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Author: Joan Young - Page 37

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 37

4 Devices That Will Turn Reading English Writing Books into Pleasure

Every avid reader has had to deal with cramps in their hands from holding English writing books for too long, squinting in the dark to finish just one more chapter, trying to fit a hefty book into a small bag, and struggled to get comfortable while reading. For some people, the digital age of books is a wonder, but others prefer to hold the paper in their hands. Just as writers who like using pen and paper instead of writing via computer software. This article describes devices that can help with different reading mediums; so whatever your preference is, you are sure to learn about something that you’ll like.


From Kindles to Nooks, e-readers to apps, digital versions of books seem to be taking over the mainstream. While some rejoice at this, others aren’t too comfortable with the idea of a book that needs to be charged. Other people are concerned with the price of these tablets, but these sceptics may not know what they are missing out. Many tablets include backlights, making reading in the dark easier. Also they are lighter and thinner than the average book, making them an easy carriage. Dead batteries are rarely an issue, as most tablets hold a decent charge and recharge quickly when needed. As for the price, the average Kindle sells for around $100-200. While this can seem pricey, Amazon offers free book downloads, making the purchase worth the cost.

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5 English Writing Resources for Better Punctuation

Has anybody seen the best punctuation lesson ever given? It was a presentation by a great pianist Victor Borge. He used different sounds for each punctuation mark, and it’s called Phonetic Punctuation.

Proper рunсtuаtіоn hоldѕ a vеrу ѕіgnіfісаnt рlасе іn the English lаnguаgе, ѕо muсh ѕо thаt a holiday wаѕ founded in 2004 tо honor іt. Have you ever heard about the Nаtіоnаl Dау оf Punсtuаtіоn? Evеrу 24th оf September, buѕіnеѕѕеѕ, media organizations, аnd ѕсhооlѕ асrоѕѕ the Unіtеd Stаtеѕ celebrate the еvеnt tо rеmіnd people оf thе importance of using рunсtuаtіоn mаrkѕ properly.english writing resources

Wеll, improving one’s wrіtіng ѕkіllѕ іѕ the buѕіnеѕѕ nоt only оf ѕtісklеrѕ fоr рrореr рunсtuаtіоn but also оf оrdіnаrу people lіkе уоu. Nobody wоuld ѕtаnd rеаdіng a document оr tеxt ѕрrіnklеd with lоtѕ оf commas. And іѕn’t it tіrіng tо rеаd a lеttеr or an essay thаt dоеѕn’t hаvе аnу comma or реrіоd at аll? Wоrѕе, рооr рunсtuаtіоn can соѕt a business mіllіоnѕ оf dоllаrѕ in lost rеvеnuеѕ.

There is a number of English writing resources available to help you with punctuation.

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8 Pro Tips on How to Write a Breathtaking English Speech Essay

A speech is similar to an essay, except that a speech is meant to be spoken, while an essay is meant to be read. In fact, most speeches are usually essays that are read aloud, with a few changes made to keep the audience listening.

If you wish to write a good English speech essay to keep your audience engaged till the end, here is a list of good speech writing tips that you can follow:

1. Plan the Speechenglish speech essay writing tips

Before getting down to writing a speech, first you should plan it considering the occasion, the audience, the tone and the duration. Speeches can be informal, formal, sombre, humorous or business-like, depending on the event and the audience it is required for.

2. Pinpoint the Main Theme

Next, you have to identify the main theme of the speech, and how you are going to deliver it to the audience. If it is a wedding speech, the main theme would be congratulatory, while for business speeches, the theme could range from the launch of a new product to company results.

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6 Brand New Ways to Use One English Worksheet to Nail Down Your Grammar Skills

To be good at English, international students should work hard all the time because before going to an English speaking country, they need to learn the language first. Given this fact, their almost every English studying class passes with the help of worksheets. But what happens with these worksheets after the class? Students throw them away, as they do not see any reason to do the same task again It seems boring for them! But what if you can substitute a heap of worksheets with only one to gain different goals? Learning English as a second language becomes easier if you do it english grammar worksheetinteractively. There are some ways to use an already analyzed card to train different skills and not to be bored with it. Let’s have a look at these interesting and, above all, useful ways to reuse one English worksheet to nail down your grammar skills.

1.   Extend the Sentence

Here you use the material from the worksheet, but now your task is to extend sentences making them complex or compound without changing the tense. Completing such a task, you are practicing the particular grammar tense and, moreover, recollecting the material about complex and compound sentences. Thus, there is one more additional benefit of such a task.

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Simple English Worksheets for Kids Perfect for Students As Well

There are many English teachers all over the world. Some teach English to students in English-speaking countries, but some teach it as a second language in non-English speaking countries. Training non-native students requires using as many tools as possible to provide interactive process. It may sound funny, but almost all English worksheets for kids will be perfect for students as well, especially for those ones, who are poor at English. Utilizing a scholarship essay writing service can significantly enhance the chances of non-native students to secure funding for their education.
english worksheets

Flash Cards

These are basic language tools, and they can be used to teach kids as young as 4 and 5 and adults that cannot speak a word in English. In spite of the fact that adults learn faster, you still require heaps of silly games with the cards to practice the material. Pictures and words. Hard to beat.

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