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Author: Joan Young - Page 5

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 5

Exploratory Essay on Immigration

Immigration into the USA has recently become a contentious issue in the national debate. Democrats and Republicans have clashed with each other, and with the White House. Republicans have clashed with Republicans as well.

Why is immigration such a problem to a country that was founded on immigrants, and has inscribed ““Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” on their famous Statue of Liberty.

There are several reasons that emerge in the debate. The historical source of immigrants and national identity is a main one. The original immigrants to the USA were in fact Anglo Saxon Protestants. As their national identity grew, they saw themselves as a Christian, Protestant, English speaking people and nation. As further waves of immigrants arrived, they were, if not Anglo Saxon, primarily western European, and Christian and mostly willing to learn English, and be absorbed into the American way. Even when the Irish, Italians and Polish made their way to the USA, although Catholic they were Europeans, who fit into the predominantly Anglo Saxon American identity. They were minorities, who learned English and accepted the status quo. Also, many of them brought needed skills to the country.

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Tips: Writing a Research Paper on Bullying

Freshmen and students in their first year in high school often fall prey to bullies. Reports obtained from educational institutions indicate that bullying persists even in the modern era. It is not known why people bully others, but it can be concluded that a bully is likely to have an underlying psychological condition that triggers the bullying behavior. On a different perspective, bullying is not only rampant in schools, but has also been reported in family settings. This is mainly witnessed in families where the income is so meager that it cannot support the children that comprise that family. Bullying in families takes a mild form. For example, the eldest sibling taking care of the younger ones might serve himself bigger food portions, leaving the rest to share some insufficient quantity. In the same manner, bullying within the family might be seen where the elder siblings force younger ones to wash their clothes for them, clean their rooms, and run errands for them.

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Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery

An earlier article in this document explored the writing of argumentative essays. The present article will rely on the guidelines provided earlier to present a sample argumentative essay on plastic surgery. Beauty has always enjoyed great value in every society, irrespective of the conservative traditions that may prevail in that society. Right from childhood, human beings are taught that a beautiful person always has a prize attached to the beauty. This explains why children exhibit an unconsciousness tendency to describe awesome experiences as being beautiful. In ancient African societies, the embracing of beauty was seen in some communities painting their faces with bright colors. Among the Maasai of Kenya, for example, red ochre was used to paint the face. The trend of appreciating beauty took a different twist as time went by. The Indians pioneered the art of doing nose lifts. It was perceived that women with pointed noses were more appealing to the male generation. Other cultures aped this art, and the practice of face lifting and organ firming developed. In the modern world, the term “plastic surgery” is not new, especially with the rise to fame of the deceased rock musician, Michael Jackson.

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Essay on “An Anthropologist on Mars”

Investigating cases on behavior and neurology presents a significant number of health ideas. The brain is capable of performing tasks through a finite number of reactions and neurons in the nervous system. In light to this, I decide to go through the works of Oliver Sacks named “An Anthropologist on Mars”. I keenly study the seven cases of patients and colleagues he has highlighted about their extraordinary brains. Each case differs from the other thus depicting the issues on study. From the brain tumor victim to surgeon suffering from Tourette’s syndrome the dimension of the study broaden.

In order for one to be in a position to understand their subjects appropriately, the personality method of investigation is vital. Therefore, spending ample time with your subjects is very crucial in this field. I find “An anthropologist on Mars” fascinating since it gives amn opportunity to view peoples’ brains conditions as well as study them to the letter. The fascinating neurobiological stories explore some of the unique experiences and perceptions of oneself. The saddest thing about the study on disorders of the nervous system and the brain is that the condition of most of the patients is beyond repair. This is irrespective of the diverse scope of knowledge in the book.

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How to Write a College Essay about Yourself

Writing a college essay on yourself is the equivalent of writing a personal statement. You write a personal statement for different purposes, such as when you are making an application for a scholarship, internship, or employment. This means that you have to evaluate the context within which you are writing your college essay. As a college student, you have a lot of pertinent information about yourself that you can include in your college essay.

Nonetheless, an excessively wordy essay bores the reader. You do not want the reader to push your essay aside on grounds of it being unnecessarily lengthy. This is why you should adequately understand the context of your essay, and limit the scope to suit the objective. That said, writing a college essay on yourself must begin by an identification of your personal career objective. More often than not, many college students do not identify a succinct career objective until they are in their final academic year. This is all right, provided you can draft an objective as and when required. A viable recommendation to follow when writing a college essay on yourself is to be acquainted with the objective of the organization or group to which you are writing the essay. To the greatest extent possible, you should align your personal objective with the mission of your potential employer or sponsor. However, this must not be a cut-and-paste job, in which you copy mission statement. The objective should come first in your essay, and should be highlighted either in bold or in block letters.

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How to Succeed in Academic Writing

In the olden days when hand-written assignments were the norm, students with good handwriting earned more marks. Back then, instructors made it clear that good handwriting would increase the points you scored on a given paper. Today, hand-written tasks have gradually been replaced by typed assignments. Still, there are specific attributes instructors seek when they are marking academic assignments. Normally, the heads of college departments will dedicate a day or two to orientate new students. In such forums, students will be informed of key points that guarantee success in academic writing. Similarly, a lecturer will attach clear rubrics at the end of each assignment question. In this section, the student will be reminded of the main aspects that the marker will want to see in the final essay. A student is assured of passing an assignment is he/she satisfies the marker in adherence to the stated points. One of the things that help a student to succeed in any academic writing is precision. By this, it is meant that the final paper presented to the marker must fully address the task specified in the assignment. To ensure this, the student must read and comprehend the question before starting to write. Alternatively, he/she could occasionally revisit the question to check for any possible deviation.

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Essay: What Causes ‘Love at First Sight?’

