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Author: Joan Young - Page 74

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 74

How to Write a Dissertation Proposal

Several guidelines are provided to enable an individual to write an excellent dissertation proposal. Here they are for your attention.

  1. They should be well detailed regarding the research topic. Current research shows that to be able to write a good dissertation proposal, students have to be well conversant with the topic at hand. This means that they need to gain a lot of information on the subject matter by reading several materials and books on the topic, know current findings on the topic and be able to access various literary sources.
  2. They should be able to go outside the area of study. This mainly means that they will be able to research from related topics and as a result, the research work presented will be unique, thus outdoing previous research on the subject matter. The issue of going outside the given area of study is an advantage in that it is a good source of new ideas for a given area of study.
  3. They have to be attentive. The issue of attention is a very powerful tool, especially, in the practical application of knowledge gained. In addition, it helps individuals to know the various methods, as well as the procedures, used in a given analysis. This then becomes a great source of information for the broad topic of study.
  4. They should know how to cite papers. For instance, an individual who knows the list of authors who wrote a particular article would give a great referenced dissertation proposal paper. In addition, having a good knowledge in the area of text citations would result to a great dissertation proposal.
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How to Write a Financial Case Study

A financial case study is important in that it helps the finances student as well as financial practitioners in the mastery of the elements described in financial planning standards. The procedure used in writing a financial case study is one of the simplest to follow. This is primarily because it basically consists of specified figures, hence, simplicity.

The initial step in the writing of a financial case study involves evaluating a client’s financial situation and identifying specific goals as well as stating the objective of the case study, which might be to avoid the mismanagement of funds for a particular individual or an organization, for example. The second step is to determine the main areas that are to be addressed in a financial plan. Later, the writing of a plan will include the methods that will be used in order to maintain cash flow while minimizing its wastage. The fourth step is the identification of any additional data that could be useful in the establishment of a financial plan. Lastly, various strategies are utilized and recommendations given in the financial plan to satisfactorily address the user’s needs.

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How to Write an Accounting Case Study

Accounting case studies must be written according to various standard rules and regulations. These are the same guidelines followed by organizations during their accounting process. Accounting case studies are important to a national government in that they enable it to check an organization’s progress in terms of production as well as finance. An accounting case study should be written following procedures specific to one of the major topics in accounting, such as financial accounting and managerial accounting, which is also referred to as cost accounting.

To write an accounting case study is quite challenging because it requires a good amount of quality time. Generally, just like other case studies, it follows a specific format. The writer gives detailed background information on the topic of study. This is what is regarded as the introduction. It offers a clear outline of the subject matter while defining the problem at hand together, with the limitations of the study. The writer then provides the problem statement, followed by case data sampling. Next, a conclusion is drawn which is finally followed by recommendations.

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How to Write Nursing Case Study

A Nursing case study is among the more complex case study papers to write. This is due to the fact that it is comprised of several sections, each with details needed to convey the information required by doctors and medical personnel for treatment. It is also used as an effective means of communication among the various groups involved, including doctors and nurses as well as other medical staff.

Writing a nursing case study necessitates one to follow a given number of steps. The first step entails selecting a particular topic that is based on a real life situation that one is allowed to discuss such an issue following one’s experience or current research. The second step is stating various objectives. For instance, a researcher might choose to indicate what knowledge new learners or nurses will have gained by the end of the study. The nursing case study should include at least four objectives of the study.

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How to Write a Research Proposal for PhD

The PhD research proposal is the first important step of doctoral studies. The aim of the research proposal is to provide information about the intended research project.

A typical research proposal consists of the following parts:

  • A working title of the topic area:
    This must give the essence of the proposed research, not just convey the key words associated with the proposed research.
  • General overview of area: this is an introduction that should be a brief abstract of the general area of study and also signify the discipline(s) within which it falls.
  • Detailed literature review: it is here that you need to develop your proposal to demonstrate that you are aware of the debates and critical issues raised in relevant bodies of literature. You need to show your familiarity with major lines of argument which have been developed in your area. It is important to reference key articles and texts to establish that you appreciate their relevance to your research area. As your PhD is an original piece of research, you should demonstrate that. The area you propose to research has not been studied before. Identify your niche, which will lead on to the thesis preparation.
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