Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Essay on Disaster Management Reflections

The earth has been affected by natural hazards over a long time as man emerged into the picture – the picture that the natural occurrences were becoming a disaster, together with being documented in various ways providing a warning for the future generation. However, in 1920, there was a published study referred to as the catastrophe and social change by Henry Samuel Prince. This was the Halifax Disaster documented account and the occurrence of the social change. The first person to deliver an evidence-based study was Prince. On the basis of solid theory, he managed to found a paradigm that paved way for the management of disaster to be studied (Sperling, 2004).

Various changes in social life can be caused by disasters. Social changes aren’t always for the better since they tend to affect population resources (Oliver, 2002). Changes in disaster study become visible with the theories related to a cultural protection collapse. Carr started a discussion on how we got the tools in place encountering the act of disasters as though there was a lack of these tools and no more protection.

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Narrative Essay on a Life Changing Moment

In our life, many events influence the way we act or the decisions that we make. Basically, you go through certain events that have such a big impact that they totally change your life.
For me, the life-changing moment was exactly when I enrolled in college a few years ago. Since that occurred, January has always been a special month for me because this is the month that makes me remember the event. Besides, this cold month makes me recall how this event totally changed my life and look at my life from a very different perspective.

As I was joining my first year in college, I naturally took note of newfound freedom. I wanted to use this freedom to experience some of the things that I had been curious about but could not engage in because I did not feel free enough. What I did not know was that the whole experience of joining college and getting orientated to college life would totally change my life. First of all, I had to move to another place other than the one where my parents had raised me. For others in my dormitory, the process of integrating into dormitory life and feeling like home in their rooms appeared to come naturally but it was not that easy for me. The whole process was highly emotional for me because I had the feeling that being so comfortable in the room would be like betraying my parents who had always taught me that our home was the most important place to cherish. The feeling that my parents were not a stone’s throw away also made me feel anxious, as I began to feel the strain of being so far away from my parents. Overall, however, the process taught me an important lesson of the importance of moving away and establishing my own life separate from my parents.

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Persuasive Essay on Adopting a Dog

There are numerous reasons why one should make the wise decision to adopt a dog. The first and foremost reason is that one gets to save a life by choosing to adopt a dog. In just the United States of America, more than two million dogs are available for adoption on a yearly basis.

The main reason why so many dogs are available for adoption is that many people give up their pets to animal shelters, and the number of individuals who go to shelters to adopt a dog is small. Unfortunately, many animal shelters do not have enough space to house the pets comfortably and sometimes do not even have enough resources to take care of the pets. These reasons sometimes push animal shelters to tight corners and cause them to eliminate some of the pets that have not been adopted. If more people came up and adopted the dogs, fewer animals would be eliminated or tortured by those who adopt them for weird reasons.

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How to Write a Reflection Paper On An Article

A reflection paper is a fairly common type of essay that students of educational institutions often have to write. It must be academically correct, in accordance with generally accepted norms, but, at the same time, be deeply personal. This particular kind of essay aims to “challenge the student to an open conversation”, honestly analyze and reflect on how this or that article or book influenced his/her thoughts on the subject. To understand how to create a really high-quality reflection paper, you should familiarize yourself with the information provided below. Many students turn to a reputable college paper writing service to ensure their reflection paper strikes the delicate balance between academic rigor and personal introspection, fostering an open dialogue and insightful analysis of their thoughts influenced by various articles or books.

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10 Interesting Psychology Facts to Explore Human Behavior Course

Even the words “human behavior” make you yawn. But, it just sounds so dry and boring.

Actually, you’re wrong. The study of human behavior is truly fascinating. The way we behave is unpredictable, weird, and sometimes wonderful.

Here are 10 fun facts that will make you hungry to learn more.

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How To Write a Strong Personal Essay

If commenting on different essay types, one should definitely underline the issue of a personal essay. This is a free piece of writing where the author tells about his or her experience. Nonetheless, either narration or opinion style, the task is pretty complicated. Hiring a professional essay writer can greatly alleviate the complexity of crafting a personal essay, whether it’s in a narrative or opinion style, allowing the author to effectively convey their experiences.

What is Personal Essay

A personal essay is a form of non-fiction writing that offers an intimate glimpse into the writer’s own experiences, emotions, and reflections. Unlike academic or objective essays, a personal essay is deeply subjective, allowing the writer to explore personal insights and tell stories that reveal aspects of their identity, beliefs, or transformations they’ve undergone. This genre often merges storytelling with a purpose, guiding the reader through a narrative that might range from humorous and lighthearted to profound and thought-provoking.

There are certain things that belong to personal essay. These are as follows:

  • No search of official data is needed.
  • No in-depth research is required.
  • An author should write judging on his/her own experience and feelings.

With the regard to the mentioned above statements, the writing process will be rather specific. The common structure (the introduction, main plot, and conclusion) will be kept. Nonetheless, there are several prompts you should keep in your memory for good.

Our experts have collected the main guidelines to complete this specific piece of writing. In addition, you will learn some other smart tips. The sum of these recommendations and tips will help you craft a really impressive and correct personal essay.

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5 TEDx Videos Can Inspire You to Write Your Successful Philosophy Personal Statement

Most of us like to indulge in philosophizing with regard to different issues – principles of human behavior, social interaction, cultural influences and so on. Someone can decide to take it a step further – to get a degree in Philosophy. Want to connect your life with one of the oldest academic discipline in the world? Great! For example, the students from the Lehigh University don’t regret studying Philosophy. There are many benefits from this subject – critical thinking skills, opinion expressing skills, effective writing skills.

According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018: Philosophy, top universities in America is the University of Pittsburgh and in the UK – the University of Oxford. Want to be admitted to them? As a student applying to study Philosophy at university, you should write a clear and accurate personal statement. It can be a representation of your love, interest, and commitment to the subject.

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Take Advantage of List Topics to Write About US History

There are many moments that serve as turning points in history. They shape political decisions, create positive or negative national moods and work as catalysts for other changes on regional or international levels. In the US history, there were loads of such moments: Cold War, the assassination of JFK, 9/11, etc.  They are still remembered and discussed because they left a trace that will never fade away.

