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Author: Joan Young - Page 67

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 67

Gasland Movie Essay

The documentary film “Gasland” made by Josh Fox narrates the story of environmental degradation in the USA and its reasons. In particular, the author conducted his own investigation across the country in order to find out whether the grim rumors concerning the hydraulic fracturing were true. The film provides experts’ opinions, witnesses’ recollections and calculations based on observations in order to show that the matter is serious and it must be confronted as soon as possible. It also employed emotional appeals (like love for Nature and desire to be healthy and happy) to peoples values and code of ethics in order to cause a resentment and disgust concerning the terrible things which some people deliberately make.

The author uses the technique of vivid imagery to enhance his argument – each event, location or technological process which could be unknown to its audience and therefore – hinder to view the film without constant interruptions for respective inquiry – were explained.

It has a lot of strong points and only a heartless or a mad person cannot be convinced by this film. As for me, several aspects of this film convinced me that “fracking” is a very dangerous practice and that it should be prohibited. First of all, the film is the result of a natural suspicion which everyone would experience if he or she suddenly received such a tempting proposal.

Second of all, it is filled with testimonies of victims of “fracking” and evidences given by experts in the field of environmental protection, chemistry and so forth. Fox even managed to get the insider information from whistleblowers from institutions which were supposed to regulate the problem in question. And finally, it is clear that Fox had no commercial interest in making this film and that purely ethical reasons forced him to make this research and present it to others.

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The Concept of Islam Religion Essay

Islamic Religion and the State
Islam is depicted as a way of life. However, this eliminates the fact that it is a political phenomenon. Islam is a religion which is a social aspect rather than political. Islam is a peculiar concept of secularism. This means that Islam opposed the idea that it should involve itself with other parts of life. Islam, as a religion, was also seen as a good way of governing society, and this should be incorporated to the modern society. As a result, a political institution had no place in the Muslim society. Every individual of the Muslim society was seen to be guided by the teachings of Islamic laws, rather than the set political structure.

Islam was a religious way of life. It was also seen as a form of governance. Islam scholars argued that Islamic values and the way of life had a similar style of governance like most of western government. They depicted this as an effective way and did not consider political organization of any other nature. Those who were supporting political society were regarded as modernists, but many of the scholars who were traditionalists were against this. They saw this as a violation of Islamic state laws. Islamic state was honored since they believed that, it was drafted by Prophet Muhammad. They believed that Islam was a sacred institution that was not to assimilate any form of foreign intervention. Rules that were outlined by religious values and there was no need for political intervention. Islam, from the early beginnings, did not have separation between politics and other social values. Islam, therefore, did not require any organization to govern the Muslim society. Political institution was eliminated since leaders were seen as ordained by God. In addition, Muslim society did not see any person above the law and hence did not require any political leaders.

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Research Paper on Corporation and Security of Staff Devices

In the past, people could only use computers owned and managed by a company, and no one would think of lugging in their personal computers (PC) to use in the company. However, today, many things have become quite different. Many employees use personal devices such as tablets, smart phones, and many other gadgets that promote efficacy in communication.

The use of these handheld devices by the staffs within an organization has provided services as well as a constant connectivity to workers. Despite the merits of new technological devices in a corporation, they are presenting new threats to the corporate assets (Mitchell, 2004).

Research Problem
The employees’ personal devices are causing ongoing concern in most companies concerning information security. For example, there are sensitive corporate information which can easily be transported as well as lost by using these devices. However, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement in most organizations has led to an increasing number of expensive security incidents. The main problem in this case is that most corporations are still relying on the staff personal devices such as personal laptop for business (Loader, & Biggs, 2002).

These ancient devices do not have the same security level than those of the company leading to serious security threats to corporate information. This research proposal will discuss on the use of personal devices within the corporate as well as the security issues associated with the use of these devices (Burke, 2006). The issue of security level has become very problematic to many organizations since the employees using these devices usually jeopardize company security through loss and theft, malware, spam, phishing and Bluetooth (Zachary, 2004).

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Reasons Why Students Contact Professional Writing Services

All humans are social beings. That’s why we have to communicate with each other every day. One of the reasons for such communication is getting help from each other and that’s quite natural. If you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. A broken car can be fixed by a repairman. We go to the supermarket and pay other people money to get food. And what if you need help with an academic writing assignment? There is an easy way out. You can easily find a professional academic writing service online and order a paper. So, is it really worth using such services?

Actually, there are several reasons why students order custom papers from professional academic writing services. First of all, many students don’t have enough practice in writing, so they simply lack experience. You may thing you are good at writing, but the truth may be not so optimistic. Even professional writers, who already gained popularity, complain that it is not so easy to write a new novel. To write a really good essay, novel, or research work, you have to pay attention to almost every word. Practice makes perfect, we all know that. On the other hand, you need to have enough time to practice. Students are usually busy, having to accomplish several tasks by due date, so they don’t have time to practice at all. Sometimes people are good writers, but a due date is a constant reminder that makes you nervous, and you simply cannot concentrate on your task. Moreover, all people have a common problem – procrastination.

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How to Pick a Title for Your Research Paper

It sounds strange, but for many people choosing a topic of a research paper is the most difficult task. Well, that’s often true and it can happen to you in any situation when you have to choose something. If you are not given a choice, you can simply accept it. On the other hand, the more options you have, the more difficult it may be to make a wise choice. So, if your teacher has given you a topic to work on, you are the lucky one. But sometimes you have to pick a title for your research paper by yourself.

There is one thing to think of before choosing a title. So, ask yourself what you are interested in at this stage of your life. Wouldn’t it be great to write about something you like and are good at? However, keep in mind that you write your paper not only for yourself. It will be read by your teachers, and your goal is to write about what you like to make other people interested in it.

You have to keep it simple. Write in such a way, that even a child could understand you. Making simple things more complicated is a complete waste of time. Nobody would like to read that. In addition, have a look at the latest news, listen to what people or your friends talk about, try to remember things that you was impressed by recently. This may inspire you to choose the right topic.

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