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Author: Joan Young - Page 73

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 73

How to Write a Research Paper Introduction Paragraph

Many students find the writing of an introduction, especially for a demanding paper such as a research paper, to be a very challenging task. If one knows the strategies to use in writing solid introductions, this part of the research paper can be as easy to write as the other sections of the paper. For a research paper, the introduction paragraph is usually a half page in length although it can sometimes be longer depending upon the overall length of the paper and the required background information needed for the introduction. Just like other kinds of papers, the introduction of a research paper begins with statements that present the primary issue being explored and ends by offering the hypothesis or research questions on which the study or research is to be based. The introduction paragraph of a research paper, and indeed of any other kind of academic paper, should always offer a theoretical framework for the research and enable its reader to gain a clear understanding of the purpose for the research. Without a well-written introductory paragraph, it would be very difficult for readers to determine what the paper is about and to follow the presentation of ideas and evidence.

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The Trail of Tears Essay

The Trail of Tears refers to the forceful relocation and eventual movement of the Native American communities from the South Eastern regions of the U.S. as a result of the enactment of the Indian Removal Act in the year 1830. In the year 1838, in line with Andrew Jackson’s policy of the Indians’ removal, the Cherokee community was forced to surrender its land to the east of Mississippi River and migrate to the present day Oklahoma. This journey was referred to as the “Trail of Tears” mainly due to its devastating effects it had to the Indian people. The migrants faced extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to the forced march while more than 50,000 people died (Cave, 2003). The Trail of Tears resulted in a devastating effect for the Indians such as extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to long walk and massive injustices and abuse of fundamental human rights.

According to Perdue (2008), the Trail of Tears is regarded as one of the tragic eras in the U.S. history mainly due to the forceful relocation of the Indians. This is also considered as the beginning of the Indian extermination by the U.S. government even though they had lived in the country several centuries before the white settlers set their foot in America. After the American Revolution and the eventual creation of the U.S., the Indians were regarded as a separate nation within a sovereign country even though they were fully committed to a peaceful coexistence with the white settlers. However, the white settlers were mostly interested in the resources of rich and productive land under the occupation of the Indians. As a result, the U.S. government embarked on a long campaign – marked by false promises, broken and false treaties, and threats of military force and racist attitudes – to oust the Indians from their native territory.

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Tattoo Art among the Maori Essay

We are studying about the Maori people who are the indigenous Polynesians. These people are found in New Zealand. They arrived in new Zealand in voyages as settlers and later became residents. They were isolated by other people and eventually decided to do this type of special art for the beauty purposes which has given them a special identity.

The art as commonly known as ta moko, are permanent tattoos made on the body and the face. These tattoos are made on both sexes of the Maori people. The skin was skillfully decorated with different pictures obtained from the environment. Upon the completion of the curving process, the body was left with beautiful chisels that were appealing to the observers. The skin was left with beautiful grooves rather than the usual smooth skin that was not appealing to many people. This created uniqueness among the people.

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How to Write a Great Reaction Paper

In order to write a great reaction paper, a particular order needs to be followed. For instance, one must read through the given document carefully, while noting the key points. Watching the documentary, or fully partaking part in the seminar for the reaction essay topic, is also crucial in preparation for writing a great reaction paper. Taking notes of key thoughts, during one’s participation in the reaction essay events, is also an important activity during the preparation. This is because the latter helps in the generation of several ideas from which an individual is able to choose their key points.

Secondly, think of and briefly describe two key points that you want articulated in your reaction. In each key point, details like the various lessons learnt, the areas of agreement and the points with which you disagreed, need to be clearly stated. Since experts claim that a successful reaction paper is brief piece of work, the various points should be precise and clear. The third point on writing a great reaction paper is presenting a clear justification in support of the stated key points. The other step that is followed is the provision of a real life example regarding the subject of discussion, which must be clearly explained for a better understanding of it. Finally, a brief description of how the researchers point is connected to public relations is given.

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How to Write a Thesis Proposal

A simple framework is followed in compiling a thesis proposal. At first, a particular issue on a given topic is identified. Afterwards, various findings and scholarly works on the given topic are identified and studied. An evaluation is then done on the collected documents where information, that would be necessary to solve such an issue from the collected documents, is singled out. An analysis of the data is then done where the results that are related to the stated issue, get reported.

Thesis proposals are written using simple language for the purpose of quick understanding by the preferred reader. All thesis proposals should have a thesis proposal cover sheet that bears the authors title and other relevant information about the writer. Another rule that should be observed, while writing a thesis proposal, is that the writer should not include a title page. This is mainly because it is a minor requirement for this case. A title should always be given in the case of a thesis proposal, which should be relevant and must accurately describe the focus of the writer’s thesis statement.

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