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Author: Joan Young - Page 42

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 42

Writing Habits of Great Authors You Should Try

It’s not a secret that many famous writers of the past and the present had, or still have, habits considered strange by other people. Nevertheless, strange writing habits were dearly cultivated and consistently practiced by writers to help them boost their creativity or productivity or to get them into the right mood for writing. Here’s a short list of habits belonging to some well-known writers that you can use.

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Writing College Papers Under Pressure: How-To’s

Any student knows how important it is to be able to properly manage time. With the ever-increasing amount of homework, academic assignments, projects, and other tasks routine for colleges and universities, 24 hours a day just isn’t enough for school and life. Besides, students aren’t robots, so huge workloads often lead to excessive stress. As a result, a typical student – a person most likely unable to manage stress (and even less likely to manage time) becomes a person with a chronic lack of time who’s constantly worried, disturbed, or stressed out.

Therefore, to make students’ lives less stressful, we’ve prepared a short guide on the most popular time and stress management techniques. Using these techniques, you’ll be able to conquer your workload without straining your nervous system.

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Writing Assignment Rubric: Forewarned is Forearmed

A writing assignment rubric can be difficult to decipher. But getting acquainted with a writing rubric before you write an essay, paper, or any writing assignment is essential to getting good grades. If you don’t know what your teacher expects of you, and write something for your teacher regardless, you are willingly putting yourself in a sticky situation. So, what are the usual parts of a writing rubric and how to impress your teacher by following it?

There is usually a hierarchy of categories that are attended to. The following is a list of the important things to pay attention to in order to get the highest grade for your assignments:

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The Decline of Students’ Writing Skills: Causes and Outcomes

Writing is still the most common form of evaluating students’ achievements. You must write term papers, coursework, theses, and dissertations to prove that the teachers’ effort did not go to waste, and that you can acquire knowledge on your own. But something did go to waste, as more and more teachers begin to realize that they spend more time fixing grammar mistakes than focusing on the information related to topic of the work. So, what happened?Decline of Students Writing Skills

If the problem keeps getting worse, maybe it’s high time to get to the bottom of it and find out the reasons for weak writing skills.

Statistics on Student Writing Skills

Numerous studies have been taken involving writing skills of grade-school to college age students.

Annual reports from the National Center for Education Statistics show that the SAT mean scores in writing have dropped from 497 to 484 in 9 years (2006 – 2015). It’s already bad that the score is decreasing, but it also never stayed the same two years in a row during this period. Therefore, we can assume that the SAT result in writing will continue to decrease at the same rate.

The same statistics show that SAT reading scores have also decreased in the same way. This also contributes to poor writing skills, particularly where analyzing and synthesizing sources is required.

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Peculiarities of Writing in the Humanities

Writing in the humanities can be challenging because of the diversity and vastness of the discipline. Humanities covers human culture, which is rather hard to pin down. It covers anthropology, history, languages, laws, politics, literature, performing arts, philosophy, religion, and much more. Despite the extensive nature of this discipline, there are several essentials that you should keep in mind while writing papers about humanities subjects:

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