The concept of love at first sight is one that continues to be a debatable topic, because of the many controversial issues about love in the present day. A good source of primary information on factors that cause someone to fall in love at first sight is those who profess to have fallen in love with their significant other upon meeting them for the first time. One of the issues these individuals may state is when they first came into their significant other’s presence, they felt a tingling effect all over their bodies that made them excited to be at the same place as the person they were attracted to and had fallen in love with. The difference with the excitement of falling in love at first sight is that the sensation is stronger than they had experienced before, when they were infatuated with another individual.

The whole feeling of falling in love is highly emotional, because couples that have reported falling in love report having a strong emotional connection with their significant other. These couples also report getting to know more about the person they fell in love with in a shorter amount of time than when they got to know their other friends. Falling in love makes people want to know more about a significant other than those who they have spent a very long time knowing. One other interesting thing about falling in love at first sight is the feeling that one gets makes him or her want to profess their love to that individual the very first time they meet. The unwritten rule of love emphasizes that one should profess one’s loves to the other individual after a couple of dates, as well as after both parties feel they have known the other individual enough to be very comfortable around one another.

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Feeding Problems and Autistic Spectrum Disorder Research Paper

Evidence Based Practice Articles on Autism and Feeding Problems
Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by different forms of difficulties such as verbal and non-verbal communication, repetitive behaviors, and social interactions (Freedman, 2008 p.4). The condition is a learning disorder, and it depicts a development issue in the brain. Children with autism and autistic spectrum disorder find it hard to interact with other children of their age, and when in school, teachers, and other pupils consider the autistic children as “difficult”. However, autism can be managed very well. Children with autism need nursing care to bring out the best from them. According to a research conducted by Marcus Autism Center, children with autism are at risk of poor feeding and feeding disorder (Woodruff Health Sciences Center , 2013 para.1). It is notable that proper and healthy meals help children to develop mentally by socializing during meals, but autistic children do not experience that. Good nursing practice are needed to ensure that autism does not affect feeding and health of a child.

Children with Autism at Considerable Risk of Nutritional Deficits and Feeding Problems
The Department of Pediatrics at the Emory University School of Medicine and the Marcus Autism Center were the first institutions to conduct a research on the issue (Woodruff Health Sciences Center, 2013). First of all, it is not clear what causes autism. It may be genetic since the condition runs in families. Scientists have conducted several other researches to determine the brain sections that lead to the condition (Woodruff Health Sciences Center, 2013). The investigation carried out involved using all peer reviewed articles written on autism and feeding problems.

A meta-analysis of the peer reviewed articles was conducted by researchers from Emory University and Marcus Autism Center. From the research, they noted that most children diagnosed with the condition have a lower intake of calcium and protein, and also have a high number of other nutritional problems (Woodruff Health Sciences Center , 2013). Some of the feeding problems that children with autism experience include allergies for many food products. Therefore, the nurses should monitor the feeding habits of children, and ensure that the children eat food which is full of nutritional value (Woodruff Health Sciences Center, 2013). Secondly, autistic children also suffer from pica, a condition in which they eat nonfood materials, which is also a feeding and behavioral deficiency that nurses must observe and restrain.

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Compare and Contrast Essay on Sports

Sporting activities are very popular for many people and nations across the world. The reason is that they bring people from different and diverse backgrounds together. They help create a strong bond between societies that participate in the various sports. It has also become a huge economic activity. Many people make large sums of money when they are sportsmen or sports women. Some become millionaires when they are still underage, and this makes their life easier. Sports can also be dangerous. Many instances of deaths have also been reported in sporting events. Due to the financial gain and the fame that results from success in sporting events, many people engage in dangerous sports. The majority of people to engage in sporting for anticipated heath gains, and this has received much attention across the world. However, this gives rise to a debate about the truth of sport being healthy or not. Some sports call for extreme health and fitness because they are so dangerous, and can lead to causing harm to, or, the death of the participants or the audience. Hence, this subject lends itself to compare and contrast essays.

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5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay on Abortion

In the modern world, the debate on whether abortion should be legalized has dominated discussions for years. While some people see abortion as murder, others believe that abortion should be allowed in the case of ‘unwanted’ pregnancy. This is when the pregnancy was not planned, and the mother is either not ready to have a child, or the birth of the child may pose a danger to the mother and the child. When one participates in this debate constructively, you need to prepare a well-structured essay that demystifies the issues surrounding the abortion issue. Such an essay can be an important tool that people can use to support, or oppose, the issue of legalizing abortion.

A 5-paragraph argumentative essay on abortion should include the following five points:

  1. The first paragraph should introduce the debate and the contested issues concerning abortion. For instance, the writer should explain who supports legalization of abortion, and who does not. The writer should also give the reasons why people have these differing opinions.
  2. The second paragraph should explore one side of the debate. For instance, the writer can explore whether abortion should be legalized and whether such action of legalization of abortion will be a violation of human rights, ethics, laws governing the society, and the rights of any specific member of a group of the society.
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Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

English teachers encourage students to look for controversial issues in society on which to base a persuasive essay. The reason is that the teacher wants a topic that can be easily debated on either side of the issue and that brings forth strong emotions from both sides. The purpose is to help students organize and express ideas in a clear and coherent manner. One such controversial issue is gun control. One side of the argument is that the policies for owning and using guns should be stricter. One who holds such a position might argue as follows:
It is very unfortunate that people are losing their loved ones due to the misuse of guns. While guns should be used to enhance security of people in a society, the same guns have been using in perpetuating crimes that have worsened the security status of many countries. In order to eradicate the issue of insecurity, guns should be used only when necessary. In this case there is a need to put in place policies that will ensure that gun use is properly controlled.

In addition to this example are suggestions below on how to write a persuasive essay on gun control.

Suggestions on How to Write a Persuasive Essay on Gun Control:

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How Much You Should Pay for Essays

Often, students have doubts whether to ask for help with writing papers on different topics. Of course, the price matters a lot, but first of all, you have to determine if it is really worth doing so. Very few people are born writers, so the only way out for others is to practice hard to master their skills. You need a lot of time for that as well as every paper should be finished by the due date. Students often feel nervous because they have to race against the time.

