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Author: Joan Young - Page 75

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 75

How to Write a Management Case Study

There are defined steps that must be followed when you are writing a Management case study. The main components will be the facts of the case and your personal response to it from various points of view.


You as the candidate must choose your own topic. Candidates are advised to discuss their proposed topic within their own organization coordinate any privacy or confidentiality questions.
The topic must be somehow related to the organization and their business, where they have actively demonstrated their leadership skills.
It is important for your management case study to demonstrate the correlation between practice and theory.

Undertaking the Study

Management Case Study Proposal
The proposal to your management case study should include an outline of the proposed paper: point out specific objectives, rationalize your undertaking it, your methodology and supposed outcome.
The proposal should be no longer than 1,000 words.

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History Research Paper Sample

Research paper: History (Memoir value and problem as a way of recount)
Recounting the past is an important aspect of human survival in finding answers and solutions to different problems. As such, it is important that humans consider the past as they chart their way forward as to avoid repeating past mistakes in order build a conceivable future, in all aspects of human lives, be it social, political, or economic aspects. This essay focuses on two memoirs by two female writers that recount past activities that shaped human destiny significantly. The memoirs are Wild Swan by, Jung Chang, and Testament of Youth by Vera Britain. The Wild Swan memoir describes the Cultural Revolution that took place in China in a narrative that compares the experiences of her grandmother, her mother, and hers to explain China’s transformation into the modern world. In the Testament of Youth memoir, Brittain focuses on the effects of the First World War on the British middle class citizens. It further highlights the plight of women during, after the war, and in a compassionate manner that appeals to all. The memoir is given in a narrative manner that recounts the harsh experiences of Brittain that pushed her into writing the memoir as a way of expressing herself. The two memoirs are important historical aspects that reveals the past in a captivating manner and are valuable in solving current and future problems that affect humanity.

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Essay about Insanity

The literally works by Sylvia (The Bell Jar) and by Ken Kesey (One flew over the cuckoo’s nest) made significant impact on the field of literature. The work that was done in the 1960s marked a major milestone in development and advancement of literally work. The two books were able to advance the theme of insanity and are still relevant event to date. The main characters in the books make the reader of the books to understand the true meaning of insanity in a society. Insanity which sometimes may also be referred to as craziness is behavioral spectrum that is characterized by some specific abnormal mental or behavioral tendencies. The two books have been able to advance the theme through the conduct of the main characters in the books.

The fundamental meaning of the literally work by the two authors
The literally work by Sylvia (The Bell Jar) is more than just a confessional novel. It depicts a comic but painful sentiment of what happens to a lady’s aspirations in a society that does not take them seriously. The setting of the book represent a society expects electroshock to remedy the despair of a sensitive, inquisitive young artist whose search for self identity degenerate to terrifying descent nearing to madness (Bloom, Harold 33). It’s a piece of work that highlights the life of a young who is vulnerable wins a dream assignment on a big-time New York magazine and finds that she is plunged into a nightmare. Sylvia’s work is basically a fine novel as bitter and remorseless as her previous poem. Its most significant quality is an astonishing closeness, like a series of snapshots taken at high mid-day. The work can also be described as special poignancy that is a special force and shows the vulnerability of persons of hope and goodwill.

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The Role of Body Language Essay

Communication is one of the essential tools used for the exchange of ideas, feelings, and even visions. It is the activity of passing across the intended information through exchange of signals, writing, thoughts, behavior, and messages (Yates 433). However, for the process to be completed, several elements of the latter must be facilitated. The basic elements of communication include a potential sender, the intended message, and finally the targeted recipient. The way information is being transmitted depends on the medium. Moreover, the medium of transmission entirely rely on whether the communication is verbal or non-verbal. Non-verbal communication makes use of body languages, symbols, and signs as its ways of passing across any message (Yates 501).

As per the requirements of the project, my area of specialization builds its concrete foundation on the body language as one of the means of communication. It is a form of physical and mental ability of man’s non-verbal communication that consists of gestures, facial expressions, body posture, and eye movements (Pease & Pease 211). Body language is one of the most effective means of relaying very sensitive information and maintaining the confidentiality of the message passed across. The sole reason of my keen interest in this means of communication is the unique nature possessed by the latter as compared to other means. People continue using body language no matter the advancement in technology and development of most effective means.

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How to Write an Economics Essay

Writing a good essay in economics is usually vital given its importance, and the fact that economics is a mandatory subject that is taught in most business courses. Writing an economics essay is likely to be integrated into most examinations, projects or even assignments. For one to produce a very efficient and quality economics essay there are some procedures and guidelines that must be followed. First and foremost, the instructions for the topic must be read attentively and carefully. This is to understand what the question is asking and what the examiner wishes the writer to write or produce in the final draft. This is followed by identification of the relevant topic in question.

A good Economics essay cannot be functional if the writer does not understand the topic of origin. Also note that every topic has its own technical terms to be used when writing your economics essay.

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