If you are tasked with a history essay, it’s great to write about the events like that. But the thing is that there are already so many papers that research these questions that you will hardly be able to offer some new perspectives or ideas. But that doesn’t mean that you have nothing to explore. There is also contemporary American history that contains as many turning points as other periods. They are truly important for changing the national mentality and forming new beliefs. That’s why we’ve arranged a 20 sample list topics to write about when you get a history assignment. You will surely be interested in some of them because many of the mentioned below events have happened and are happening in your plain view.

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List of Literary Essay Topics Based on the 2015-2016 Nobel and Booker Winners and Shortlisted Authors

While you surely have heard about the Nobel Prize in Literature, not a lot of you may know about the Booker Prize. It is a literary award annually given to the author of the best original novel. The main condition for a literary work to come under the consideration of the Booker “Jury” is being written in English.

The first Booker Prize was awarded in 1968 while the Nobel Prize has been acknowledging the writer’s contributions since 1901. Throughout this time they both distinguished more 160 authors and made them renowned globally. But in this article, we will mention the winners and shortlisted authors from 2015-2016 to create the most up-to-date and interesting list of literary essay topics for you. These sample titles will help you to brainstorm what you would like to write about in a literature paper. And if you often create this kind of papers, bookmark our article as it might come handy many times.

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GCSE Critical Thinking: Basic Guide on Qualifications

How accurate the evaluation of someone’s critical thinking can be? There are loads of debates swirling around the ability to critically analyse the surroundings and the above mentioned question because the phenomenon is so abstract and individual that not a lot of educational institutions venture into assessing this skill … except for the ones in the UK.

What is GCSE Critical Thinking?

GCSE is a certification system that was implemented back in 1988 and overtook other assessment ways. And in 2009 it expanded up to critical thinking. There are 2 types of qualifications you can get by passing GCSE:

  1. Advanced Subsidiary GCE (introduction to critical thinking, basic concepts and principles of analysis)
  2. Advanced GCE (deeper understanding of critical analysis and evaluation, ability to form fully-featured arguments)
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How to Craft Professional Book Reviews under Time Pressure

Different readers will always be keen on your thoughts about the books you’ve read if you follow the following advice in this article. When writing professional book reviews, you ought to have two objectives. First, to educate the reader about the content of the book, second, to present an assessment concerning the book’s quality.

Before You Begin Writing

Start reading the book, from the title, considering the relevant information that can be revealed from the title, preface, and table of contents.

As you read the whole book, make notes from the passages to cite in your review, as well as to clarify the following information:

  • What is the book about? Does it fit its genre?
  • What is the writer’s perspective? Do you agree with it?
  • Who is your favorite character, and why?
  • Did the story keep you guessing?
  • What is your favorite part of the book, and why?
  • Is there any part of the book you truly dislike? Which and why?
  • As an audience, can you flow with the author’s style, whether formal or informal?
  • Does the author’s conclusion convince you?
  • What did the book achieve? Is more work required?
  • Compare the book with others written by this author, or books in this genre by other writers – Your opinion?
  • If you could change something, what might it be? (If you wish you could change the ending, don’t reveal it!)
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Facts and Opinions in Opinion Essay Samples

In an opinion essay, the focus of attention is your own point of view, as opposed to an argumentative non-plagiarized essays, for example, where you basically defend another person’s opinion. A good opinion essay should include your point of view, stated in the introductory paragraph, reasoning for your opinion, and, of course, a conclusion, where you sum up your argument. Remember to back up your reasoning with examples. Preferably, place each opinion in a separate paragraph. You can also add opposing or supporting opinions of experts or your peers, but you have to remember that any opinion should be clearly stated.

The most important part of this essay is to effectively prove your point of view. For that, you have to build a solid argument. Normally we distinguish between two main types of argument, inductive and deductive. Which one to use in your essay largely depends on your thesis statement. In this post, we will learn about the two types of reasoning and if an inductive argument is suitable for an opinion essay.

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Master Learning through Observation with Economics Assignment Help

Receiving economics assignment help when you buy a sample paper is not the same thing as turning in a paper or assignment you did not complete yourself. When you are tasked with writing an economics paper you may feel overwhelmed or that you do not know how to proceed. But ordering a paper online to use for studying and to learn how to write your own paper will help you write a great piece. How? Well, you just need to:

Observe the Organization

Ordering a sample with the same specifications and subject as your assignment will help you with organization. As you study the structure of the model paper you will get an idea of how to organize your future paper. It will prevent you from “reinventing the wheel” so to speak. Effective and concise organization exists, so instead of guessing what that might be, get assurance by looking at a good example and modeling the structure. You will save time and eliminate any doubt that you may have written the paper incorrectly.

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Students Are the Best Audience for Who to Write a Book at College

If you are a student and have decided to become a writer, you must consider each step carefully. Becoming a famous writer does not happen overnight. You may not know who to write a book for. As you are a college student, it makes sense to write for the student audience. If you are interested in writing novels, it is a good idea to start with something a bit easier, like tutorials for your fellow mates. This way, you can listen to feedback, find and develop your own style in writing. Here are five topics by AdvancedWriters to write about in order to engage the student audience.

1. How to Become an Expert in Academic Writing

All college students have to write papers on one subject or another. Some students find writing papers extremely difficult and stressful, so writing on academic issues is a great idea at college.man looking into distance

Walk your fellow students through the different aspects of writing: brainstorming a topic, creating the first draft, then proofreading and editing. Include tips on styling, organization, vocabulary usage, perhaps even grammar and punctuation. Your readers are sure to appreciate the comprehensive guide on academic writing.

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Writing Habits of Great Authors You Should Try

It’s not a secret that many famous writers of the past and the present had, or still have, habits considered strange by other people. Nevertheless, strange writing habits were dearly cultivated and consistently practiced by writers to help them boost their creativity or productivity or to get them into the right mood for writing. Here’s a short list of habits belonging to some well-known writers that you can use.

