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Author: Joan Young - Page 57

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 57

Writing a Research Paper on Cloud Storage for Education

For the past several years, cloud computing has been one of the most frequently heard terms.

Nowadays we all understand the basic concept of the matter: cloud storage provides the use with an opportunity to avail of secure, safe and almost unlimited means of storing digital material on the web, without the necessity to depend on personal data centers and personal hardware. But how can a cloud computing become a part of an academic research paper? As an option, make sure to base your project on the advantages of the cloud storage for education.

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Literary Research Paper Writing Prompts

Literary researches, though given not too much attention by many tutors and professors, form he greater part of the students’ writing assignments. To master the skills needed to conduct good literary researches, students need to be diligent and attentive to details. There are several important aspects which are to be constantly considered when composing a literary research. The present article would address them attempting t help students gain more knowledge on literary research writing.

The foremost skills to be mastered when composing a literary research concerns proper choosing of the bibliographical sources. It is not a secret that the sources selected for this or that academic paper are to be credible and scientific, true and not out-dated. Thus, to select a literature source during the literary research, the student needs to pay attention to the author and volume of publication of this or that sources, as well as the publishing house and date. If all of these pieces of information seem credible and worth attention, then the student may proceed with referencing this or that work. What is more, the student should have knowledge on comparing the peer reviewed articles from those which are not. It is crucial for some academic papers to be citing only the peer reviewed sources, and many students find it difficult to distinguish between those. So, information and credible sources seeking is the foremost stage of every literary research written by a student.

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Research Paper Abstract on Child Abuse

Child abuse is defined as a non-accidental behavior by parents, caregivers, or any other adults that is outside the norms of conduct and can cause physical or emotional harm to a child or a young person (Bromfield, 2005).

There are five main types of child abuse:

  1. physical abuse
  2. emotional maltreatment
  3. neglect
  4. sexual abuse
  5. the witnessing of family violence

Physical abuse is defined as a non-accidental use of physical force that can cause harm to a child. This includes: shoving, hitting, slapping, shaking, throwing, punching, kicking biting, burning, strangling and poisoning (Bromfield, 2005). It doesn’t matter whether an adult had an intend to cause a child harm or not, if an action lead to harm, it is regarded as abusive anyway. Physical abuse can also depend on the age of a child and the nature of the behavior: an action which can be regarded as dangerous and potentially harmful for a child of a certain age can also be regarded as physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is defined as an inappropriate verbal or symbolic act towards a child that can lead to child’s problems on a psychological level.

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Analytical Essay on The Crucible

The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller that was written and published in 1953. It is loosely based on facts about Salem witch trials that happened in 1692 and 1693. On the other hand, the play is believed to be an allegory on McCarthyism, the practice of accusing people without having enough evidence. Thus, both have striking resemblance, and the author wanted to show how helpless and doomed a person might be when unfairly accused by those in power (e.g. court, state, police).

Salem witch trial and allegory on McCarthyism are the two levels of this play’s interpretation (the explicit and the implicit ones). Those, who are not familiar with the context in which the play was written, will more likely not understand the implicit meaning of it. The play is a playwright’s reaction to events that took place during the McCarthy era in the first half of 1950s. A lot of Americans were accused of being communists, spreading communist propaganda, or being soviet spies. Very often such accusations were false, however it soon developed into mass hysteria, with many people becoming victims of such injustice. Arthur Miller saw similarities between McCarthyism and Salem witch trials which resulted in writing this play.

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Argumentative Essay on Dog Fighting

Dog fighting is a sadistic practice that should be banned because of the many inhumane events that this practice entails. This practice entails breeding dogs specifically to make them fight. Such dogs are usually enclosed in small pits very early in their lives and, as they grow, are made to fight with other dogs to satisfy their owner’s gambling appetites. One of the main reasons why dog fighting should be illegal is because of the high level of suffering that these fights put the dog through. Given that the average dog fight lasts anywhere between one and two hours, the dogs that are participating in dog fights often suffer severe injuries that sometimes result in fatalities.

Unlike other animals that naturally flee when they sense they cannot win a fight, the dogs that participate in dog fights are trained not to run away but to continue fighting regardless of the amount of injuries they sustain. It is only when the gambling appetites of their owners have been satisfied that the dogs are allowed to stop fighting. One of the most commonly used dogs in dog fights are pit bulls, which have powerful jaws and given that they rarely let go once they bite, the victim dog could end up suffering severe injuries, broken bones, and may even die just so their owner can have a chance of winning a bet.

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