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Author: Joan Young - Page 71

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 71

Who Can Write My Essay for Money?

Academic success for some students does not come easily, but for a certain group of students who know how to find the right professional to write their essays for them, for a small amount of money, achieving academic success is one task that is very easy. Students, from almost any part of the world, want to get genuine assistance for each and every assignment in class, but many of these students have no idea where they can get this kind of assistance which they need and how they can get this help at a minimal cost.

Among the main points that you should consider when thinking of asking this writing facility to complete your paper, include the fact that this writing facility is a popular brand that is well known, in the academic help writing industry, for crafting all types of academic writing papers. The quality work that this company generates speaks for itself, and always keeps many more students streaming to come get their papers completed at no other website but here. The team of deliberately selected writers is always at hand to assist students with any kind of paper writing problems, and at whatever time.

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Essay on Homosexual Relationships

Homosexual relationships are romantic connections between two people of the same gender. These connections cover all cases of gays and lesbians. These relationships are not based on the willingness to procreate or nature moral values, but rather on the desire to fulfill the passions of the persons involved.

Through the forums supported by human rights groups, many homosexuals have come in the limelight demanding legal recognition for their sexual orientations. James Skillen is one of such activists. He observes that governments should play passive roles when it comes to the issues of marriage.

Instead, Skillen suggests that the government should learn to accommodate the “constantly changing definition of marriage” to make provisions for homosexual marriages (Skillen, 1). A similar observation was made by Ellie Schaack in his article “Gay Marriage is a Right”. Schaack points out that the right to marry is explicit and dependent on one’s unique attributes (Schaack, 1). Unfortunately, many countries are continually legalizing homosexuality.

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How to Write a High School Book Review

Instructors are fond of assigning book reviews in high school. Most students think that book reviews are some sort of punishment that ensures they read the whole book and write a 500 word critique. However, book reviews are assigned to students so that they can develop a better understanding of the society in which they live and the world at large. How to write a high school book review is a nightmare for most high school students who despise reading, but it does not have to be if one follows some simple rules.

First, one must understand the nature of a book review, which is the reader’s reaction to a specific book rather than a simple summarization of the work. A book review involves analyzing the validity of the content, purpose, and organization of the book. There are two basic kinds of book reviews, descriptive and critical. Descriptive book reviews evaluate the pertinent information offered in the book through exposition and description and is couched in the context of literary and historical values. These attributes are then supported by evidence from the work. The writer states and examines the perceived purposes and intentions of the author, often quoting some of the most compelling excerpts from the text in an effort to illustrate a point.

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The Solution of Human Freedom Essay

There are three main categories of philosophy concerning the level of human freedom: free will, determinism and compatibilism. All they give solution to the question how much freedom does a person have. However, each of them have their certain strength and weakness, so none of these position can be a singular solution.

Free will gives a solution, that states a possibility of any person to make an individual choice without the interference of any circumstances (Caouette). The strength of it is that according to this learning the person is independent from anybody or any occasions and that he or she has the ability and right to do any actions. It means, that person’s actions is only under his or her responsibility and that there is no participle from any superior forces. Determinism is a philosophy position, that asserts that human does not have any control of his fate and that it is determined only by the will of God (Hannan, and Lehrer 49-54). Its strength is that whatever mistake a human could do, it is explained as the God’s will, which takes off any responsibility for these actions.

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Fee-Based Higher Education Essay

Education plays a significant role in human life. People spend about 12 years at schools, and about 4-6 years in colleges. Almost everyone, sooner or later, confronts the issue of continuing his education. Some people go to a college just in order to get a formal document – a bachelor diploma.

Others relate to future profession as a matter of the whole life, connecting their future with education. The development of human capital is the basis of the modern industry of higher education. If education is the most valuable wealth, then, what is the level of its availability? Does one have to pay for his education, or is it the duty of the state? I consider that higher education has to be fee-paid because in this case it would increase the authority of higher education and its quality.

In the recent time, education in colleges, as private, as state ones, becomes more and more expensive. In the USA, tuition fee varies from five to forty thousand dollars per year. Although, poor students are given generous scholarships, they are often not enough for the students of the middle classes, whose family lose most of their income. However, I consider that higher education has to be fee-based on several main reasons.

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