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Author: Joan Young - Page 23

Full Name:Joan Young

Posts by Joan Young - Page 23

List of Literary Essay Topics Based on the 2015-2016 Nobel and Booker Winners and Shortlisted Authors

While you surely have heard about the Nobel Prize in Literature, not a lot of you may know about the Booker Prize. It is a literary award annually given to the author of the best original novel. The main condition for a literary work to come under the consideration of the Booker “Jury” is being written in English.

The first Booker Prize was awarded in 1968 while the Nobel Prize has been acknowledging the writer’s contributions since 1901. Throughout this time they both distinguished more 160 authors and made them renowned globally. But in this article, we will mention the winners and shortlisted authors from 2015-2016 to create the most up-to-date and interesting list of literary essay topics for you. These sample titles will help you to brainstorm what you would like to write about in a literature paper. And if you often create this kind of papers, bookmark our article as it might come handy many times.

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Impressive List of Topics for Speech Competition Which Won’t Bore Your Audience

If you’re looking for speech competition topics, it means that you take part in a contest in your college, national tournament or you’re just a member of Toastmasters! Anyway, if you have no idea what to talk about in front of the audience, you’ve come to the right place. We will provide you with a list of topics for speech competition where you will be able to find a suitable subject for your performance or at least get inspired to come up with your own one. But before that we would like to remind you the most important rules and requirements that you have to remember while giving a speech:

  • Keep to the formal structure – introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Make sure your style of language is appropriate to your speech theme.
  • Avoid plagiarism at all costs.
  • The speech must be polite and shouldn’t offend people on racial, gender, religious or any other basis.
  • Control your movements: you are allowed to use slight natural gestures and keep them to a minimum.
  • Match your look with the topic of your speech (within reasonable limits).

These aspects are very important to consider while choosing the subject because you need to understand which topic you will be able to meet the rules as well as do your best. So, keep them in mind while having a look at our 20 sample topics for a speech competition.

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List of Thesis Topics in Gerontology for Your Biology, Anthropology and Sociology Classes

Gerontology is a science that interlaces with many other disciplines like biology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics, etc. It is a field of studies that explores the process of aging. The most important aspects of this science are monitoring and studying the physical changes of people growing old, their mental alterations or adjustments in their social lives. While you may not study gerontology as your major or even secondary course, it can become a good topic for a thesis paper within your biology, anthropology or sociology class due to their tight connection with the science of aging.

Why should you consider writing an academic paper within this discipline? Because lately the number of elderly has been rapidly increasing, and it means that in the nearest future the demand for gerontologists will grow. The experts predict that by 2050 every fifth person on the planet will be 60 years old. These people will need a special approach to being cared for, treating their mental as well as physical diseases and being a member of modern society. This is an extremely interesting field, that’s why we’ve put together a list of thesis topics in gerontology. By writing an academic piece on one of them, you will understand whether the science of aging sparks your interest or not.

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Up-to-Date List of Essay Topics on Big Data You Can Choose from

We bet that you hear the phrase “big data” practically on every corner. But do you know what it really means? If you do, then good for you. If you don’t, no worries, we will break it down to you. Big data is a segment of IT that deals with gathering, processing and storing large chunks of digital information. They are so large that you can’t just put them inside an Excel document and analyze. You need competent experts in this field and special software to deal with all the data.

It is interesting that during the last two years people created more data than during the whole period of human race existence. In fact, it’s getting so big that in 2016 Amazon created unique trucks with containers: one such trailer can house 1 million gigabytes. These tractor vehicles are designed for companies that have movie vaults, large databases of satellite images, etc. Can you imagine? Special trucks. The topic of big data is very popular nowadays, so it will be no wonder when one day you will receive a task where you will have to write about it. And for such a case, we’ve composed a list of essay topics with 20 sample ideas that will perfectly work for the academic paper.

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Essay on Natural Disasters Covering PTSD and Survivor Syndrome

The survivor syndrome, or as it is sometimes called the survivor guilt, is a psychological disorder which first was discovered in in 1960s during the examination of Holocaust victims. Recently it PTSD and Survivor Syndrome Essayhas been changed from a separate independent diagnosis to a symptom of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It usually appears after a person goes through a very stressful experience like a terrorist attack, war, or natural disaster. The most vivid symptoms of this mental condition are depression, sleep pattern disruptions, nightmares, anxiety, physical weakness, etc.

Why is studying this particular psychological disorder important? Just in 2017 there were massive floods in China (144 people killed) and Peru (150 people killed), an earthquake in Mexico (225 people killed), wildfires in California (40 people killed), hurricanes Irma and Harvey, naming just the biggest natural disasters. This topic will always be of great interest because we never know which catastrophe will happen tomorrow, and we must always be ready to handle the consequences and victims properly. That’s why writing an essay on natural disasters covering PTSD and survivor guilt is significant not only for your academic success, but for the whole field of psychological studies in general. Moreover, it’s essential to use the most up-to-date research findings and data. But don’t worry about that – we’ve got it covered here.

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