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Author: Joan Young - Page 69

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 69

Essay on Language Variation

The following conversation is between Andy an American businessman doing business in London and Carter a British native based in London. The two men are based in the insurance industry. The conversation will be used to differentiate between the American and British language. The readers of the conversation will be in a position to understand various language components. The idea behind the conversation is to understand the importance of linguistic variations.

Andy: what is the main factor affecting insurance business in the United Kingdom?

Carter: The market viability determines the level of insurance penetration. This is manifested by the manner in which the market operates in the long run. A good example is a smaller and larger market size. A smaller market segment implies that the insurance business will not thrive to the maximum. Insurance is all about numbers and understanding how to make adjustments within the course of operations. It should be noted that other factors determine the penetration mechanism. This is an indication that a bigger market size would be better suited to encourage the growth of insurance.

Andy: There is a lot of stuff going on within the insurance sector in the United Kingdom. From my point of view, I think the insurance industry in the United Kingdom is undergoing a different phase as compared to the American market. It is clear that the UK market is undergoing a series of changes aimed at making the industry viable. This is evidenced by the manner in which the industry is undergoing challenges. Unlike the American market, the British market is still on the phase of adapting to the changing environment. This means that the level of insurance penetration is minimal as compared to the situation in the United States.

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Essay: Internal Controls in SAP

Credit limit check (static) – the credit exposure for the customer may not exceed the set limits for credit. The exposure of Credit is the aggregate value of all the items.

Credit limit check (Dynamic) – this checks all the value of the document based on the horizon period. To open the order value involves all the undelivered orders. The calculation of the value occurs on the date of shipping, and is kept in a data structure for a specified period of time. To define the credit check, a certain future horizon date is specified: it could be 10 days or two months depending on the specified periods.

The credit limit check can be applied at any time within the service to offer information about the customer’s credit status. It can be accessed automatically and manually. The system is designed to check the planned costs without tax.

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Female Genital Mutilation Essay

The World Health Organization defines Female Genital Mutilation as a practice that involves the alteration of female genitalia in a manner that does not relay any medical benefits to the victim. According to Oleinick (1998), around 87% of Egyptian Islamic women support the practice. The extent of this support is attributable to various factors. These may be cultural, religious or social. The purpose of this study was to find out the current state of FGM as a cultural practice in Egypt. Secondly, the study wanted to probe useful strategies in eliminating FGM. Finally, the study was to highlight the impacts of FGM on the global healthcare system. The research uses a longitudinal approach.

Various factors make the Egyptian people susceptible to the practise of FGM. Firstly are the socio-demographic characteristics. These include factors such as age, income, religion, marital status and level of income. Islam considers FGM as ‘makruma’. This implies that it is not a mandatory, but honourable act. According to National Geographic Statistics, the country’s literacy level stands at 58%. There is limited knowledge on the implications of the practice.

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Whom Can I Pay to Write My Research Paper Online?

Crafting research papers can be monotonous especially if you are a college or university student. At times, one can easily get bored with doing the same routine on the regular basis. Apart from boredom, there are also other reasons why students may require paper writing assistance during their academic career.

“Whom can I pay to write my research paper online?” students ask themselves this question when they are stuck with homework and need a viable option to meet the strict paper deadlines. There is a glory hour of online paper writing agencies. You need to be careful when selecting a paper writing agency and find one that is capable of assisting you with the needed writing assignment.

How to Choose?

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Who Will Write My Term Paper at Affordable Rates?

Understandably, student who have made their minds to order assistance always look for affordable, but high quality writing services since most of them are not employed or are part-time workers. Hectic student life leaves not much time for out-of-class activities and term papers consume much of their time because they demand adequate exposure on the subject under discussion. “Who can write my term paper at affordable rates?” – desperate students need to submit their term papers before the stipulated deadlines. Term papers contribute a major share on students overall grading. This means that students have to give term papers their best shot in order to advance to the next learning level. College students are always assigned term papers at nearly the same time making it difficult for them to complete the papers in a quality fashion.

Completing one term paper and immediately starting another can compromise quality of the subsequent paper. Students therefore need assistance on their term papers in order to score good grades. Our paper writing service agency employs fresh university graduates to assist clients in completing their assignments. Most of the term papers ordered from our paper writing service are from college hence writers find them easy to complete. Doing a term paper requires writers who have good research and writing skills. Term papers are assessments given to students to ascertain whether they have grasped the idea of the course or not. Doing term papers is therefore challenging because it requires the student to remember the concepts learned in class. We offer to help you with your term paper for cost-effective prices. Our writers are very cooperative and will help you any time of the day.

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