If you want to write a paper by yourself, you have to be sure you know how to do it right. Anyway, even if you do it yourself, you may ask someone to check it, to correct mistakes and the structure of the paper. In such a case, you definitely need help from a professional writer. The question is, what price is both affordable and reasonable to pay for essays.

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PhD Thesis Writing Guidelines

It is a well known fact how seriously a PhD thesis writing is considered at many universities. Showing an impeccable result is the main thing that is expected from you. Of course, it demands a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. However, there are several pitfalls you should avoid, and our task now is to have a look at the process of writing a thesis and ways to make it faster and easier.

The main problem you may face is the constant feeling of anxiety. Writing a thesis is probably the most serious research work you have done in your life.

Anyway, careful planning and following certain steps can make the process of writing your thesis easier. First of all, you have to plan your time carefully. The whole process can be divided into several parts, so you have to spend enough time on all of them. Start with choosing a topic. Chances are you may be interested in some spheres of your field of study more than in the others. Your topic should also be somehow unique and at the same time relevant.

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Master’s Dissertation Writing Tips

There are several important tasks every student has to face during the process of studying, and writing a master’s dissertation is one of them. The first thing worth mentioning about a dissertation is that it needs to be done well in order to get a master’s degree. So, as you can see, we shouldn’t underestimate all the responsibility of writing such kind of a task. Needless to say, that such a big responsibility makes you feel worried and tense all the time, even if you have enough time and there is no obvious reason for that. It seems like every student has fear for deadlines. Well, it is clear why: writing is a creative task and creativity shouldn’t be limited by anything. On the other hand, even if you are pressed for time, you can write faster and cope with your tasks more effectively. Let’s try to figure out how to do it right.

The first step is choosing a topic you are interested in. You must be sure there is enough information to use for the topic you choose. Moreover, it should be relevant so that your teachers are also interested in what they are going to read. Try to look back at everything you’ve learned before and understand what particular topic was interesting for you. You may also choose something new, but be sure to consult your teacher to know whether it is suitable for your task. Your next step should be gathering all the necessary information before you will start writing.

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Tips on Writing a Good Research Essay

A good research essay improves the grades of the students in the campuses. This is because since the exams are normally difficult the teachers normally ask the students to write the research essays. Those that write the best essays earn a lot of marks and even if they fail in the exams the researches that they did boost their performance. For those that do not know how to write the research essays, they have to look for the tips on writing a good research essay either from the teachers or their fellow friends.

Some of the tips that those people are given are:

  • They should understand the title of the essay. The same applies to the instructions that they have been given. They should read those instructions carefully so that they can get what they are required to write about.
  • Before they write anything, they should have the right concept of the paper so that whatever they write will be correct. As they go through the questions they should mark the key words in the questions. These key words normally carry the main point in the question therefore once they understand the key points then they also understand the questions better.
  • They should also break the questions into smaller sentences so that it can be easy for them to read and understand the questions. Once they are in shorter sentences it is easier to understand the question.
  • After understanding the questions now the students should get all the materials that they need in order to do the research. They should only concentrate on the information that is related to the question. This is because they might waste a lot of time reading other materials that do not with the research and they end up not finishing the work on time and this could lead to punishments.
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How to Write a Response Essay to an Article

Essays are mainly done in schools. They begin in the junior schools. Per level of education, different essays are done from the simplest to the complex ones depending on the level that one is in. Different essays are written for different reasons or are normally given under different instructions. Some of them are merely about creative writing while in others one has to do a research. This is where one does a research then after that they draft the essay depending on the research that they came up with. There are other essays that are done however. Essays that tend to respond to a certain article. The teacher gives the students an article then they are asked to answer the question asked in the article in an essay form.

Such essays are response essays. The students will just read the article and they will answer according to how they feel mostly it is written in first person. Some of the students are not familiar to the essays so the teachers have to teach the students even if in college how to write a response essay to an article. The teachers mainly insist on the first part of the introduction that the students should read the article and understand it. They should read it at first for the first understanding. This is because this is where their response will be based. They will answer the question depending on how they will understand the article.

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Tips for Writing a PhD Dissertation

Before writing their dissertation, PhD students should take a number of measures to ensure that they are writing the correct things. There are different sources of tips for writing a PhD dissertation. These tips give a guideline of how to write a good thesis, listing the steps that need to be followed.

One of the aspects that should not be forgotten is the methodology. This is where the student gives an in depth analysis of the topic of the dissertation. Depending on the subject of discipline, this should cover the biggest part of the introduction section. The student should choose the methodology that they feel comfortable with. This decreases any chances of getting short of writing materials on the way. There are times when a student starts to write the methodology section only to find that they have exhausted all the knowledge that they had.

Getting these tips helps the students choose the best methodology for their dissertation topics. Another way of getting help is obtaining, from a reliable source, an example of a dissertation that was perfectly done. This could be an example written by a student from the same institution, their lecturer or a different institution. Care should be taken to ensure that the student gets the example from a reliable source. To spare as much time as possible, PhD students should not include footnotes while writing their PhD dissertations. This should however not be confused with leaving out the references of the sources. It only means that the student should minimize on the contents of the paper that do not add to the word count as expected. For instance, if a student is writing a brief dissertation, including words that do not add content to the dissertation limits the points that they will discuss in their dissertation. For this reason, the student will be forced to include the main points only so that they get the full mark as compared to filling the paper with content that will instead lower their grade.

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Gasland Movie Essay

The documentary film “Gasland” made by Josh Fox narrates the story of environmental degradation in the USA and its reasons. In particular, the author conducted his own investigation across the country in order to find out whether the grim rumors concerning the hydraulic fracturing were true. The film provides experts’ opinions, witnesses’ recollections and calculations based on observations in order to show that the matter is serious and it must be confronted as soon as possible. It also employed emotional appeals (like love for Nature and desire to be healthy and happy) to peoples values and code of ethics in order to cause a resentment and disgust concerning the terrible things which some people deliberately make.

