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Author: Joan Young - Page 64

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 64

Compare and Contrast Essay on Sports

Sporting activities are very popular for many people and nations across the world. The reason is that they bring people from different and diverse backgrounds together. They help create a strong bond between societies that participate in the various sports. It has also become a huge economic activity. Many people make large sums of money when they are sportsmen or sports women. Some become millionaires when they are still underage, and this makes their life easier. Sports can also be dangerous. Many instances of deaths have also been reported in sporting events. Due to the financial gain and the fame that results from success in sporting events, many people engage in dangerous sports. The majority of people to engage in sporting for anticipated heath gains, and this has received much attention across the world. However, this gives rise to a debate about the truth of sport being healthy or not. Some sports call for extreme health and fitness because they are so dangerous, and can lead to causing harm to, or, the death of the participants or the audience. Hence, this subject lends itself to compare and contrast essays.

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5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay on Abortion

In the modern world, the debate on whether abortion should be legalized has dominated discussions for years. While some people see abortion as murder, others believe that abortion should be allowed in the case of ‘unwanted’ pregnancy. This is when the pregnancy was not planned, and the mother is either not ready to have a child, or the birth of the child may pose a danger to the mother and the child. When one participates in this debate constructively, you need to prepare a well-structured essay that demystifies the issues surrounding the abortion issue. Such an essay can be an important tool that people can use to support, or oppose, the issue of legalizing abortion.

A 5-paragraph argumentative essay on abortion should include the following five points:

  1. The first paragraph should introduce the debate and the contested issues concerning abortion. For instance, the writer should explain who supports legalization of abortion, and who does not. The writer should also give the reasons why people have these differing opinions.
  2. The second paragraph should explore one side of the debate. For instance, the writer can explore whether abortion should be legalized and whether such action of legalization of abortion will be a violation of human rights, ethics, laws governing the society, and the rights of any specific member of a group of the society.
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Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

English teachers encourage students to look for controversial issues in society on which to base a persuasive essay. The reason is that the teacher wants a topic that can be easily debated on either side of the issue and that brings forth strong emotions from both sides. The purpose is to help students organize and express ideas in a clear and coherent manner. One such controversial issue is gun control. One side of the argument is that the policies for owning and using guns should be stricter. One who holds such a position might argue as follows:
It is very unfortunate that people are losing their loved ones due to the misuse of guns. While guns should be used to enhance security of people in a society, the same guns have been using in perpetuating crimes that have worsened the security status of many countries. In order to eradicate the issue of insecurity, guns should be used only when necessary. In this case there is a need to put in place policies that will ensure that gun use is properly controlled.

In addition to this example are suggestions below on how to write a persuasive essay on gun control.

Suggestions on How to Write a Persuasive Essay on Gun Control:

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Critical Essay on Shakespeare’s sonnets

Many people read Shakespeare’s sonnets because they find them to be very relevant in their lives. They know Shakespeare’s sonnets for the manner in which they articulate ideas about love and relationships. Though many people try to identify the message and apply it in their lives, they find it very difficult to do so. The reason is that they find poetry hard to understand since they are not used to the poetic devices of written literature.

In order to write a good critical essay on Shakespeare’s sonnets:

  • Message of several poems: The writer can identify the situation that best fits the message identified from a number of poems. In this case, the writer can use several poems that have a similar message for analysis, and the writer needs to understand that different groups of people can use a single sonnet for different purposes. People interpret messages depending on the situations that they are facing at any one particular time.
  • Identify the suitable sonnets: Choose the Shakespeare’s sonnets that suit the situation at hand. This is important in preparing a good critical essay on the same.
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Voice Controlled Computer Technology Essay

In the wake of this techno-savvy generation, we bring to market a revolutionary computer product. Most computers in existence can barely use voice controlled mechanism in serving the user, but what we have brought to the people can use voice and help the owner carry out diverse activities through speaking. The traditional over reliance on keys to navigate the web, undertake online search and pose questions expecting answers is taken through a paradigm shift to speaking.

IMC bring to the public a new experience in the computer technology and strives to ensure that one gets the value of his money. Consumers are able to access any other relevant information and post enquiries any time through the mail that will be provided. Daily media display will feature in local dailies and top television channels across the world. As a result, ultra-modern approach to information and communication technology is brought to your satisfaction.

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