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2 Minute Presentation Topics on Modern Architecture

If you are tasked with giving a presentation on modern architecture, you have the unique opportunity to introduce a not well known aspect of buildings and their history. While 2 minutes are not that long, it is still long enough to give your classmates an introduction to one aspect of architecture you might find fascinating.

If you are in need of 2 minute presentation topics on modern architecture then consider the list of 20 topics below:

  1. How Social Housing Architecture Is Changing
  2. Urban Redevelopment: Architectural Assessments and Change
  3. The Role Played by the Church of England in Maintaining National Architecture
  4. Preserving National Heritage: How Modern Architecture Must Remake Historic Buildings
  5. Global Cultural Spaces: How Architecture Reflects Identity
  6. Sustained Buildings: Combining Nature and Architecture
  7. University Architecture and Design: The Search for Modern Perfection
  8. The Rich Decoration of Venetian Style Architecture
  9. Victorian-Edwardian Styles of Modern Architecture
  10. What Changing Architectural Styles Tell about the Civic Pride in Modern Architecture
  11. The Political Aesthetic of Foster’s Dome
  12. The Americanization of British Urban Architecture
  13. Reinventing Civic Design with Modern Architecture
  14. Environmentally Friendly Architecture: How Modern Utilities Have Changed Architectural Standards
  15. Clean Lines Creating Challenges for Modern Maintenance
  16. The Influence of Islam on the Architecture of Turkey: How Changing Rulers Changed the Construction
  17. The Influence of Christianity on Architecture: The Incorporation of Religious Artwork on Public Buildings
  18. The Geometric Shapes Used in Islamic Construction: How Interior Designs Reflect Internal Beliefs
  19. The Decline of Modern Architecture
  20. How Architecture Expresses More than Structure: The Historical Lessons Hidden in Each Building2 minute presentation topics

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What You Need to Know about an Advanced Higher English Dissertation

If you want to show off a bit in front of your professors while you are writing an Advanced Higher English dissertation, it is important to follow the right steps. Remember that the Advanced Higher English is a course for learners who want to improve their understanding and their ability to use more sophisticated language by taking part in higher level writing skills training. Such a course provides personalized academic assistance, challenging students to improve their reading and writing, as well as comparative insights.

If you want to know how to write your Advanced Higher English dissertation, you need to understand some core facts:

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5 Online Courses on Advanced PowerPoint Training

Advanced PowerPoint training is important for college students. However, finding the right course is equally essential because you actually need to learn some useful skills.

Below you can find the list of 5 online courses that will help you to learn the ropes of the key advanced PowerPoint features:

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7 Best Books for a Literature Response Paper

A literary response paper is designed to give your opinion on how a literary piece makes you feel or think. It is your opinion; however, it needs to be based on the facts. You will need to make sure that you really have some considerations about what you are writing. In order to master this essay style, you will need to choose a really good literary piece to produce a decent paper.

If you get to choose the topic, which most of the time you do, then you should check out one of these books:

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College Paper on Ethics

It is truly a quite difficult task to find the exact definition of what ethics is. People’s understanding of what is right and what is wrong differs, and the notion of ethics depends on people’s views and opinions as well. But it would be wrong to define ethics as something that people feel they can do because it is right for them.

People’s understanding of it may be deviated, moreover people cannot judge every situation with a clear head and do it objectively. Some people define ethics as a type of behavior that is acceptable by a society. However that is also not true. The society consists of separate individuals, and they may also have various points of view concerning what ethics is. We can also remember facts from history of the humanity where societies were deceived by the state, and the latter used propaganda in order to create public mood that could be used for state’s own purposes.

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Research Paper Introduction about Smoking

Smoking tobacco has become a usual thing in our culture nowadays. A person with a cigarette is a usual thing: we can see them on the street, actors smoke in films, there are also book characters who smoke, we have relatives or friends who smoke. Starting as mainly as a part of a religious ritual a long time ago, it has become a routine thing for us.

This research paper is aimed at answering the following questions:

  • How has the practice of smoking changed throughout all its history?
  • How smoking influences smokers’ health as well as passive smokers?
  • Why do people smoke? Physiological and psychological perspectives.
  • What are the ways of giving up smoking?
  • Is it right to ban smoking? In what places should smoking be banned?
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The Key Features that Make Your Essay Analytical

Analytical essays require an intensive comprehension writing on a given subject, topic or subtopic. Such kind of academic paper usually starts with understanding the topic under discussion broadly and paying a lot of attention to the key aspects of it. Analytical essay writing involves thorough consideration of information on the content matter of the topic which is being discussed.

The subject matter may be expressed by a question, phrase, proverb or an idiom. Also, a good analysis of the topic under study is attained by understanding what the audience wants from the study and which conclusions must be drawn.

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How to Use Pathos in a Persuasive Essay

When it comes to writing, a persuasive essay is geared towards positing arguments that will convince your audience that your views and ideas are valid and should be accepted. Of course, your arguments must be strong enough to convince and groundbreaking to reason with people’s opinions. It means that here a form of data submission plays an important role and you must present statements in a persuasive manner. You can do this through three main techniques, and they include ethos, pathos and logos.

Ethos simply means the concept of convincing people through authoritative stats or experienced and well-known people. This stems from the fact that we tend to believe and agree with the ones who we respect much and trust their judgments.

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Research Paper Abstract on Child Abuse

Child abuse is defined as a non-accidental behavior by parents, caregivers, or any other adults that is outside the norms of conduct and can cause physical or emotional harm to a child or a young person (Bromfield, 2005).

There are five main types of child abuse:

  1. physical abuse
  2. emotional maltreatment
  3. neglect
  4. sexual abuse
  5. the witnessing of family violence

Physical abuse is defined as a non-accidental use of physical force that can cause harm to a child. This includes: shoving, hitting, slapping, shaking, throwing, punching, kicking biting, burning, strangling and poisoning (Bromfield, 2005). It doesn’t matter whether an adult had an intend to cause a child harm or not, if an action lead to harm, it is regarded as abusive anyway. Physical abuse can also depend on the age of a child and the nature of the behavior: an action which can be regarded as dangerous and potentially harmful for a child of a certain age can also be regarded as physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is defined as an inappropriate verbal or symbolic act towards a child that can lead to child’s problems on a psychological level.

