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Author: Joan Young - Page 50

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 50

5 Strategies to Overcome Your Essay Writing Anxiety

There will be some times in your student life when you will have to deal with writing anxiety or writer’s block. It will stop you in your tracks. The words will escape your mind instead of rolling off of your tongue. It happens even to the best writers, so don’t think that you are doing something wrong. However, there are times when you can’t just hang it up for the night: you have to hit that deadline. So, when you hit that “brick wall”, here are some things that will break right through it, so that you can get back to the process.

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How to Write an Abstract for an Undergraduate Dissertation

An abstract can be seen as a condensed version of your paper. It highlights all of the most important points that are covered. It should also include the scope and content. Think of it as an abridged version of your dissertation. The reader should be able to just read the abstract and get all of the information that they need from it without having to read the entire paper.

If you are unsure how to write an abstract for your thesis or dissertation, we have compiled the best advice into one spot for you.

Check out these tips and you will master your abstract in no time:

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How to Make Your Research Proposal Abstract Rock

A proposal abstract for your research proposal is designed to present an idea of what you will write your research project on. It gives a summary of the project when it has already been complete.

You will need to remember that when you are creating a research proposal abstract, also known as a prospectus, you will have to present your research project to an academic committee or supervisor.

Therefore, it will be vital that you are able to convince them that the project is worth researching. You have to make sure that it rocks, so that you can move on to actually writing the paper instead of spending half of your allotted time for the whole project just trying to get this approval.

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Essay Hooks from Bloggers: Make Your Professor Plunge into Your Paper

Blogging has to be persuasive and informative, written with a rich and distinct voice. You can’t just pick a pen… err, get your hands on a keyboard….and start giving your thoughts words.

Blogging is fun and quite different to other forms of writing, including academic writing. However, it does not mean that essay writing has nothing in common with blogging. At the end of the day, it is all about putting your thoughts out there. Plus, there is a lot one can learn from blogging when it comes to essay writing.

Students who are struggling to find a way to express their ideas in essays can look to the numerous tricks bloggers use. A blog writer has to appeal and reach out to thousands of users. This isn’t as easy as it sounds – one has to come up with great ways to do just that. So without much ado, let’s have a look:

Essay Hooks: the Rubicon of Attention
An essay hook is the beginning part of your essay. It is usually comprised of one to two sentences. Consider it the Rubicon of the reader’s attention. Help them cross it by making your hook interesting.

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Storytelling in the Hook for Your Research Paper Statement

A research paper statement is a short passage explaining what your paper is about. Take some time to write out a clear and accurate thesis statement because it will show how well you have understood your research goals and whether you were able to implement them accurately.

Characteristics of a Great Research Paper Statement
Usually included at the end of the first paragraph of a paper, the statement should:

  • be very specific—Include exactly and only what you will discuss in the paper;
  • hook the reader immediately;
  • be revised as your work progresses;
  • accurately reflect what kind of paper it represents (analytical, expository, argumentative or narrative);
  • tell the reader how you plan to interpret the significance of your subject matter;
  • serve as a road map for the rest of the paper;
  • answer a specific question;
  • include a claim that is open to dispute.

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