The author uses the technique of vivid imagery to enhance his argument – each event, location or technological process which could be unknown to its audience and therefore – hinder to view the film without constant interruptions for respective inquiry – were explained.

It has a lot of strong points and only a heartless or a mad person cannot be convinced by this film. As for me, several aspects of this film convinced me that “fracking” is a very dangerous practice and that it should be prohibited. First of all, the film is the result of a natural suspicion which everyone would experience if he or she suddenly received such a tempting proposal.

Second of all, it is filled with testimonies of victims of “fracking” and evidences given by experts in the field of environmental protection, chemistry and so forth. Fox even managed to get the insider information from whistleblowers from institutions which were supposed to regulate the problem in question. And finally, it is clear that Fox had no commercial interest in making this film and that purely ethical reasons forced him to make this research and present it to others.

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The Concept of Islam Religion Essay

Islamic Religion and the State
Islam is depicted as a way of life. However, this eliminates the fact that it is a political phenomenon. Islam is a religion which is a social aspect rather than political. Islam is a peculiar concept of secularism. This means that Islam opposed the idea that it should involve itself with other parts of life. Islam, as a religion, was also seen as a good way of governing society, and this should be incorporated to the modern society. As a result, a political institution had no place in the Muslim society. Every individual of the Muslim society was seen to be guided by the teachings of Islamic laws, rather than the set political structure.

Islam was a religious way of life. It was also seen as a form of governance. Islam scholars argued that Islamic values and the way of life had a similar style of governance like most of western government. They depicted this as an effective way and did not consider political organization of any other nature. Those who were supporting political society were regarded as modernists, but many of the scholars who were traditionalists were against this. They saw this as a violation of Islamic state laws. Islamic state was honored since they believed that, it was drafted by Prophet Muhammad. They believed that Islam was a sacred institution that was not to assimilate any form of foreign intervention. Rules that were outlined by religious values and there was no need for political intervention. Islam, from the early beginnings, did not have separation between politics and other social values. Islam, therefore, did not require any organization to govern the Muslim society. Political institution was eliminated since leaders were seen as ordained by God. In addition, Muslim society did not see any person above the law and hence did not require any political leaders.

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How to Pick a Title for Your Research Paper

It sounds strange, but for many people choosing a topic of a research paper is the most difficult task. Well, that’s often true and it can happen to you in any situation when you have to choose something. If you are not given a choice, you can simply accept it. On the other hand, the more options you have, the more difficult it may be to make a wise choice. So, if your teacher has given you a topic to work on, you are the lucky one. But sometimes you have to pick a title for your research paper by yourself.

There is one thing to think of before choosing a title. So, ask yourself what you are interested in at this stage of your life. Wouldn’t it be great to write about something you like and are good at? However, keep in mind that you write your paper not only for yourself. It will be read by your teachers, and your goal is to write about what you like to make other people interested in it.

You have to keep it simple. Write in such a way, that even a child could understand you. Making simple things more complicated is a complete waste of time. Nobody would like to read that. In addition, have a look at the latest news, listen to what people or your friends talk about, try to remember things that you was impressed by recently. This may inspire you to choose the right topic.

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Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for Teenagers [2024]

There are several things which make writing a persuasive (also called “argumentative”) essay a special task, and it is worth mentioning all of them. First of all, the word “persuasive” speaks for itself. Your main task is to persuade those who will read your essay that your point of view is correct. In order to do that, you should back up your idea with facts from reliable sources, because your point of view is not so authoritative to persuade people without citing well-known and established scientists, writers, or politicians. Study all available materials which can be used for your essay. Second, you have to believe in your point of view. If you try to persuade people something is true, but you don’t believe in it yourself, chances are your words will sound insincere, and it will be easily noticeable. So, choose a topic that is rather debatable and choose a point of view that can be proven to be true.

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Top Research Paper Topics 2013 for College

First of all, in order to write a good research paper, you have to understand well what kind of task it is. So, research papers differ from typical essays a little bit. They are longer and require some research work to collect useful information which you can use for your paper. It may sound strange, but the most difficult task for some people is choosing the topic. Actually, it’s quite normal. If the topic was chosen by your teacher, you have no other choice than to accept it and use it for your research paper. On the other hand, when you have to choose your topic yourself, you can be confused and have trouble choosing the one you really like and interested in. Let’s try to do it together.

Talking about topics that are relevant in 2013, you can think of everything that happened this year and choose the event that impressed you most. Was it a military conflict in the Middle East? You can analyze the political situation in Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan etc. Also, you may try to find a way out of all the problems in these countries. Maybe the new iPhone 5S is a far more appealing topic for you? Write a paper about modern technology, speaking about how it changed our everyday life, including all the advantages and disadvantages these gadgets have.

Are you interested in economy? If yes, you can write about the financial problems in various countries, connecting this factor to financial crisis of 2007-2008. Try to analyze all the opinions on how to cope with such kind of problem and present them in your paper.

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B2B and Reseller Markets Essay

B2B and Reseller Markets
Business-to-business (B2B) concept involves the aspect of decision-making in the majority of industry sectors (Hutt & Speh, 2013). The majority of the collaborative business models in the modern times have made an effort to improve the face of marketing through the support of the B2B relationships amongst the entities. The application of the B2B also comes with challenges in the fulfillment of the negotiations and interactions imposed through the collaborative models in managing public business marketing processes (Hutt & Speh, 2013). In this research, the description of the use of interaction protocols in defining and managing the processes in B2B relationships forms the core subject.

The advancement of technology has enabled businesses conduct marketing electronically facilitating the existence of the Business-to-Business (B2B) E-Commerce (Hutt & Speh, 2013).

In some of the B2B relationships, the aspect of interaction forms significant challenge. The interactions within the B2B framework occur in three vital layers including content, communication, and business process. Internet-centered B2B related business models are effective in conducting business-to-business (B2B) commerce in the majority of the industry sectors. As one of the instantaneous mediums, the development of technology provides the business entities with new and improvised electronic marketplaces (Hutt & Speh, 2013).