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Descriptive Essay on a Piece of Art

Very few paintings today are as popular as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. There may be very many painters today, some of whom may be more skilled than Leonardo; however, there is yet to be a painter who can express facial features on a piece of art as Leonardo did. For instance, Mona Lisa’s smile has been a subject of much debate, given the many articles that have been written to try and describe this smile. Leonardo’s other work of art, christened the Lady with Ermine, also presents facial features in an outstanding manner.

An examination of the Mona Lisa in the present day reveals that the painting has indeed had better days. The original color of the painting appears faded and is almost gone and this is perhaps the reason why the original painting has been repainted at least three times. The painting does not appear to be clean and this can be observed in the greenish glaze on the painting. The repainting of the painting and the greenish glaze makes the painting somewhat different from what Leonardo originally painted. In a bid to understand the Mona Lisa, artists have continued to question the identity of Mona Lisa.

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Informal Essay about Friendship

Friendship Essay Sample (500 words)

Friendship can be defined as a personal relationship between two or more individuals, grounded in feelings of concern for one another and includes intimacy to a certain degree. Given that human beings are generally considered social, friendship is an important part of every individual’s life. Most people dedicate a portion of their day to interacting with friends, whether face-to-face or by phone or on the computer. Given the vital role that friendship plays in the lives of almost all human beings, it is prudent to friendship from different perspectives, including the nature of friendship.

How does one know what true friendship is? Friendship is demonstrated through mutual care, acts of intimacy, and activities that individuals share with those whom they consider friends. Friendship is always valued and justified by examining both its individual importance and social worth. Individual value of friendship is gauged from the perspective of an individual who considers the amount of resources, time, energy that he or she is willing to invest in the relationship. The value an individual places on a friendship can also be measured from the perception of whether the friendship makes one’s life feel better or worse. Whether an individual appreciates the friendship of another, though, is sometimes tied up with how that person feels about himself. If one does not value himself, that person is less likely to value someone else or the friendship offered by someone else.

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Cause and Effect Essay on Bullying

In the past few decades bullying in schools has gone beyond the traditional hazing rituals we used to see in colleges and universities. Back then hazing was considered as a rite of passage imposed by upperclassmen on freshmen, something that universities would just overlook and believe would end after the first year. Over time anti-bullying policies and cultural shift have reduced this form of hazing especially in higher education institutions. But despite these changes bullying is still present in many aspects of life and takes many forms that affects children and adults alike.

In today’s society bullying is not only present in schools but also in workplaces and even in neighborhoods. It affects both children and adults, sometimes in overt ways like physical or verbal abuse but often in subtle or covert forms. Parents for example are unaware of the bullying that happens in their own homes. This is common in cases of sibling bullying where younger children are bullied by their older siblings. For example older children assign domestic chores to their younger siblings and demand them to do it in their place. If the younger children refuse they may face threats, physical abuse or even deprivation of food or privileges.

The causes of bullying are many and varied, often rooted in family dynamics, social structures and even individual psychological factors. Research shows that sibling bullying is more prevalent in low income families where resources are scarce. In such environment older children assert control over younger siblings to access the limited resources available. This scarcity mentality can create a sense of rivalry and entitlement among siblings as older children impose conditions on their younger brothers and sisters, bully them into compliance in exchange for food or other necessities.

Bullying is also a way for individuals to assert their perceived superiority or seniority in a particular setting. In schools children or adolescents bully others to gain social status or project an image of toughness. In other settings like workplaces employees bully colleagues to protect their position or establish dominance especially if they feel threatened or insecure. The drive for social superiority often reflects deep-seated insecurities or a need for validation that the individual may not get elsewhere.

Besides social hierarchies bullying can also be a symptom of underlying psychological issues of the perpetrator. For example an individual experiencing stress, anger or frustration might lash out at those who are perceived as weaker or subordinate, use bullying as an outlet to release pent up emotions. This is common in both school and workplace bullying where the bully is struggling with personal or professional issues and takes out their frustrations on others. Bullying becomes a coping mechanism albeit an unhealthy one that temporarily relieves their stress but causes long term harm to others.

The effects of bullying are far reaching and deep seated especially when the bullying is prolonged or severe. One of the most immediate and common effects is emotional distress which can manifest as anxiety, depression or feeling of helplessness in the victim. In cases where the bullying is physical the victim might suffer from physical injuries and psychological scars. Victims of bullying develop low self esteem as repeated abuse can erode an individual’s sense of self worth making them feel unworthy of respect or acceptance.

Low self esteem is more concerning because it has many negative effects on an individual’s overall well being. In school aged children for example low self esteem caused by bullying can lead to poor academic performance as the child may lose motivation or feel incapable of success. Socially the individual may become withdrawn, avoid interactions with peers out of fear of further victimization. In extreme cases this emotional isolation can lead to a general distaste for life where the individual feels trapped and hopeless. Some victims may even consider or attempt suicide as a way to escape the relentless pain caused by bullying.

Sometimes bullying can have the opposite effect on the victim, harden them instead of breaking them down. In such cases individuals become desensitized to the pain and develop a tough or callous demeanor as a defense mechanism. This psychological armor can be helpful in the short term but often comes at a cost. Over time these individuals become insensitive or even hostile towards others and perpetuate a cycle of bullying as they carry the behavior into adulthood. Such individuals may become harsh or domineering parents and pass on the same bullying behavior to their own children or partners.

The overall effect of bullying on society is huge, affecting both psychological and health aspects on a big scale. Victims of bullying are more likely to suffer from long term mental health issues like chronic depression and anxiety disorders which can reduce their quality of life and productivity. Bullying related trauma will lead to more demand for mental health services which will put more strain on the healthcare system. If bullying behavior is not addressed it will perpetuate a culture of aggression and hostility in communities where fear and distrust will prevail over empathy and support.

