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Author: Joan Young - Page 58

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 58

Descriptive Essay on a Piece of Art

Very few paintings today are as popular as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. There may be very many painters today, some of whom may be more skilled than Leonardo; however, there is yet to be a painter who can express facial features on a piece of art as Leonardo did. For instance, Mona Lisa’s smile has been a subject of much debate, given the many articles that have been written to try and describe this smile. Leonardo’s other work of art, christened the Lady with Ermine, also presents facial features in an outstanding manner.

An examination of the Mona Lisa in the present day reveals that the painting has indeed had better days. The original color of the painting appears faded and is almost gone and this is perhaps the reason why the original painting has been repainted at least three times. The painting does not appear to be clean and this can be observed in the greenish glaze on the painting. The repainting of the painting and the greenish glaze makes the painting somewhat different from what Leonardo originally painted. In a bid to understand the Mona Lisa, artists have continued to question the identity of Mona Lisa.

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Hiring Someone to Write a Term Paper

In our days, this is no longer a problem to hire a writer for your academic papers. Depending on the sphere of your academic knowledge and the individual characteristics of your writing style, you may find the soul mate among the staff of the online custom writing companies.

In such companies, there is usually a wide range of writers specializing in different subjects and proficient in composing the academic papers of various kinds. So, everything you need to do is to find the credible online-based company, order the first paper with them, then the second and the third ones if needed and find the writer who knows how to satisfy you and your most demanding teacher.

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About Different Essay Writing Formats

An essay writing format is something that concerns students who are not aware of their peculiarities. True, it is sometimes possible to get totally lost in the variety of those page numbering techniques and the Works Cited and Bibliography sections. If you are one of those students who do not have a clear understanding of what distinguishes MLA from APA, then the following content is just for you. The present article will try to narrate of the most common formats for academic papers of the modern educational institutions.

The most frequently used formats in the modern high schools, colleges and universities are APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Oxford and Harvard. Apart from these ones, there are a few more, but they are used not so often. The tutors, in their majority, prefer the listed ones for the students who compose written assignments. These formats have their unique peculiarities, so the students would need to master these all in order to get the high marks and no complaints from their tutors. No need to panic. These are not too complicated and all of the students who have the desire to write well and obey the formatting rules would eventually master all of these formats.

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Tips on Writing a Good Marketing Research Paper

Those students who have chosen marketing as their profiling subject will – sooner or later – need to compose the research paper devoted to this area of knowledge. And if their skills and already gained experience allows some of them to do it on the decent level, there still are some students who find it extremely complicated to cope with the writing with the success.

The present article will give the latter category of students several tips and guidelines to make the process of marketing research paper writing a bit more enjoyable and easy.

First of all, a student will need to select the topic to be writing the paper about. For this purpose, it is very desirable to consult the scientific advisor. He/she, as the person with the many-years’ experience would help the student with the flow of their further investigation. As it is quite clear, the topic needs to be acute and crucial, since there is hardly a need to describe the out-of-date topic and research something which has been already described in tons of scientific materials. So, the topic is the base for the future diligent investigation.

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Comparison Essay on High School and College

Some people may mistake college as a simple step above high school, but an examination of the two levels of study reveals that there are indeed numerous differences between the two.

One of the differences is in the nature of classes in college and in high school. In high school classes, assignments and learning materials that are to be used to complete the assignments are provided for the students. High schools also normally have guidance counselors to help students determine what advanced core and elective courses they may be interested in taking, especially as it pertains to preparing for a college or a vocation. In college, the situation is very different because it is the students who are charged with the responsibility to decide the kinds of classes that they should take until they graduate. If a student has challenges in selecting a unit, the student may make an appointment with a course advisor. However, colleges do have counseling and guidance offices to help students look at what they might be interested in as a career and to help them plan accordingly. Even so, college students are rarely given the materials that they need for their study and therefore, unlike high school, must purchase the necessary texts and other learning material.

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