Business Processes
In the layer of business process, the B2B relationships necessitate the management of two distinct business processes including public processes and private processes (Hutt & Speh, 2013). The private processes forms part of the enterprise itself managed through each enterprise in an independent way. The private processes receive support within the enterprises through a traditional Workflow Management System, proprietary systems or the ERP systems (Meyer, 2007).

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The Best Topics for Essay Writing of 2013

Everybody knows how difficult it is to take a first step, no matter what kind of task you have to do. The same is true about writing an essay. Trying to write a draft even without knowing how and what you have to write can help you practice writing a little bit, but on the other hand it is a complete waste of time in most cases. So, every kind of task needs careful planning in order to know the sequence of all actions you have to take while writing your essay.

Well, the first and perhaps the most important step you have to take is choosing a topic of your essay. You can pick one randomly, without even thinking whether it meets your essay requirements or whether you are interested in it and can find enough information. Choosing an inappropriate topic may cause further problems, and it would be just too late to change another one. So, consider all the possible problems you may encounter while writing an essay on a particular topic. By the way, it is better to choose an interesting topic, even if it is complicated, then to knock yourself out writing an easy, but rather boring essay which will not appeal neither to you, nor your teachers. Keep in mind that a bad beginning makes a bad ending.

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The Science and Art of Nursing Essay

Nursing can be expressed as both a science and an art. Nursing has to embrace both science and art of the practice. The field of nursing can be broad and ambiguous. Therefore nurse’s duties are misconstrued causing appropriate boundaries between primary physician activates and nursing activities to be blurred. The effectiveness of nursing is dependent on the interaction of the people in the nursing sector and a developed control of human emotion, discipline, and adequate skillset. The skill, knowledge and judgment that must be exercised by nurses are what are constituted as an art form, because of the level of control involved with the practice. Science aims at expanding the knowledge of the individual and the subject matter involved. This is what relates nurse partitioning as a science (Donahue, 2011). The increase in knowledge that informs and underpins the practice and thinking of a discipline is the science, nature, and art of the study. This short dissertation outlines the elements that make nursing both an art and a science, which when adequately balanced benefit the patient and surrounding practitioners’ experience.

“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive
devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for
what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared
with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit?” (Sienna Heights University, 2013)

Nursing as a Science
Medical Science has had an instrumental role in health. The major focus has been placed on the reliable methodologies and scientific development. According to the American Nurses Association, nurses have a unique role to assist the sick individuals in activities that contribute to health and recovery. The way that nurses fulfill their duties is what will determine whether the act is an art or a science or an equivalent application of both characteristics. The nurse should be familiar with and understand the medical terms, medical procedures, and various medicines administered to patients to provide optimal care patient care. They must also study and thoroughly understand symptoms and precautionary actions to be taken in regard to patient illness. There is a noteworthy constituent of precision to be utilized to facilitate daily medical tasks within the medical environment. Science is a study of precision, facts, and an aim to transform theory to fact. Nurses must be familiar with a plethora of facts on a daily basis. The process of mastering this ability is a science. The mastering of this process delineates a less skilled nurse from an expert (Lynch & Duval, 2011).

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Essay on Language Variation

The following conversation is between Andy an American businessman doing business in London and Carter a British native based in London. The two men are based in the insurance industry. The conversation will be used to differentiate between the American and British language. The readers of the conversation will be in a position to understand various language components. The idea behind the conversation is to understand the importance of linguistic variations.

Andy: what is the main factor affecting insurance business in the United Kingdom?

Carter: The market viability determines the level of insurance penetration. This is manifested by the manner in which the market operates in the long run. A good example is a smaller and larger market size. A smaller market segment implies that the insurance business will not thrive to the maximum. Insurance is all about numbers and understanding how to make adjustments within the course of operations. It should be noted that other factors determine the penetration mechanism. This is an indication that a bigger market size would be better suited to encourage the growth of insurance.

Andy: There is a lot of stuff going on within the insurance sector in the United Kingdom. From my point of view, I think the insurance industry in the United Kingdom is undergoing a different phase as compared to the American market. It is clear that the UK market is undergoing a series of changes aimed at making the industry viable. This is evidenced by the manner in which the industry is undergoing challenges. Unlike the American market, the British market is still on the phase of adapting to the changing environment. This means that the level of insurance penetration is minimal as compared to the situation in the United States.

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Whom Can I Pay to Write My Research Paper Online?

Crafting research papers can be monotonous especially if you are a college or university student. At times, one can easily get bored with doing the same routine on the regular basis. Apart from boredom, there are also other reasons why students may require paper writing assistance during their academic career.

“Whom can I pay to write my research paper online?” students ask themselves this question when they are stuck with homework and need a viable option to meet the strict paper deadlines. There is a glory hour of online paper writing agencies. You need to be careful when selecting a paper writing agency and find one that is capable of assisting you with the needed writing assignment.

How to Choose?

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Who Will Write My Term Paper at Affordable Rates?

Understandably, student who have made their minds to order assistance always look for affordable, but high quality writing services since most of them are not employed or are part-time workers. Hectic student life leaves not much time for out-of-class activities and term papers consume much of their time because they demand adequate exposure on the subject under discussion. “Who can write my term paper at affordable rates?” – desperate students need to submit their term papers before the stipulated deadlines. Term papers contribute a major share on students overall grading. This means that students have to give term papers their best shot in order to advance to the next learning level. College students are always assigned term papers at nearly the same time making it difficult for them to complete the papers in a quality fashion.

Completing one term paper and immediately starting another can compromise quality of the subsequent paper. Students therefore need assistance on their term papers in order to score good grades. Our paper writing service agency employs fresh university graduates to assist clients in completing their assignments. Most of the term papers ordered from our paper writing service are from college hence writers find them easy to complete. Doing a term paper requires writers who have good research and writing skills. Term papers are assessments given to students to ascertain whether they have grasped the idea of the course or not. Doing term papers is therefore challenging because it requires the student to remember the concepts learned in class. We offer to help you with your term paper for cost-effective prices. Our writers are very cooperative and will help you any time of the day.