Bullying can only be addressed effectively if it’s a multi faceted approach that involves not just schools and workplaces but also families and communities. Parents, educators and employers all have a role to play in creating a safe and inclusive environment where bullying is not tolerated. By promoting open communication, encouraging empathy and implementing strict anti bullying policies society can reduce the causes of bullying and its prevalence. Counseling and support services should be available to both victims and perpetrators as the latter often need help to address the underlying issues that drive their aggressive behavior.

Tips on Cause and Effect Essay

Writing a good cause and effect essay on bullying requires planning and organization. Start by creating an outline to guide your essay, focus on the biggest effect of bullying and identify the main causes. A clear structure will make it more readable and allow you to cover the topic thoroughly. Do research on the topic to provide accurate and supported information. Keep it focused and concise, highlight the key points and not the extra details.

Need more help? Contact an essay writing service. Our professional essay writers will write for you.

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Descriptive Essay on My Pet

I love animals. I think our life would be incomplete without our pets. I also have one. My pet is a dog named Tipsy. Tipsy is an adorable brown dog that has a few black spots spread across his body and tail. Tipsy is a kelpie crossed with a border collie, and he has fluffy velvety ears. Even though Tipsy has a very strong body frame, he has a very gentle face and is always a friendly dog to those whom he knows. If a stranger approaches out house, however, Tipsy can get very aggressive. He always barks loudly to attract our attention to the approaching stranger. There is one thing that I especially like about having this pet – I know that my little friend will always be there for me to protect me or my family. Therefore, in some way, Tipsy gives me a feeling of protection.

Tipsy loves many things. Among these is to nuzzle his wet nose in my hands and in the hands of my parents and siblings. He craves attention most of the time because he is scared of being abandoned or ignored. I actually came across Tipsy while he was still a puppy. It appears his owner had abandoned him on the road. I found him wandering in our neighborhood. I informed my parents about the puppy. I wanted to keep him. They communicated with the local authorities so the authorities could allow us to adopt the pet.

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Exploratory Essay on Immigration

Immigration into the USA has recently become a contentious issue in the national debate. Democrats and Republicans have clashed with each other, and with the White House. Republicans have clashed with Republicans as well.

Why is immigration such a problem to a country that was founded on immigrants, and has inscribed ““Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” on their famous Statue of Liberty.

There are several reasons that emerge in the debate. The historical source of immigrants and national identity is a main one. The original immigrants to the USA were in fact Anglo Saxon Protestants. As their national identity grew, they saw themselves as a Christian, Protestant, English speaking people and nation. As further waves of immigrants arrived, they were, if not Anglo Saxon, primarily western European, and Christian and mostly willing to learn English, and be absorbed into the American way. Even when the Irish, Italians and Polish made their way to the USA, although Catholic they were Europeans, who fit into the predominantly Anglo Saxon American identity. They were minorities, who learned English and accepted the status quo. Also, many of them brought needed skills to the country.

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Essay on “An Anthropologist on Mars”

Investigating cases on behavior and neurology presents a significant number of health ideas. The brain is capable of performing tasks through a finite number of reactions and neurons in the nervous system. In light to this, I decide to go through the works of Oliver Sacks named “An Anthropologist on Mars”. I keenly study the seven cases of patients and colleagues he has highlighted about their extraordinary brains. Each case differs from the other thus depicting the issues on study. From the brain tumor victim to surgeon suffering from Tourette’s syndrome the dimension of the study broaden.

In order for one to be in a position to understand their subjects appropriately, the personality method of investigation is vital. Therefore, spending ample time with your subjects is very crucial in this field. I find “An anthropologist on Mars” fascinating since it gives amn opportunity to view peoples’ brains conditions as well as study them to the letter. The fascinating neurobiological stories explore some of the unique experiences and perceptions of oneself. The saddest thing about the study on disorders of the nervous system and the brain is that the condition of most of the patients is beyond repair. This is irrespective of the diverse scope of knowledge in the book.

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How to Write a College Essay about Yourself

Writing a college essay on yourself is the equivalent of writing a personal statement. You write a personal statement for different purposes, such as when you are making an application for a scholarship, internship, or employment. This means that you have to evaluate the context within which you are writing your college essay. As a college student, you have a lot of pertinent information about yourself that you can include in your college essay.

Nonetheless, an excessively wordy essay bores the reader. You do not want the reader to push your essay aside on grounds of it being unnecessarily lengthy. This is why you should adequately understand the context of your essay, and limit the scope to suit the objective. That said, writing a college essay on yourself must begin by an identification of your personal career objective. More often than not, many college students do not identify a succinct career objective until they are in their final academic year. This is all right, provided you can draft an objective as and when required. A viable recommendation to follow when writing a college essay on yourself is to be acquainted with the objective of the organization or group to which you are writing the essay. To the greatest extent possible, you should align your personal objective with the mission of your potential employer or sponsor. However, this must not be a cut-and-paste job, in which you copy mission statement. The objective should come first in your essay, and should be highlighted either in bold or in block letters.

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How to Pick a Title for Your Research Paper

It sounds strange, but for many people choosing a topic of a research paper is the most difficult task. Well, that’s often true and it can happen to you in any situation when you have to choose something. If you are not given a choice, you can simply accept it. On the other hand, the more options you have, the more difficult it may be to make a wise choice. So, if your teacher has given you a topic to work on, you are the lucky one. But sometimes you have to pick a title for your research paper by yourself.

There is one thing to think of before choosing a title. So, ask yourself what you are interested in at this stage of your life. Wouldn’t it be great to write about something you like and are good at? However, keep in mind that you write your paper not only for yourself. It will be read by your teachers, and your goal is to write about what you like to make other people interested in it.

You have to keep it simple. Write in such a way, that even a child could understand you. Making simple things more complicated is a complete waste of time. Nobody would like to read that. In addition, have a look at the latest news, listen to what people or your friends talk about, try to remember things that you was impressed by recently. This may inspire you to choose the right topic.

