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Author: Joan Young - Page 63

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 63

Persuasive Essay on Teenage Pregnancy

A persuasive essay targets to inform a particular group of readers about the detrimental impacts of a certain habit or activity. In the same way, a persuasive essay can also be intended to depict the positive side of an argument that is not favored by the majority in a group. For example, the head of communications in a large organization can write a persuasive report that presents the benefits of adopting new communication technology, say videoconferencing. When one writes a persuasive essay, he or she hopes to let somebody know that a change of behavior is necessary. In the end, the person that reads the persuasive essay will realize that he/she urgently needs to change from a costly, dangerous, or outdated practice and adopt a more effective alternative.

Persuasive essays are mostly written when the issue being discussed has a likelihood of being highly resisted. Equally, writing a persuasive essay is the way to go when you are targeting a group of readers who have little or no awareness about the topic. For instance, young people nowadays engage in casual sex with little knowledge about the repercussions. Negative peer pressure and inappropriate media content are to blame for this trend. Over and above this, there are contraceptive advertisements all over that encourage young people to interact freely, knowing that they can always protect themselves when sexual urges emerge. In spite of all this, it is the responsibility of the society to shun premature sex. Parents have a duty to monitor their children’s’ behavior, but adequate information through persuasive essays can be helpful.

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How to Succeed in Academic Writing

In the olden days when hand-written assignments were the norm, students with good handwriting earned more marks. Back then, instructors made it clear that good handwriting would increase the points you scored on a given paper. Today, hand-written tasks have gradually been replaced by typed assignments. Still, there are specific attributes instructors seek when they are marking academic assignments. Normally, the heads of college departments will dedicate a day or two to orientate new students. In such forums, students will be informed of key points that guarantee success in academic writing. Similarly, a lecturer will attach clear rubrics at the end of each assignment question. In this section, the student will be reminded of the main aspects that the marker will want to see in the final essay. A student is assured of passing an assignment is he/she satisfies the marker in adherence to the stated points. One of the things that help a student to succeed in any academic writing is precision. By this, it is meant that the final paper presented to the marker must fully address the task specified in the assignment. To ensure this, the student must read and comprehend the question before starting to write. Alternatively, he/she could occasionally revisit the question to check for any possible deviation.

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Essay: What Causes ‘Love at First Sight?’

The concept of love at first sight is one that continues to be a debatable topic, because of the many controversial issues about love in the present day. A good source of primary information on factors that cause someone to fall in love at first sight is those who profess to have fallen in love with their significant other upon meeting them for the first time. One of the issues these individuals may state is when they first came into their significant other’s presence, they felt a tingling effect all over their bodies that made them excited to be at the same place as the person they were attracted to and had fallen in love with. The difference with the excitement of falling in love at first sight is that the sensation is stronger than they had experienced before, when they were infatuated with another individual.

The whole feeling of falling in love is highly emotional, because couples that have reported falling in love report having a strong emotional connection with their significant other. These couples also report getting to know more about the person they fell in love with in a shorter amount of time than when they got to know their other friends. Falling in love makes people want to know more about a significant other than those who they have spent a very long time knowing. One other interesting thing about falling in love at first sight is the feeling that one gets makes him or her want to profess their love to that individual the very first time they meet. The unwritten rule of love emphasizes that one should profess one’s loves to the other individual after a couple of dates, as well as after both parties feel they have known the other individual enough to be very comfortable around one another.

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Definition Essay on Racism

When writing an essay on racism, you will be expected to share your special understanding about the issue of racism in more than just a sentence. With this type of essay, you should not rely on common definitions from dictionaries or encyclopedias, but you should base your essay on a deeper level of understanding. Tolerance is of foremost importance when you one sets to composing an essay concerning racism or similar topics. Select the words and expressions very carefully not to insult someone’s feelings or beliefs, as – you know – sometimes the words may hurt really in a severe way.

The first thing you should do is select the topic of your paper. Make sure you select an abstract word or phrase with a complex meaning so that you will have the opportunity to tackle it from many perspectives. It will also be easier for you to create the content to complete this type of essay paper. If you select an easy topic, chances are you will be done with the essay definition in a sentence of two, and the other sentences will be what you intentionally include for the purpose of completing the content. However, if the word or phrase you define is straight-forward and simple, it may be challenging to make the essay paper interesting, but if the topic is a disputable one such as racism, then you will have many opportunities to play around with the words and end up with an interesting essay paper.

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Feeding Problems and Autistic Spectrum Disorder Research Paper

Evidence Based Practice Articles on Autism and Feeding Problems
Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by different forms of difficulties such as verbal and non-verbal communication, repetitive behaviors, and social interactions (Freedman, 2008 p.4). The condition is a learning disorder, and it depicts a development issue in the brain. Children with autism and autistic spectrum disorder find it hard to interact with other children of their age, and when in school, teachers, and other pupils consider the autistic children as “difficult”. However, autism can be managed very well. Children with autism need nursing care to bring out the best from them. According to a research conducted by Marcus Autism Center, children with autism are at risk of poor feeding and feeding disorder (Woodruff Health Sciences Center , 2013 para.1). It is notable that proper and healthy meals help children to develop mentally by socializing during meals, but autistic children do not experience that. Good nursing practice are needed to ensure that autism does not affect feeding and health of a child.

Children with Autism at Considerable Risk of Nutritional Deficits and Feeding Problems
The Department of Pediatrics at the Emory University School of Medicine and the Marcus Autism Center were the first institutions to conduct a research on the issue (Woodruff Health Sciences Center, 2013). First of all, it is not clear what causes autism. It may be genetic since the condition runs in families. Scientists have conducted several other researches to determine the brain sections that lead to the condition (Woodruff Health Sciences Center, 2013). The investigation carried out involved using all peer reviewed articles written on autism and feeding problems.

A meta-analysis of the peer reviewed articles was conducted by researchers from Emory University and Marcus Autism Center. From the research, they noted that most children diagnosed with the condition have a lower intake of calcium and protein, and also have a high number of other nutritional problems (Woodruff Health Sciences Center , 2013). Some of the feeding problems that children with autism experience include allergies for many food products. Therefore, the nurses should monitor the feeding habits of children, and ensure that the children eat food which is full of nutritional value (Woodruff Health Sciences Center, 2013). Secondly, autistic children also suffer from pica, a condition in which they eat nonfood materials, which is also a feeding and behavioral deficiency that nurses must observe and restrain.

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