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Who Will Write My Paper Overnight?

Gone are the times when teachers used to assign their students brief assignments and a lot of time to complete the short assignments. In the present day, students are given several lengthy assignments and are expected to write those assignments within very few hours. As a result of the pressure to complete orders fast many students find themselves online searching for reliable services that have the skilled writers and can help them write several papers overnight and write the papers very well.

Our writing service is definitely one that you should contact when urgent papers are what you need. Our writers have a lot of knowledge in different fields and use their extensive writing skills for all sorts of paper in relatively short periods of time. Even if the paper that you need is very urgent and you need it written for you by morning, we will ensure that your order is carried out properly and according to your instructions. The whole process of writing the papers you require is always done by our team, supporters and writers, to present you with well written content that will plagiarism free and original, and delivered to you on time.

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I Don’t Want to Do My Essay! What Should I Do?

Quite often there are certain challenges that people face in life and at every level of it. Students are always affected in one way or another. This is seen when assignments are given of different kinds and most probably those that involve writing and research. The essay is the most convenient way to impart certain skills into students, skills that they will use later in life. However many students dread writing the essay and other papers based on it. There are several types of essays that students are always required to write within their learning period. These essays have different levels of difficulty and needs, and students are supposed to see that these are met in all ways. But since most of the students do not have the capacity to achieve these, they have to seek help from other sources. It is by this that academic help centers and agencies were established to help students go about their academic chores.

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How to Write an English Term Paper

If you want to know how to write your English term paper well, you should study at least a couple of guides, including the one offered by your university. It is also helpful to review a sample term paper to have a practical example of how the suggestions and advice in the guides apply.

Start your English paper by writing an outline. As you begin writing the outline of your term paper, think of the things that you would want to explore in it or what you are expected to explore in the paper. The outline will provide you with an algorithm of how to arrange information in your term paper. It also includes some major points that you would have to explore deeper before writing the term paper. The first section of your term paper outline should concentrate on writing the general introduction of your term paper. It is at this section where you are to write explanatory remarks on what the term paper is to explore, the purpose of writing that term paper and the kind of resources that you shall use to explore the arguments of your essay while providing evidence for the solutions that you will be providing in your paper.

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How to Write an Abstract for a Business Research Paper

An abstract for business research paper is a summary of the entire paper. Students doing business research papers often mistake abstracts to be the introductory paragraph since abstract appears at the beginning of the work. Business research papers are general audience papers that are likely to be read by any member of the society. The abstract is given much attention by the audience since it is a snapshot of the entire work. There are two types of abstract that can be developed in a business research paper: descriptive and informative abstracts. Students must decide which type of abstract to include in their business research papers though they accomplish the same goal. Descriptive abstracts are best suited for shorter business research papers while informative abstracts are for lengthy and technical research papers. Concisely, an abstract is supposed to explain the purpose of business research paper, its goals and methodology used for research.

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Who Can Help me with My Assignment?

If you do not feel confident about your writing skills, there is a way out when you are assigned to compose a research paper, an essay or any other piece of written work. You can get professional help online and pay a reasonable amount of money for assistance with your academic assignments. It does not take long to place an order on the official web site of a custom writing agency and get a draft of your future paper. The complicated task is to select an agency you can rely on, and work with creatively and effectively. However, there are several simple rules that will guide you when you are looking for a reliable and solid online academic writing company.

First of all, you need to be sure of the confidentiality of the service. You do not want your personal data to be disclosed, or given to any third parties, do you? Then you need to find a truly reliable company with a clear and transparent Privacy Policy. You need to get acquainted with it prior to placing the order. If you are satisfied with our company’s Terms and Conditions, Revision Policy, Plagiarism-free Policy etc. and you want to order a paper from this particular online service, you need to go ahead and place your order (or at least take a free inquiry). In most cases, you will be informed of the price you are to pay immediately. You will then know what you can afford; the appropriate number of pages, academic level and deadline.

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Who Can Write My Essay for Money?

Academic success for some students does not come easily, but for a certain group of students who know how to find the right professional to write their essays for them, for a small amount of money, achieving academic success is one task that is very easy. Students, from almost any part of the world, want to get genuine assistance for each and every assignment in class, but many of these students have no idea where they can get this kind of assistance which they need and how they can get this help at a minimal cost.

Among the main points that you should consider when thinking of asking this writing facility to complete your paper, include the fact that this writing facility is a popular brand that is well known, in the academic help writing industry, for crafting all types of academic writing papers. The quality work that this company generates speaks for itself, and always keeps many more students streaming to come get their papers completed at no other website but here. The team of deliberately selected writers is always at hand to assist students with any kind of paper writing problems, and at whatever time.

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Essay on Homosexual Relationships

Homosexual relationships are romantic connections between two people of the same gender. These connections cover all cases of gays and lesbians. These relationships are not based on the willingness to procreate or nature moral values, but rather on the desire to fulfill the passions of the persons involved.

Through the forums supported by human rights groups, many homosexuals have come in the limelight demanding legal recognition for their sexual orientations. James Skillen is one of such activists. He observes that governments should play passive roles when it comes to the issues of marriage.

Instead, Skillen suggests that the government should learn to accommodate the “constantly changing definition of marriage” to make provisions for homosexual marriages (Skillen, 1). A similar observation was made by Ellie Schaack in his article “Gay Marriage is a Right”. Schaack points out that the right to marry is explicit and dependent on one’s unique attributes (Schaack, 1). Unfortunately, many countries are continually legalizing homosexuality.

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The Solution of Human Freedom Essay

There are three main categories of philosophy concerning the level of human freedom: free will, determinism and compatibilism. All they give solution to the question how much freedom does a person have. However, each of them have their certain strength and weakness, so none of these position can be a singular solution.