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The Science and Art of Nursing Essay

Nursing can be expressed as both a science and an art. Nursing has to embrace both science and art of the practice. The field of nursing can be broad and ambiguous. Therefore nurse’s duties are misconstrued causing appropriate boundaries between primary physician activates and nursing activities to be blurred. The effectiveness of nursing is dependent on the interaction of the people in the nursing sector and a developed control of human emotion, discipline, and adequate skillset. The skill, knowledge and judgment that must be exercised by nurses are what are constituted as an art form, because of the level of control involved with the practice. Science aims at expanding the knowledge of the individual and the subject matter involved. This is what relates nurse partitioning as a science (Donahue, 2011). The increase in knowledge that informs and underpins the practice and thinking of a discipline is the science, nature, and art of the study. This short dissertation outlines the elements that make nursing both an art and a science, which when adequately balanced benefit the patient and surrounding practitioners’ experience.

“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive
devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for
what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared
with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit?” (Sienna Heights University, 2013)

Nursing as a Science
Medical Science has had an instrumental role in health. The major focus has been placed on the reliable methodologies and scientific development. According to the American Nurses Association, nurses have a unique role to assist the sick individuals in activities that contribute to health and recovery. The way that nurses fulfill their duties is what will determine whether the act is an art or a science or an equivalent application of both characteristics. The nurse should be familiar with and understand the medical terms, medical procedures, and various medicines administered to patients to provide optimal care patient care. They must also study and thoroughly understand symptoms and precautionary actions to be taken in regard to patient illness. There is a noteworthy constituent of precision to be utilized to facilitate daily medical tasks within the medical environment. Science is a study of precision, facts, and an aim to transform theory to fact. Nurses must be familiar with a plethora of facts on a daily basis. The process of mastering this ability is a science. The mastering of this process delineates a less skilled nurse from an expert (Lynch & Duval, 2011).

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I Don’t Want to Do My Essay! What Should I Do?

Quite often there are certain challenges that people face in life and at every level of it. Students are always affected in one way or another. This is seen when assignments are given of different kinds and most probably those that involve writing and research. The essay is the most convenient way to impart certain skills into students, skills that they will use later in life. However many students dread writing the essay and other papers based on it. There are several types of essays that students are always required to write within their learning period. These essays have different levels of difficulty and needs, and students are supposed to see that these are met in all ways. But since most of the students do not have the capacity to achieve these, they have to seek help from other sources. It is by this that academic help centers and agencies were established to help students go about their academic chores.

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Who Can Write My Essay for Money?

Academic success for some students does not come easily, but for a certain group of students who know how to find the right professional to write their essays for them, for a small amount of money, achieving academic success is one task that is very easy. Students, from almost any part of the world, want to get genuine assistance for each and every assignment in class, but many of these students have no idea where they can get this kind of assistance which they need and how they can get this help at a minimal cost.

Among the main points that you should consider when thinking of asking this writing facility to complete your paper, include the fact that this writing facility is a popular brand that is well known, in the academic help writing industry, for crafting all types of academic writing papers. The quality work that this company generates speaks for itself, and always keeps many more students streaming to come get their papers completed at no other website but here. The team of deliberately selected writers is always at hand to assist students with any kind of paper writing problems, and at whatever time.

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How to Write Great College Level Book Report

Book reports are defined as edifying reports that deliberate on a specific book from an objective point of view. Students have generally confused book reports with book reviews since they are not conscious of the differences that exist between the two. Book reports summarize the work while book reviews gives evaluation of works at hand. Basically, book reports give accounts of the major characters, plot, thesis, and the main concepts of the work. A book report is a short summary that ranges from 275 to 500 words. Students who are given book report assignments need to be informed of the basic information concerning the book. These include the book title, the author, the publisher and place of publication, as well as number of pages. This information is necessary since it is incorporated into the report. Before commencing on a book report, it is prudent to determine the genre of the book. Writing a fiction book report requires one to be cognizant of the main characters, the setting, and the context of action. Non-fiction book reports involve emphasizing the main ideas presented in the book.

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The Trail of Tears Essay

The Trail of Tears refers to the forceful relocation and eventual movement of the Native American communities from the South Eastern regions of the U.S. as a result of the enactment of the Indian Removal Act in the year 1830. In the year 1838, in line with Andrew Jackson’s policy of the Indians’ removal, the Cherokee community was forced to surrender its land to the east of Mississippi River and migrate to the present day Oklahoma. This journey was referred to as the “Trail of Tears” mainly due to its devastating effects it had to the Indian people. The migrants faced extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to the forced march while more than 50,000 people died (Cave, 2003). The Trail of Tears resulted in a devastating effect for the Indians such as extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to long walk and massive injustices and abuse of fundamental human rights.

According to Perdue (2008), the Trail of Tears is regarded as one of the tragic eras in the U.S. history mainly due to the forceful relocation of the Indians. This is also considered as the beginning of the Indian extermination by the U.S. government even though they had lived in the country several centuries before the white settlers set their foot in America. After the American Revolution and the eventual creation of the U.S., the Indians were regarded as a separate nation within a sovereign country even though they were fully committed to a peaceful coexistence with the white settlers. However, the white settlers were mostly interested in the resources of rich and productive land under the occupation of the Indians. As a result, the U.S. government embarked on a long campaign – marked by false promises, broken and false treaties, and threats of military force and racist attitudes – to oust the Indians from their native territory.

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How to Write an Accounting Case Study

Accounting case studies must be written according to various standard rules and regulations. These are the same guidelines followed by organizations during their accounting process. Accounting case studies are important to a national government in that they enable it to check an organization’s progress in terms of production as well as finance. An accounting case study should be written following procedures specific to one of the major topics in accounting, such as financial accounting and managerial accounting, which is also referred to as cost accounting.

To write an accounting case study is quite challenging because it requires a good amount of quality time. Generally, just like other case studies, it follows a specific format. The writer gives detailed background information on the topic of study. This is what is regarded as the introduction. It offers a clear outline of the subject matter while defining the problem at hand together, with the limitations of the study. The writer then provides the problem statement, followed by case data sampling. Next, a conclusion is drawn which is finally followed by recommendations.

