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Author: Joan Young - Page 60

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 60

How to Struggle with Writing Papers

For some students writing a paper is a disaster. Some of them find it time-consuming and monotonous, thus they soon become very bored. Others would rather deal with some other type of assignment. A number of students think they don’t have enough skills to cope with paper writing. However, practically any activity that is new can prove to be difficult without proper preparation. People learn how to ride a bicycle, cook, or do yoga.

Writing good papers is also a skill every student can learn to develop. So, why not start right now?

First, many people find writing a boring activity. Of course, if you sit at your desk without any ideas on how and what to write, you’ll wind up spending more time then needed on your paper, and it will probably be of poor quality. You will be bored, and you will receive a poor grade. On the other hand, if you have a plan, you will know what exactly you should do, and you’ll have no time to become bored. Determine your priorities, break your tasks into several smaller sub-tasks and establish deadlines. By doing so, you will know that if you put something off till tomorrow, you will have to do more the next day to stick to your schedule. This may motivate you to stay focused.

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How to Succeed in Writing an Essay

Let’s be honest; writing is probably not a skill you can boast about. You probably haven’t written a best-seller yet, and you haven’t won a Nobel Prize in literature. Well, don’t get desperate. You won’t believe how many good writers haven’t done it, either. You are reading this article because you want to learn how to write better, and that is already a good sign.

So, you need to write an article. Have you selected a topic yet? Sometimes your teacher will assign you a topic, but if you have an opportunity to select one yourself, you should definitely do so. You can write about something you are good at or interested in or perhaps something you wanted to learn about but don’t have the time.

Before you begin writing, you might develop a plan. Careful planning helps you work more productively, gives you a better idea of how much time you should spend on writing every day, and also helps you to understand what needs to be accomplished and in what order. First of all, ask yourself whether you know enough to write on topic you have chosen. If not, conduct some preliminary research. Read a book or a magazine, ask a person who is knowledgeable about it, or just research it on the Internet.

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Cause and Effect Essay on Technology

Technology has been part of mans development since the first man took up a dried husk to scoop up water. Over the millenniums technology developed from using stones as rudimentary tools to such developments as sending men to the moon, or probes into our galaxy and beyond. The debate has long raged as to whether technology is the cause or the effect of situations. Water technology, which is vital to mans existence, is an example that mans need drives technology.

Early man simply lived beside Lakes Rivers or streams. Their numbers were small and the supply immense renewed every rainy season. In Egypt, the Nile flooded every year depositing silt. However, to grow crops it was necessary to develop technology. This was the cause or reason for their effort.

They had this fertile soil, a mighty river of fresh water, but to farm they needed to bring water from the river to the fields. They soon developed a system of canals, and buckets mounted on frames to lift water from the river into the canals. The effects were staggering. Not only did they feed themselves, soon they became the breadbasket of the known world. This had further effect in that it caused businesses to develop, trade in many imports and wealth to pay for it. Finally, it paid for further technological development in areas such as military power.

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Analytical Essay on To Kill a Mockingbird

The story To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee won the Pulitzer Prize, and in a short time has become a classic and is used in schools in the USA. The plot and inspiration of the characters are drawn from her family, neighbors and an event that took place in Alabama in 1936.

The novel tackles the issues or rape and racism, but she filled it with warmth and humor as well. The plot involves Tom who is accused of raping a white girl. The community is torn apart and Atticus decides to defend him. Despite the evidence that clears him, Tom is found guilty. The primary theme is that of racial injustice and the loss of innocence, with the lesser themes of class courage compassion and gender in the American deep south. In particular, there are three themes:

Innocence and Experience
There are three main children in the story who react to the harsh reality of the trial. All lose their innocence.

Dill panics and is filled with fear, Jem grows cynical and disillusioned with the so-called Justice system. Scout reacts more positively, hoping for social change. The main lesson the children learn is that in small towns people who do not conform become marginalized. They also see what adults do not about the loneliness and rejection people like Boo, Dolpus and Tom experience.

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Scholarship Essay on Future Goals

Before one can consider himself successful, he needs to be able to achieve certain goals that he has established for himself. I have both personal and professional goals. First, I want to be independent. That means I must obtain an education or training that will help me to develop marketable skills so I can get a decent paying job, one that will take care of my needs and the needs of those for whom I will be responsible throughout life. I also have as a personal goal to remain healthy. That means eating healthy, nutritious meals, exercising appropriately, and getting enough rest so that my body can function properly. In obtaining my professional goals, I must first decide what I am interested in doing for a career. I need to research that career to see what skills, training, and education are required. It is also wise for me to see if this career is in demand and what the market demand will be for this career path for the next ten to fifteen years. Additionally, I should have an idea of how much money I can expect to make in this career and what kinds of opportunities exist for furthering my career. I also need to take into account where to receive the necessary training and education and how much it costs. Furthermore, I must determine how I will pay for this education.

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