from different angles. The main thing with philosophy essay writing is creating the dialectical connection between an argument against an issue and clear evidence for it. Thus, once you are ready with your topic, you may begin searching for a reasonable argument and providing the grounds for it. In addition, composing an outline is helpful at the initial stage of the writing process. An outline will help you trace important aspects about the subject and sift through trivial ones. After composing the outline (or draft) of your philosophy essay, you will need to proceed with the main stage of the writing procedure – filling in the appropriate content.

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Essay on Solar Energy

Economical feasibility of large-scale solar energy collection
Results and Discussion
Table 1, (Appendix) displays middle ground estimation of PV and cost production for the 10kW system of PV in dollars. The data can be a representation of large system of residential or a minute commercial system. The required calculations were scaled down and up having a number of adjustments for the scale of economies that are linked to the larger systems installation. In this regard, the basic costs include installation, inverters replacement. The costs are observed to have a decreasing trend, and they flatten temporarily. For instance, $80,000 figure installation is a representation considered being fair, and optimistic. In this case, a typical system of residential would have $8 in every watt. There is a possibility of declining costs with time.

The key issues that are linked to the analysis of cost include the panel’s lifetime and the required, discount rate for the project evaluation. Different types of panels normally have warranties that are limited for a minimal of 20 years or longer (Nemet 6) The data presented assumed a 25 year calculation of lifetime. Such a timeframe leads to the extending of life to about 30 years ad the cost of every kWh would be smaller as a result of discounting. Table identifies a range of actual interest rates. A number of industries have suggested that a high rate is extremely reflective of the different rates of interest that are normally faced by a variety of buyers. The values are always higher than the social discount real rate for which an individual could apply to the analysis of the public policy. In this respect, an interest that is lower could be the most relevant. In table 1, the given low rates of interest rates are relatively lower hence appropriate in the evaluation of the rate of the social discount, and the two high ones are relevant on evaluating the opportunity of the market capital cost.

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Essay on International Families

The family structure on an international basis comes from the diverse nature of the world. This is basic even in the simple family structure. The status, “nuclear family” does not give sense to our society as it once did. The change in the mode of family diverts to single parents as single parents raise more children. The growth of diverse families in terms of religion, race and ethnicity increases with globalization. The differences are common in the life of children, making it a comfort issue in the making of unique family decisions. Families are different, making it difficult to link the similarities and differences. Children are likely to compare their family situations with others making it viable for them to get lessons on appreciation.

Comparison on international families
International families consists of traditional and the modern family. To analyze this understanding, we look at the family in terms of sociology. International families come in different sizes and family types. The modern family is smaller but uses independence to ensure continuity and growth in the family. The traditional family protects its members by using obedience and bringing the family together. The modern family displays as a nuclear family comprising of a father, mother and children. The average number of children may be one or two depending on the family setting. The comparison of this in the traditional family is the existence of extended individuals. The traditional family setting comprises of more children, grandparents, parents and sometimes aunties and uncles.

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How to Write a Good Psychology Essay

Writing a good psychology essay is not an essay task, as it depends on adhering to appropriate psychology guidelines for writing. The psychology essay topic should be thoroughly researched with qualified and credible academic sources, such as reputable websites, peer-reviewed journals and other reputable publications. In addition, the essay should be properly formatted according to APA style, which is the most widely used writing style by psychology writers. This style is defined by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Choosing a Psychology Topic
Although you may be allowed to choose your own topic, the professor often assigns psychology essay topics to students. These topics are often in the form of research questions. If you choose the topic, make sure it is course relevant and one that is interesting to you. If it doesn’t interest you, then chances are it won’t interest your readers either.

Structuring the Psychology Essay
Be sure to follow all required guidelines given by the professor and ask questions if anything is unclear about the assignment.

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