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How to Write a Research Proposal for PhD

The PhD research proposal is the first important step of doctoral studies. The aim of the research proposal is to provide information about the intended research project.

A typical research proposal consists of the following parts:

  • A working title of the topic area:
    This must give the essence of the proposed research, not just convey the key words associated with the proposed research.
  • General overview of area: this is an introduction that should be a brief abstract of the general area of study and also signify the discipline(s) within which it falls.
  • Detailed literature review: it is here that you need to develop your proposal to demonstrate that you are aware of the debates and critical issues raised in relevant bodies of literature. You need to show your familiarity with major lines of argument which have been developed in your area. It is important to reference key articles and texts to establish that you appreciate their relevance to your research area. As your PhD is an original piece of research, you should demonstrate that. The area you propose to research has not been studied before. Identify your niche, which will lead on to the thesis preparation.
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How to Write a Good Philosophy Essay

A powerful philosophy essay begins with choosing a proper topic and general outlining. If you are not limited in the topic selection by your tutor, you are free to choose any topic that is interesting to you. This will allow for deep exploration into the details of the topic as well as viewing the topic from different angles. The main thing with philosophy essay writing is creating the dialectical connection between an argument against an issue and clear evidence for it. Thus, once you are ready with your topic, you may begin searching for a reasonable argument and providing the grounds for it. In addition, composing an outline is helpful at the initial stage of the writing process. An outline will help you trace important aspects about the subject and sift through trivial ones. After composing the outline (or draft) of your philosophy essay, you will need to proceed with the main stage of the writing procedure – filling in the appropriate content.

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What is Custom Essay Writing?

A custom essay writing service supports students who do not have enough time to prepare for and complete essay projects because of their busy school and personal schedules. A custom essay writing service comes in handy to keep students’ grades as well as GPA scores at acceptable levels while they are going through tough times. A custom essay service can help students meet deadlines and eliminate the worry of not doing so.

Writing Services to Choose From

There are various custom essay writing services online that students all over the world may use. However, all of them are not equal. It is a good idea for students to do a bit of research about a particular writing company and ask questions prior to using their services. It is important that students choose a writing service that is reputable and has professionals on the staff – experienced, creative and reliable writers, proofreaders, and editors.

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How to Write a Research Paper in APA format

Writing in APA
When asked to write a research paper, it can be a very daunting process, but when it is required to be written in APA format it can intimidate even the most competent writer.

Foremost in learning how to write a research paper in APA format you will need to understand the APA style and what the basics are in the APA format. The APA format is the official writing style of the American Psychological Association and is used most commonly in psychology, educational and social science papers. Examples of APA research papers would be when one has to write case studies, literature reviews and methodological articles. Before starting to write your research paper in the APA format it is important to pay special attention to the directions given to you in regards to the paper. You will be expected to follow certain guidelines as stipulated by your lecturer. It is also advisable to keep a bibliography of all your sources while you are busy researching your paper, this will allow you to write your reference list with ease once our paper is complete.

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Intercultural Interview Analysis Essay

Cultural changes have been witnessed in most parts of the world. In the current world, it is becoming difficult to maintain indigenous cultures. This is attributed to the rate at which technology is transforming the world across borders and making interactions between people of different cultures easier. The interaction has facilitated erosion of several aspects of people’s cultures. In place of these cultural norms, people adapt universal ways of doing things which determine how they carry out social aspects of their lives. However, this has not always been the case; people had distinct cultural values that determined how they went about their economic and social affairs. These elements identified the different cultural groupings back then. Consequently, understanding these aspects and adapting to them represent the greatest challenge for people who work across borders. Even though there have been continuous erosion of most cultural values, these changes are more pronounced in the younger generation. The older generation is more rigid in the aspect that they have held to cultural values. Understanding a people’s culture is critical in communicating with the people. It is the reason why one has to know the culture before setting out to interact with a different cultural group. The best way to understand cultural differences is by carrying out interviews. This paper structures such an interview with a fellow student who is a Mexican.

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Social Marketing Essay

Christopher Place Employment
Christopher Place Employment Academy (CPEA) is an intensive residential program which offers training and education, in addition to spiritual, emotional and addiction rehabilitation to former homeless men (Catholic Charities, 2009). Basically, the program entails a program of transition which moves the men from being homeless to having a permanent abode as well as equipping them with necessary knowledge to gain meaningful employment which enables them to live a drugs-free life. In light of the current economic crisis and given that a quarter of Baltimore’s population is currently living in poverty; the program is experiencing increasing demand. CP’s ODBEC assists thousands of people annually from unemployment, hunger and homelessness. Also, the program helps formerly homeless men get back into the mainstay population by engaging them in training workshops and classes that aid the transition phase. Additional services such as mental health counseling, case management, referrals to get community based benefits, workshops to impart skills in job hunting and retaining.

In the last year alone, ODBEC helped 343 homeless people get employment and helped 86 homeless men change and gain stable housing, self-sufficiency and employment via CP’s Employment academy (Catholic Charities, 2009). 688 formerly homeless people graduated from the academy’s Work 4 Success program. CP helps needy people meet their most critical needs, for instance serving meals and giving stable to released inmates. Its transition programs helps released offenders to rebuild their lives through a job readiness program, imparts confidence required for interviews, offers resume writing skills and job placement. Successful graduates of the program are provided with other amenities such as vehicle ownership programs, volunteer/donor sponsored programs and savings programs. They also help in supporting new participants in the program. To continue its good work, CP requires financial support.

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Supply Chain Management Essay

Majors in supply chain management focuses on processes of excellence for the organization. Supply chain management focuses of the flow of information, services and goods that target at delivering maximum value to the organization’s customers. Supply management has the responsibility of supplying services and goods that the organization deals with to the customers. They also manage the transformation and conversion processes that target at converting input to output. Supply chain management functions within the scope of organizing, planning and controlling the flow of bought materials within the organization. The Majors gives close attention to the analysis and selection of vendors, price determination and value analysis. Supply chain Majors also have the responsibility of disposing surplus and scrap materials. It places emphasis on the efficient application and usage of transportation by the management of business within the framework of logistics. Supply chain manages resources, procurement, fabrication, production, storage and production. It consists of interconnected components, which are required for the transformation of ideas to delivered services and products.