Free will gives a solution, that states a possibility of any person to make an individual choice without the interference of any circumstances (Caouette). The strength of it is that according to this learning the person is independent from anybody or any occasions and that he or she has the ability and right to do any actions. It means, that person’s actions is only under his or her responsibility and that there is no participle from any superior forces. Determinism is a philosophy position, that asserts that human does not have any control of his fate and that it is determined only by the will of God (Hannan, and Lehrer 49-54). Its strength is that whatever mistake a human could do, it is explained as the God’s will, which takes off any responsibility for these actions.

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How to Get Your Essay Started

Starting an essay is the most difficult activity that students face in their academic career. Students have the tendency to procrastinate in completing their essay writing assignments simply because they think they have more time than they actually do. “How to get your essay started” is probably the most recurring question on a student’s mind. The essay writing process should be as smooth as possible so that the student writer is motivated to develop the essay fully.

First, it is important to read and understand all the essay requirements before beginning. Having the guidelines and requirements at hand enables one to be cognizant of the number of words required and the type of research to be undertaken, as well as determining who targeted audience is. Before writing the essay, it is important to establish a writing schedule.

Lengthy custom essays have a myriad of requirements that are all assessed by the evaluator. Students who fail to adhere to these instructions often find themselves with low grades even if the content of the paper is great. To jump-start the essay writing process, one is expected to not only understand the paper requirements but also to employ critical thinking skills. Think about each question and determine what is expected at the completion of the paper.

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How to Write a Good Literature Review Paper

A literature review can differ from other assignments, but it is basically a review, which defines the rationale and the preface regarding the primary research. It is essential that a literature review be included since it is mandatory in a research paper. The basic objective is to examine, while being very critical, a part of a published source from its classification, summary, and assessment by using previous research studies, theoretical studies, and assessment of literature.

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How to Write Great College Level Book Report

Book reports are defined as edifying reports that deliberate on a specific book from an objective point of view. Students have generally confused book reports with book reviews since they are not conscious of the differences that exist between the two. Book reports summarize the work while book reviews gives evaluation of works at hand. Basically, book reports give accounts of the major characters, plot, thesis, and the main concepts of the work. A book report is a short summary that ranges from 275 to 500 words. Students who are given book report assignments need to be informed of the basic information concerning the book. These include the book title, the author, the publisher and place of publication, as well as number of pages. This information is necessary since it is incorporated into the report. Before commencing on a book report, it is prudent to determine the genre of the book. Writing a fiction book report requires one to be cognizant of the main characters, the setting, and the context of action. Non-fiction book reports involve emphasizing the main ideas presented in the book.

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How to Write a Term Paper Thesis

There are many tips a student needs to keep in mind while writing a term paper thesis. A student needs to put in as much effort as possible in order to secure a decent grade. First of all, it is imperative that the student starts early and makes sure that their topic is chosen within first seven days, during the next week the student should study the research articles. If the student becomes lazy and does not follow such a schedule, it will create problems for the student.

It is important that students take into consideration what interests them when selecting a topic. Students should also make sure that sufficient discussion has taken place with the professor before the topic has been finalized. Regular meetings should continue to take place with the professor to ensure that the student is on the right track, while making sure that the selected topic is neither too narrow, nor too broad.

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How to Write a Research Paper Introduction Paragraph

Many students find the writing of an introduction, especially for a demanding paper such as a research paper, to be a very challenging task. If one knows the strategies to use in writing solid introductions, this part of the research paper can be as easy to write as the other sections of the paper. For a research paper, the introduction paragraph is usually a half page in length although it can sometimes be longer depending upon the overall length of the paper and the required background information needed for the introduction. Just like other kinds of papers, the introduction of a research paper begins with statements that present the primary issue being explored and ends by offering the hypothesis or research questions on which the study or research is to be based. The introduction paragraph of a research paper, and indeed of any other kind of academic paper, should always offer a theoretical framework for the research and enable its reader to gain a clear understanding of the purpose for the research. Without a well-written introductory paragraph, it would be very difficult for readers to determine what the paper is about and to follow the presentation of ideas and evidence.

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The Trail of Tears Essay

The Trail of Tears refers to the forceful relocation and eventual movement of the Native American communities from the South Eastern regions of the U.S. as a result of the enactment of the Indian Removal Act in the year 1830. In the year 1838, in line with Andrew Jackson’s policy of the Indians’ removal, the Cherokee community was forced to surrender its land to the east of Mississippi River and migrate to the present day Oklahoma. This journey was referred to as the “Trail of Tears” mainly due to its devastating effects it had to the Indian people. The migrants faced extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to the forced march while more than 50,000 people died (Cave, 2003). The Trail of Tears resulted in a devastating effect for the Indians such as extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to long walk and massive injustices and abuse of fundamental human rights.

According to Perdue (2008), the Trail of Tears is regarded as one of the tragic eras in the U.S. history mainly due to the forceful relocation of the Indians. This is also considered as the beginning of the Indian extermination by the U.S. government even though they had lived in the country several centuries before the white settlers set their foot in America. After the American Revolution and the eventual creation of the U.S., the Indians were regarded as a separate nation within a sovereign country even though they were fully committed to a peaceful coexistence with the white settlers. However, the white settlers were mostly interested in the resources of rich and productive land under the occupation of the Indians. As a result, the U.S. government embarked on a long campaign – marked by false promises, broken and false treaties, and threats of military force and racist attitudes – to oust the Indians from their native territory.

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Tattoo Art among the Maori Essay

We are studying about the Maori people who are the indigenous Polynesians. These people are found in New Zealand. They arrived in new Zealand in voyages as settlers and later became residents. They were isolated by other people and eventually decided to do this type of special art for the beauty purposes which has given them a special identity.

The art as commonly known as ta moko, are permanent tattoos made on the body and the face. These tattoos are made on both sexes of the Maori people. The skin was skillfully decorated with different pictures obtained from the environment. Upon the completion of the curving process, the body was left with beautiful chisels that were appealing to the observers. The skin was left with beautiful grooves rather than the usual smooth skin that was not appealing to many people. This created uniqueness among the people.

