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Author: Joan Young - Page 59

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 59

Critical Essay on Beowulf

Beowulf is an epic poem in which the plot is intended to portray the unique heroism of German warriors. As the poem’s main personality, Beowulf displays exceptional boldness and extraordinary strength whenever confronted by fierce enemies. Additionally, he takes pride in his glorious actions that have earned him great fame throughout the poem. The reader can easily recognize in the epic the great heroic values of a society, such as the commitment to honor the responsibilities of a leader, whilst at the same time disregarding the safety of his warriors in an effort to defeat a dangerous foe. For instance, Beowulf allows Grendel to kill some of the warriors in an effort to surprise Grendel when he reaches for Beowulf. Beowulf also sets aside prudence when he pursues and fights with Grendel’s mother. Basing on the heroic nature of the poem, one would have expected Beowulf to put the safety of his men before anything else. On the contrary, Beowulf’s intent to defeat the monster supersedes his concern for lives of his men. Clearly, Beowulf focuses more on what is expected of a hero from his people than he does for personal safety or the safety of those who serve under him.

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Critical Essay on “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver

A first glance of Carver’s “Cathedral” gives one the impression that a religious theme is involved in the story. However, this perception is far from the actual content of the story. For instance, no cathedrals are mentioned until in the story’s third section. Even when a cathedral is introduced into the story, it is clear that no single character is actively religious. From this, one can argue that the title does not fit this particular story.

Furthermore, the narrator in Carver’s story uses a conspiratorial tone to present his thoughts and experiences. To the reader, the story appears as if the narrator merely talks to the reader, not to pass any vital message, but rather to keep the reader amused. Additionally, from the narrator’s tone, one gets the feeling that the narrator is attempting to relate certain happenings in terms that are clear as well as precise. In recounting his feelings, the narrator does not get emotional or attempt to persuade the reader to develop a liking for him. A further implication from the narrator’s tone is that the story is about relating the incidents from a particular time, without influencing the reader’s feelings concerning the incidents. However, the reader can detect some sincerity in the narrator’s tone. The narrator does not attempt to hide the desperate situation he is in, nor does he attempt to deceive the reader into thinking that he is highly optimistic about recovering from what befalls him.

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Informal Essay about Friendship

Friendship can be defined as a personal relationship between two or more individuals, grounded in feelings of concern for one another and includes intimacy to a certain degree. Given that human beings are generally considered social, friendship is an important part of every individual’s life. Most people dedicate a portion of their day to interacting with friends, whether face-to-face or by phone or on the computer. Given the vital role that friendship plays in the lives of almost all human beings, it is prudent to friendship from different perspectives, including the nature of friendship.

How does one know what true friendship is? Friendship is demonstrated through mutual care, acts of intimacy, and activities that individuals share with those whom they consider friends. Friendship is always valued and justified by examining both its individual importance and social worth. Individual value of friendship is gauged from the perspective of an individual who considers the amount of resources, time, energy that he or she is willing to invest in the relationship. The value an individual places on a friendship can also be measured from the perception of whether the friendship makes one’s life feel better or worse. Whether an individual appreciates the friendship of another, though, is sometimes tied up with how that person feels about himself. If one does not value himself, that person is less likely to value someone else or the friendship offered by someone else.

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Admission Essay on Nursing

My philosophy with regards to nursing is closely related to my deep desire to assist people. I want to be a nurse because of many reasons, one being that I love helping people, caring for people. and generally being there for people in terms of need. My desire for nursing became stronger some years ago when I did volunteer work in a hospital. The little work I did there ignited my passion for nursing since I felt that it is only through nursing that I will be able to satisfy the passion that I have for serving and helping people. Also, I want to do nursing because I believe that besides prescribed medicine, good care is also a cure to many of the ailments that plague patients. With a little love and care, a patient can feel more relaxed and, therefore, be better positioned to heal. Consequently, I believe that once I become a nurse, I will make a great difference in the lives of many people by helping them to recover from their various ailments.

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5-Page Essay on Abortion

Abortion can be defined as the removal of a fetus from a pregnant female’s womb before the birth due date. Two main types of abortion commonly performed are the medical abortion and the surgical abortion. Both of these abortions require the pregnant female to be placed under medical care. Each has its own advantages and risks.

A medical abortion is the kind that can be performed during the early weeks, up to the seventh week of pregnancy. It basically involves the female taking several medications that trigger the uterus to reject and expel the pregnancy tissues and the embryo. During a medical abortion, the female first takes a drug known as mifepristone, which is also commonly known as RU 486. This drug operates by making the lining of the uterus thin, therefore, making the cervix very soft. In some cases, the physician gives the female a drug known as methotrexate in the place of RU 486.

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