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Critical Thinking Essay Example [1100 words]

What it means to be human in ancient Israel

Israelites are a group of people in the Middle East who believe that they are all descendants of Jacob. The Israelites are perhaps the only people with a well recorded history dating back to 6000BC; their history is well written in religious books such as the Quran and the bible. In the olden days being an Israelite was a hard thing as you had to live according to the standards set by the leaders and the God that was never seen, most people suffered as there was no democracy. The Israelites were ruled by kings who had super special powers and no one was authorized to question their judgment. To them, the kings were a level lower than God and therefore deserved to be respected.

The people of Israel were monotheists, meaning they worshiped only one God but sometimes they ended up worshiping the gods and goddesses of the surrounding people. According to their religious beliefs, it was clearly stated that one should worship only God despite that some went against the rule. However, there were serious consequences attributed to that. For instance, anyone found worshiping another god was stoned to death outside the city and in the case where the whole group was found to worship other gods it resulted in mass punishments that would sometimes lead to death. The Israelite community constituted of twelve tribes. Among these tribes was the Leviticus where the entire priests were chosen from.

The Levites only become priest and they were not required to do any duties other than their temple work. Furthermore, they had no land and therefore depended on the other tribes for food who had to give out one tenth of their produce to the Levites. This can be seen as some form of exploitation of the people of Israel as others had to work and use their hard work to feed the people who had been chosen by god. Despite this, they highly believed that it was the right thing to do before God.

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Argumentative Essay on Management

Example Argumentative Essay on Management:
In the attempt to better the organizational performance, managers have opted to diversify their scope of managerial systems. Some of the main information systems currently used include the natural system, the open system and the rational systems. The rational system concentrates on the consequences and conditions of the organization’s production and general utilization of information. This managerial approach helps develop a detailed comprehension understanding of the manner in which information regarding accounting reflects and shapes organizational reality through the different methods of its application.

The rational system is particularly different from the natural system because it attempts to include the introduction of a given information system both the events before and after capturing the dynamism of the characteristics. Researches done on information systems as used in organizations conclude that rational systems are static. They make an assumption that the all patterns of information applications are a response to the technical or environmental forces operating at that time. A dynamic approach incorporates the evolution of information systems as time goes by. Unlike the open system, the rational systems incorporate both past and present forces which could influence the implementation of a system.

The natural approach of managing organization basically takes on board several theories in management. Unlike the other two, this type of approach towards management ensures that the employee values are the key drive in decision making. This concept of management is unique in a number of ways. One of them being that it does not equity human being to machines hence the need for the manager to develop policies that are more accommodative. It also establishes an optimum in the scope of control hence increasing employee motivation. Pay is not the only motivator of the employee hence the diversification of the remuneration package.

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Essay on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight essay:
This essay discusses in depth the personality of Sir Gawain as depicted by the author Marie Borroff in her book ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’. By elucidating the outstanding traits of Sir Gawain, we shall show how rightly he has been claimed as the protagonist of the story, and how prominent qualities in his character make him so distinguishing from the rest of contemporary knights of King Arthur’s round table.

Sir Gawain
After a close study of the book ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ the traits of Sir Gawain as mentioned in the ensuing paragraphs make him the most prominent of all the knights in the Camelot of King Arthur.

Faith in God and Religious Devotion
The theme of religion can be well drawn from words of Gawain about his encounters depicting him as a religious man, a religious man who puts his faith in God’s care and acknowledges that he is protected. The words of the knight are filled with vigor in respect to the fate ahead of him. The fact was that the blow dealt to the green knight would be reciprocated to the participant in the game. Gawain struck the knights head off, and this was the fate he was entitled to face though with an assurance of regeneration after certain duration and this was a source of motivation for Gawain’s action.

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Reading Response to Poem “To Waken an Old Lady” by William Carlos Williams

To Waken an Old Lady is a poem that was authored by William Carlos Williams. The poem essentially focuses on the aspect of old age. Therefore, the writer utilizes numerous bookish tools so as to construct the poem. In my experience of reading the poem I got attracted to the manner in which the author presented the poem the use of literary devices actually affected my experience. The use aspects of content, language and form were of greatest significance in the entire poem. Other literary devices have also been used in the construction of the poem. The elements used greatly affected my response to the poem, in its entirety.

The literary devices employed by the author of the poem actually affected my response to the poem. Furthermore, they made me to focus more on one aspect of the poem than the others. I was significantly drawn to the aspect of old age and its prevalent connotations. This is due to the manner in which the author applied the literary elements all through. I cannot deny the great relevance of the above elements on my experience. William Carlos Williams makes great use of several elements in the presentation of the poem. Some of these elements are language, form and content. First of all I was greatly attracted to the aspect of content.

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Strategic Planning Essay

This is a free sample essay on Strategic Planning:
A Whole School ICT Policy is a crucial document that describes how and why a school is developing ICT. It should be seen as a dynamic document, which is reviewed regularly. The policy is intended as a statement of the beliefs, values and objectives of the school and aims to ensure that staff can work collaboratively within the context of utilising ICT as a functional tool within school. The purpose of the policy is to both review current practice and plan for the future needs of all in the school. As an essential management tool the policy should encompass aspects of why the school is heading in a particular direction, set realistic goals leading toward the ultimate intention and how milestones will be achieved.

This assignment will discuss key issues in the development of a whole school ICT policy for a secondary school consisting of eleven to eighteen year old pupils. The school intake is 180 pupils per year, with an average of 50% entering the sixth form. The number of pupils enrolled is calculated as 1080 with six classes of thirty pupils in each year, from Year 7 to Year 11 and a Lower and Upper Sixth form of 90 pupils each. I have adopted the strategy that pupils in Years 7 to 9 work in Form Groups of 30, with GCSE Groups in Years 10 and 11 being split into groups of ?.

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