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Author: Joan Young - Page 49

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 49

How to Find an Excellent Topic for an English Literature Term Paper

One of the most rewarding paper types that you will ever write for an English class is a literature term paper. Its main point is to get you to take a hard and analytical look at a piece of literature. When you are developing your term paper, the topic is vital in the overall success of your piece. You will want to utilize the following advice to be ensured that it turns out successfully.

One of the easiest ways to make sure that you select a good topic is by brainstorming some of the literary works that you can remember. Something about these pieces stood out to you and that can make writing about them more interesting. Think back to the various books that you have read. You don’t have to recall the exact name and author for this part of the process. Just simply get the general ideas down so that you know which piece you are discussing. The name and title are not important.

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7 Questions You Need to Answer in Your Reaction Paper Writing

It may seem like an easy task to write a reaction paper when it is assigned. Now, after you have put it off until the last minute, you find out that even though it is based on your opinion, it is much harder to complete than you originally thought. A reaction paper is designed to express your response to a piece of writing. It is a tool for analyzing the piece. You will need to show your reactions to a certain article or book, the author’s focus, and how it was written.

When you have to go further than “I liked it” or “I didn’t like it”, the paper gets a bit more challenging. You need to expand on your ideas and create a paper that expresses the information in a logical and well-organized manner.

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5 Tips on How to Improve Your APA English Essays

The American Psychological Association has developed a formatting style that is used in several fields of study. It can be rather complex and if you have ever been given or seen the guide, you have probably had to pick yourself off of the ground. It is a very particular format; however, the majority of it deals with the citation process. Most instructors will level down your grade for improper formatting and there is no point in losing points for that.

Here is how you can improve and get a good grade for your writing with these five easy tips.

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Become a Real Critic in Your Critical Analysis Paper

A critical analysis paper is designed to examine a piece of work or article that has been written by someone else and the goal is to determine how effectively they present their point or argument. It is one of the most difficult pieces because many students don’t understand how to handle this type of assignment. However, by following this advice, you will be able to write your paper like a real critic.

  1. Read the Piece a Few Times
    Read the text you need to write a critical analysis on a few times. While you are reading, be sure to try and answer several questions. You can make some notes on the answers to make sure that you can effectively analyze the piece.
    – What is the artist arguing for or against? Analyze the writer’s thesis statement.
    – Decide the context of the argument. Why is the author arguing for the point?
    – Decide if they have provided a solution to the problem they are discussing. Is the solution plausible?
  2. Jot down the Supporting Evidence for the Main Points
    Has the author utilized the information to support their main point or points?
  3. Determine the Author’s Appeal to the Reader
    How does the author appeal to the reader to persuade them to believe in their point? Do they appeal to emotion (pathos)? How about to their logic or reason (logos)? Or their credibility (ethos)?
  4. Draw the Line
    Do any questions arise when you are reading the piece or have all of the questions been effectively answered?

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7 Best Books for a Literature Response Paper

A literary response paper is designed to give your opinion on how a literary piece makes you feel or think. It is your opinion; however, it needs to be based on the facts. You will need to make sure that you really have some considerations about what you are writing. In order to master this essay style, you will need to choose a really good literary piece to produce a decent paper.

If you get to choose the topic, which most of the time you do, then you should check out one of these books:

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