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Author: Joan Young - Page 68

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 68

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for Teenagers [2024]

There are several things which make writing a persuasive (also called “argumentative”) essay a special task, and it is worth mentioning all of them. First of all, the word “persuasive” speaks for itself. Your main task is to persuade those who will read your essay that your point of view is correct. In order to do that, you should back up your idea with facts from reliable sources, because your point of view is not so authoritative to persuade people without citing well-known and established scientists, writers, or politicians. Study all available materials which can be used for your essay. Second, you have to believe in your point of view. If you try to persuade people something is true, but you don’t believe in it yourself, chances are your words will sound insincere, and it will be easily noticeable. So, choose a topic that is rather debatable and choose a point of view that can be proven to be true.

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Top Research Paper Topics 2013 for College

First of all, in order to write a good research paper, you have to understand well what kind of task it is. So, research papers differ from typical essays a little bit. They are longer and require some research work to collect useful information which you can use for your paper. It may sound strange, but the most difficult task for some people is choosing the topic. Actually, it’s quite normal. If the topic was chosen by your teacher, you have no other choice than to accept it and use it for your research paper. On the other hand, when you have to choose your topic yourself, you can be confused and have trouble choosing the one you really like and interested in. Let’s try to do it together.

Talking about topics that are relevant in 2013, you can think of everything that happened this year and choose the event that impressed you most. Was it a military conflict in the Middle East? You can analyze the political situation in Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan etc. Also, you may try to find a way out of all the problems in these countries. Maybe the new iPhone 5S is a far more appealing topic for you? Write a paper about modern technology, speaking about how it changed our everyday life, including all the advantages and disadvantages these gadgets have.

Are you interested in economy? If yes, you can write about the financial problems in various countries, connecting this factor to financial crisis of 2007-2008. Try to analyze all the opinions on how to cope with such kind of problem and present them in your paper.

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B2B and Reseller Markets Essay

B2B and Reseller Markets
Business-to-business (B2B) concept involves the aspect of decision-making in the majority of industry sectors (Hutt & Speh, 2013). The majority of the collaborative business models in the modern times have made an effort to improve the face of marketing through the support of the B2B relationships amongst the entities. The application of the B2B also comes with challenges in the fulfillment of the negotiations and interactions imposed through the collaborative models in managing public business marketing processes (Hutt & Speh, 2013). In this research, the description of the use of interaction protocols in defining and managing the processes in B2B relationships forms the core subject.

The advancement of technology has enabled businesses conduct marketing electronically facilitating the existence of the Business-to-Business (B2B) E-Commerce (Hutt & Speh, 2013).

In some of the B2B relationships, the aspect of interaction forms significant challenge. The interactions within the B2B framework occur in three vital layers including content, communication, and business process. Internet-centered B2B related business models are effective in conducting business-to-business (B2B) commerce in the majority of the industry sectors. As one of the instantaneous mediums, the development of technology provides the business entities with new and improvised electronic marketplaces (Hutt & Speh, 2013).

Business Processes
In the layer of business process, the B2B relationships necessitate the management of two distinct business processes including public processes and private processes (Hutt & Speh, 2013). The private processes forms part of the enterprise itself managed through each enterprise in an independent way. The private processes receive support within the enterprises through a traditional Workflow Management System, proprietary systems or the ERP systems (Meyer, 2007).

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The Best Topics for Essay Writing of 2013

Everybody knows how difficult it is to take a first step, no matter what kind of task you have to do. The same is true about writing an essay. Trying to write a draft even without knowing how and what you have to write can help you practice writing a little bit, but on the other hand it is a complete waste of time in most cases. So, every kind of task needs careful planning in order to know the sequence of all actions you have to take while writing your essay.

Well, the first and perhaps the most important step you have to take is choosing a topic of your essay. You can pick one randomly, without even thinking whether it meets your essay requirements or whether you are interested in it and can find enough information. Choosing an inappropriate topic may cause further problems, and it would be just too late to change another one. So, consider all the possible problems you may encounter while writing an essay on a particular topic. By the way, it is better to choose an interesting topic, even if it is complicated, then to knock yourself out writing an easy, but rather boring essay which will not appeal neither to you, nor your teachers. Keep in mind that a bad beginning makes a bad ending.

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The Science and Art of Nursing Essay

Nursing can be expressed as both a science and an art. Nursing has to embrace both science and art of the practice. The field of nursing can be broad and ambiguous. Therefore nurse’s duties are misconstrued causing appropriate boundaries between primary physician activates and nursing activities to be blurred. The effectiveness of nursing is dependent on the interaction of the people in the nursing sector and a developed control of human emotion, discipline, and adequate skillset. The skill, knowledge and judgment that must be exercised by nurses are what are constituted as an art form, because of the level of control involved with the practice. Science aims at expanding the knowledge of the individual and the subject matter involved. This is what relates nurse partitioning as a science (Donahue, 2011). The increase in knowledge that informs and underpins the practice and thinking of a discipline is the science, nature, and art of the study. This short dissertation outlines the elements that make nursing both an art and a science, which when adequately balanced benefit the patient and surrounding practitioners’ experience.

“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive
devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for
what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared
with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit?” (Sienna Heights University, 2013)

Nursing as a Science
Medical Science has had an instrumental role in health. The major focus has been placed on the reliable methodologies and scientific development. According to the American Nurses Association, nurses have a unique role to assist the sick individuals in activities that contribute to health and recovery. The way that nurses fulfill their duties is what will determine whether the act is an art or a science or an equivalent application of both characteristics. The nurse should be familiar with and understand the medical terms, medical procedures, and various medicines administered to patients to provide optimal care patient care. They must also study and thoroughly understand symptoms and precautionary actions to be taken in regard to patient illness. There is a noteworthy constituent of precision to be utilized to facilitate daily medical tasks within the medical environment. Science is a study of precision, facts, and an aim to transform theory to fact. Nurses must be familiar with a plethora of facts on a daily basis. The process of mastering this ability is a science. The mastering of this process delineates a less skilled nurse from an expert (Lynch & Duval, 2011).

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