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Author: Joan Young - Page 34

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 34

Market Analysis Report Example

For comprehensive marketing dissertation help, consider conducting a thorough market analysis report example to gather valuable insights into customer preferences, pricing strategies, and competitor behavior, aiding informed decision-making in business operations.

Market Analysis Report

The global smartphone market is assumed to slow essentially over the next few years. Under a condition of a slowing smartphone market, the large vendors are undergoing growth saturation, and rising brands are interrupting existing brands’ long-standing business models to raise their share. The developed markets were in the center of this year’s deceleration. The core three markets of United States, Europe, and China continue to reach the new highs. The number of the first-time buyers in these countries is shortening rapidly. Therefore, the phone upgrades are the primary factor, which stimulates the sales.

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Marketing Assignment Sample

A marketing assignment is an exercise which is widely used in the various educational programs.

Simulating a marketing plan of an imaginary company gives students the opportunity to test their skills in practice with no real risk of loss. The marketing assignment sample provides an example of a marketing plan of an imaginary logistic company: it fully describes the structure of the enterprise and the basic principles of its functioning.
Marketing Assignment


  1. Creating freight forwarding company with the formation of the regional offices (branches, separate subdivisions) of the cargo delivery;
  2. Organization of the complex service for the small-lot shipments of the potential customers, including freight forwarding, insurance, warehousing, and door-to-door delivery;
  3. Increasing the market share of freight forwarding and warehousing services.
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Market Research Report Example

Market research report example can be considered a difficult type of assignment due to a large number factors that must be properly described and assessed. A decent market research report must evaluate a given product’s market potential based on such factors as the size of the market, customers’ preferences, competition, and other factors. This market research report example represents the basic information that any work of this type should include.

Market Research Report
The researched area can be considered a suitable place for selling the company’s products because of its significant potential. Indeed, the statistical data show that the area’s population exceeds 0.8 million people with an average personal, disposable income exceeding $49,000. Furthermore, findings of the telephone survey, which covered nearly 2000 randomly selected households from this area, showed that more than 50% of respondents were interested in green technologies and products. Furthermore, 90% of respondents expressed readiness to spend at least $1000 on such products as energy-efficient equipment, insulation, and other solutions offered by the company. 18% of potential consumers confirmed their plans to spend no less than $10,000 on such products. Remarkably, 31% of respondents did not purchase any “green” products during the previous year while 43% even never heard or seen advertising of such products during the reported period.

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Finding the Gaps: Online Writer vs a Vis-a-Vis Partnership

Online WriterWhen hiring a writer, it can be tough to choose between picking someone online or choosing a person that you can meet in person.

Both options carry unique advantages and disadvantages, making it important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each variant. This article will help you assess which type of writers is the best for you.


If you have any issues with your project, you need to resolve them as soon as possible. Moreover, it is obvious that you want the person, you have hired, to clearly understand what is needed to be done.

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5 Points to Take into Account While Looking for Writers to Help with Your Assignment

Assignment WritersWhen you are looking to hire a writer, you have to make sure that he/she is the best candidate for the task to handle. Unfortunately, many people do not know which qualities to pay attention to, when they are searching for writers.

Luckily, this article will help you understand which factors you should consider before hiring the writer. There are five key points that determine if the person you are interviewing will provide you with the best writing.

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