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Author: Joan Young - Page 51

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 51

How to Make Your Book Review More Critical with an Outline?

Setting out to write a critical book review is a daunting task. Something about the word ‘critical’ seems to conjure up scary visions of having to wade through huge tomes of literary theory that threaten to swallow your limited analyzing abilities as a student.

A review at the end of the day is supposed to be critical where you share your opinion on a specific topic and it tells the makers or readers your honest opinion on it. There are many reviewers out there, criticizing all kinds of books including fiction and essays, but not all these reviewers or their opinions are valued. At times, it is only because they’re lacking a proper outline and hence are not able to write their thoughts properly.

Why Have an Outline for a Critical Book Review?
Like any other assignment set by a systematically produced curriculum, a critical book review is also easy. You simply apply a systematic approach and break it into parts. You jot down the essential elements you need to include.

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Case Study Outline Method

Writers around the world have extensively used the signpost outline to logically structure their books, especially novels and stories. The signpost outline helps writers treat each scene as a separate entity, which in turn increases their effectiveness in describing and organizing the story besides keeping eye on the big picture.

A typical signpost outline used by novelists around the world has the following format:

  • scene number and short description;
  • setting;
  • characters;
  • plot.

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Research Paper Introduction about Abortion

The attitude towards abortion has always been and still is very controversial. It has, however, changed throughout the history of humanity: for example, it was commonly accepted in the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. On the other hand, the majority of men were against abortion as they felt they were entitled to have a baby. There are a few references to abortion in an Old Testament, where a fetus was perceived rather than an object, not a living being. In other words, there was a law, that if a person causes a miscarriage, he must be punished for that. There are no references to this topic in the New Testament. Later on, abortion in the western world was not considered a crime if done before a certain period, usually before 18-20 weeks. It was a common practice in the colonial America, but was usually kept in secret, as sexual activity before marriage was disapproved by the society. The Abortion Act of 1967 in England fully legalized abortion, but under certain conditions. It states that a doctor has the right to perform an abortion if other two doctors agree that this is done for the sake of the woman. For example, doctors are sure that giving birth to a child will cause physical or mental harm to a woman. Still, there are lots of debates concerning whether abortion should be legalized or not.

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College Paper on Ethics

It is truly a quite difficult task to find the exact definition of what ethics is. People’s understanding of what is right and what is wrong differs, and the notion of ethics depends on people’s views and opinions as well. But it would be wrong to define ethics as something that people feel they can do because it is right for them.

People’s understanding of it may be deviated, moreover people cannot judge every situation with a clear head and do it objectively. Some people define ethics as a type of behavior that is acceptable by a society. However that is also not true. The society consists of separate individuals, and they may also have various points of view concerning what ethics is. We can also remember facts from history of the humanity where societies were deceived by the state, and the latter used propaganda in order to create public mood that could be used for state’s own purposes.

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College Essay on Rosa Parks

There are people whose role in the history of the mankind cannot be underestimated. There are people to whom we are grateful for the way the world we live in looks like. One of those people is Rosa Parks. She is notable for an action which led to the racial equality nowadays. This action seems ordinary nowadays, but at that time, in 1955, it was an act of disobedience to the laws of that time, that were unfair from her point of view. It all happened on December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama. At that time, the first four seats were reserved for white people, and when they were all occupied, a black person from the seats behind the first four had to give up their seat to a white passenger. What Rosa Parks did was to refuse to give up her seat to a white man saying she thought she was not obliged to do that. As a result, she was arrested afterwards.

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