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How to Write a Great Reaction Paper

In order to write a great reaction paper, a particular order needs to be followed. For instance, one must read through the given document carefully, while noting the key points. Watching the documentary, or fully partaking part in the seminar for the reaction essay topic, is also crucial in preparation for writing a great reaction paper. Taking notes of key thoughts, during one’s participation in the reaction essay events, is also an important activity during the preparation. This is because the latter helps in the generation of several ideas from which an individual is able to choose their key points.

Secondly, think of and briefly describe two key points that you want articulated in your reaction. In each key point, details like the various lessons learnt, the areas of agreement and the points with which you disagreed, need to be clearly stated. Since experts claim that a successful reaction paper is brief piece of work, the various points should be precise and clear. The third point on writing a great reaction paper is presenting a clear justification in support of the stated key points. The other step that is followed is the provision of a real life example regarding the subject of discussion, which must be clearly explained for a better understanding of it. Finally, a brief description of how the researchers point is connected to public relations is given.

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How to Write a Dissertation Proposal

Several guidelines are provided to enable an individual to write an excellent dissertation proposal. Here they are for your attention.

  1. They should be well detailed regarding the research topic. Current research shows that to be able to write a good dissertation proposal, students have to be well conversant with the topic at hand. This means that they need to gain a lot of information on the subject matter by reading several materials and books on the topic, know current findings on the topic and be able to access various literary sources.
  2. They should be able to go outside the area of study. This mainly means that they will be able to research from related topics and as a result, the research work presented will be unique, thus outdoing previous research on the subject matter. The issue of going outside the given area of study is an advantage in that it is a good source of new ideas for a given area of study.
  3. They have to be attentive. The issue of attention is a very powerful tool, especially, in the practical application of knowledge gained. In addition, it helps individuals to know the various methods, as well as the procedures, used in a given analysis. This then becomes a great source of information for the broad topic of study.
  4. They should know how to cite papers. For instance, an individual who knows the list of authors who wrote a particular article would give a great referenced dissertation proposal paper. In addition, having a good knowledge in the area of text citations would result to a great dissertation proposal.
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How to Write a Financial Case Study

A financial case study is important in that it helps the finances student as well as financial practitioners in the mastery of the elements described in financial planning standards. The procedure used in writing a financial case study is one of the simplest to follow. This is primarily because it basically consists of specified figures, hence, simplicity.

The initial step in the writing of a financial case study involves evaluating a client’s financial situation and identifying specific goals as well as stating the objective of the case study, which might be to avoid the mismanagement of funds for a particular individual or an organization, for example. The second step is to determine the main areas that are to be addressed in a financial plan. Later, the writing of a plan will include the methods that will be used in order to maintain cash flow while minimizing its wastage. The fourth step is the identification of any additional data that could be useful in the establishment of a financial plan. Lastly, various strategies are utilized and recommendations given in the financial plan to satisfactorily address the user’s needs.

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How to Write an Accounting Case Study

Accounting case studies must be written according to various standard rules and regulations. These are the same guidelines followed by organizations during their accounting process. Accounting case studies are important to a national government in that they enable it to check an organization’s progress in terms of production as well as finance. An accounting case study should be written following procedures specific to one of the major topics in accounting, such as financial accounting and managerial accounting, which is also referred to as cost accounting.

To write an accounting case study is quite challenging because it requires a good amount of quality time. Generally, just like other case studies, it follows a specific format. The writer gives detailed background information on the topic of study. This is what is regarded as the introduction. It offers a clear outline of the subject matter while defining the problem at hand together, with the limitations of the study. The writer then provides the problem statement, followed by case data sampling. Next, a conclusion is drawn which is finally followed by recommendations.

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How to Write Nursing Case Study

A Nursing case study is among the more complex case study papers to write. This is due to the fact that it is comprised of several sections, each with details needed to convey the information required by doctors and medical personnel for treatment. It is also used as an effective means of communication among the various groups involved, including doctors and nurses as well as other medical staff.

Writing a nursing case study necessitates one to follow a given number of steps. The first step entails selecting a particular topic that is based on a real life situation that one is allowed to discuss such an issue following one’s experience or current research. The second step is stating various objectives. For instance, a researcher might choose to indicate what knowledge new learners or nurses will have gained by the end of the study. The nursing case study should include at least four objectives of the study.

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How to Write a Research Proposal for PhD

The PhD research proposal is the first important step of doctoral studies. The aim of the research proposal is to provide information about the intended research project.

A typical research proposal consists of the following parts:

  • A working title of the topic area:
    This must give the essence of the proposed research, not just convey the key words associated with the proposed research.
  • General overview of area: this is an introduction that should be a brief abstract of the general area of study and also signify the discipline(s) within which it falls.
  • Detailed literature review: it is here that you need to develop your proposal to demonstrate that you are aware of the debates and critical issues raised in relevant bodies of literature. You need to show your familiarity with major lines of argument which have been developed in your area. It is important to reference key articles and texts to establish that you appreciate their relevance to your research area. As your PhD is an original piece of research, you should demonstrate that. The area you propose to research has not been studied before. Identify your niche, which will lead on to the thesis preparation.
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How to Write a Management Case Study

There are defined steps that must be followed when you are writing a Management case study. The main components will be the facts of the case and your personal response to it from various points of view.


You as the candidate must choose your own topic. Candidates are advised to discuss their proposed topic within their own organization coordinate any privacy or confidentiality questions.
The topic must be somehow related to the organization and their business, where they have actively demonstrated their leadership skills.
It is important for your management case study to demonstrate the correlation between practice and theory.

Undertaking the Study

Management Case Study Proposal
The proposal to your management case study should include an outline of the proposed paper: point out specific objectives, rationalize your undertaking it, your methodology and supposed outcome.
The proposal should be no longer than 1,000 words.

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  • 275 words/page
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