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Author: Joan Young - Page 55

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 55

Essay: How a Student Can Build a Perfect LinkedIn Profile

Beginning a successful career includes developing a good resume and placing it in some social network to make it visible for recruiters. If you want your resume to attract attention, it should be properly composed.

Following a couple of helpful tips can help to avoid common mistakes while making your LinkedIn profile more effective!

Choose a suitable photo.
Appearance makes the first impression. That’s why it is important to choose a good photo, one which you look pleasant, confident, and professional. Avoid selecting a photo with pets or toys or ones where you look shy or funny. Remember, if you want people to take you seriously, you should look serious, and friendly.

Compose a descent heading.
A suitable photo should be accompanied by an excellent, well-composed slogan (Garriott, 2015). Think carefully before placing it on your profile, though. It should reflect your motivation and express your future goals and willingness to accept career challenges! An example is, “Well-trained marketing expert is ready to take a position in a successful international company.” Don’t be afraid to sound too self-confident. At this stage, it’s important to grab the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter and evoke curiosity to find out more about you.

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Essay: Texting and its Influence on Your Studying Capabilities

Modern society is obsessed with computer technologies. Adults and teenagers, especially youngsters, seldom write even a few notes in their notebooks. Instead, we send emails and texts. In a word, we’re texting on any possible occasion, considering it to be quicker, more convenient and most of all, more modern than old fashioned hand writing.

Communicating via sending short messages has already transformed into a separate communication style.

Terms such as ‘textese,’ meaning sms language, and ‘textisms,’ which refers to mnemonic devices or word-shortening are widely used via cell phones and on Internet social networks.

Obviously, one should make use of all modern communication trends and devices, but one question arises: whether such an influence of technology is positive or negative? So, is texting harmful or beneficial?

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How to Use Pathos in a Persuasive Essay

When it comes to writing, a persuasive essay is geared towards positing arguments that will convince your audience that your views and ideas are valid and should be accepted. Of course, your arguments must be strong enough to convince and groundbreaking to reason with people’s opinions. It means that here a form of data submission plays an important role and you must present statements in a persuasive manner. You can do this through three main techniques, and they include ethos, pathos and logos.

Ethos simply means the concept of convincing people through authoritative stats or experienced and well-known people. This stems from the fact that we tend to believe and agree with the ones who we respect much and trust their judgments.

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3D Printing for Educational Purposes

Can’t Imagine Abstract Things? Just Print Them!

3D printing is a hot topic in education these days, and this ever-developing technology is helping students grasp abstract topics and ideas. From fine arts to math, universities everywhere are using 3D printers in the classroom – and here’s why!

3D Printing – It’s an Art!
From Sculpture 101 to culinary school, 3D printers are being used more and more within the arts, and with amazing results. Architecture students can use the printers to recreate their designs, allowing them to examine how their structures will look in the real world and make immediate tweaks and changes to improve their designs. At culinary institutes, students can design new and different cupcake and loaf pans, cookie cutters, and decoration molds, ensuring that they are able to stay at the forefront of food aesthetics.

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Interesting College Courses Inspired by Films

In this digital age, students are increasingly turning to online platforms to buy college essays online, facilitating their exploration of complex subjects like philosophy, anthropology, and politics through the lens of popular culture portrayed in books, movies, and television series.

From Harry Potter to The Hunger Games, professors everywhere are utilizing pop culture to teach students complex concepts and ideas that simultaneously encourage students to learn and explore a variety of subject matter through their favorite characters and film series.

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