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Author: Joan Young - Page 61

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 61

Reaction Essay on Global Warming

The major purpose of a reaction essay is to allow the writer to carefully assess his or her feelings or thoughts concerning a given topic. With this purpose in mind, the tips on writing a good reaction paper are very simple. The obvious need is to obtain a clear understanding of the phenomenon to which one is required to react. In the process, one must evaluate his or her feelings concerning that phenomenon. This involves identifying the arguments with which one concurs, and those that he/she opposes. It is also helpful for the writer to consider whether he or she agrees with related allegations.

It is a fact that the world is experiencing a significant climate change, as is evident in unpredictable weather patterns. This has led to an international discussion of global warming and its threat to future existence of life on earth. For example, it is difficult to predict each year what geographic locations will experience rainfall and to what extent. Additionally, ice caps are melting, resulting in the rise of the sea level in some low-laying land areas, many of these highly populated with people. Furthermore, for the past couple of years, world media has aired news of huge wildfires in a number of locations world-wide. Moreover, deadly heat waves are occurring more frequently. Severe storms have also been witnessed in various parts of the world, causing loss of human lives and destruction of property. In addition, severe droughts that had hitherto never been experienced are becoming commonplace in many countries. These are concrete examples that global warming is a real threat.

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Cause and Effect Essay on Bullying

In recent decades, one thought of bullying on the college or university level as a form of hazing carried out by upper-classmen on freshmen. Many schools turned a blind eye on the practice, and freshmen simply endured the hazing as a ritual, expecting it to last only for the first year of college. Over time, bullying in colleges and universities has been reduced significantly. This does not, however, mean that our society is bullying-free. In contemporary societies, bullying still takes place, although in different forms. Bullying can take place in schools, at places of employment, and even in neighborhoods, involving adults and children. However, parents often miss the bullying that goes on within their own homes.

For instance, younger children face a significant degree of bullying from their older siblings. For example, whenever elder children are assigned some domestic tasks, they entice their younger siblings to do the tasks for them. Should the latter refuse, they are threatened, abused physically, or denied food.

The causes of this form of bullying are widespread. Research has shown that families in which there is sibling bullying tend to be low-income. In other words, there is substantial scarcity of basic needs to the point that children literally fight over the meager resources available.

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Descriptive Essay on My Pet

I love animals. I think our life would be incomplete without our pets. I also have one. My pet is a dog named Tipsy. Tipsy is an adorable brown dog that has a few black spots spread across his body and tail. Tipsy is a kelpie crossed with a border collie, and he has fluffy velvety ears. Even though Tipsy has a very strong body frame, he has a very gentle face and is always a friendly dog to those whom he knows. If a stranger approaches out house, however, Tipsy can get very aggressive. He always barks loudly to attract our attention to the approaching stranger. There is one thing that I especially like about having this pet – I know that my little friend will always be there for me to protect me or my family. Therefore, in some way, Tipsy gives me a feeling of protection.

Tipsy loves many things. Among these is to nuzzle his wet nose in my hands and in the hands of my parents and siblings. He craves attention most of the time because he is scared of being abandoned or ignored. I actually came across Tipsy while he was still a puppy. It appears his owner had abandoned him on the road. I found him wandering in our neighborhood. I informed my parents about the puppy. I wanted to keep him. They communicated with the local authorities so the authorities could allow us to adopt the pet.

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Critical Essay on The Scarlet Letter

Hawthorne is just that, the tragic story of Hester Prynne, a women found guilty of adultery, her rejection, public humiliation, and her inner feelings and the effect on her community in 1850. It is a tragic story. Hawthorne tries to bring some hope into the story, but largely it is a book of despair. With skill, he shares the paradox in human nature and sets off his romantic ideas against the rigid religious Puritan culture. The main question is why Hawthorne had to give it a tragic end? Was it essential to the success of his communication? I do not think so.

Hester is the principle character in the story line. She is branded and adulteress and must wear a scarlet A on her dress. Yet she is a strong likeable person. As Hawthorne develops his story, she goes through difficult times. We are given insight into her conflict and herself rejection. This creates an empathy for Hester and creates the desire that she finds happiness. As she is the tragic hero in the story, it becomes clear that she will not find happiness. Her downfall is inevitable, but such is Hawthorne’s power that you keep hoping she will overcome. Hawthorne deliberately hints to possible redemption.

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Exploratory Essay on Immigration

Immigration into the USA has recently become a contentious issue in the national debate. Democrats and Republicans have clashed with each other, and with the White House. Republicans have clashed with Republicans as well.

Why is immigration such a problem to a country that was founded on immigrants, and has inscribed ““Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” on their famous Statue of Liberty.

There are several reasons that emerge in the debate. The historical source of immigrants and national identity is a main one. The original immigrants to the USA were in fact Anglo Saxon Protestants. As their national identity grew, they saw themselves as a Christian, Protestant, English speaking people and nation. As further waves of immigrants arrived, they were, if not Anglo Saxon, primarily western European, and Christian and mostly willing to learn English, and be absorbed into the American way. Even when the Irish, Italians and Polish made their way to the USA, although Catholic they were Europeans, who fit into the predominantly Anglo Saxon American identity. They were minorities, who learned English and accepted the status quo. Also, many of them brought needed skills to the country.

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