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Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

Quantity surveying is a field that mainly deals with specific aspects involving measurement and estimation of costs in the building and construction industry.  Due to the recent increase in the number of houses needed to be constructed, the quantity surveying field has experienced an evolution in its trends and methods.

Today, many colleges and universities are offering regular degree programs for quantity surveyors-to-be. According to Prospects website, an increasing number of UK and international construction projects leads to the ever-increasing number of employment opportunities, with most graduates (90%) working in building and engineering.

The quantity surveyors’ tasks and responsibilities are similar to those of cost managers/financial managers in the business field. They estimate the costs that will be enough to build and sustain a construction project. Further, they also come up with the feasibility and the design of a specified building. A quantity surveyor can demolish, refurbish and maintain part or whole of the building. He or she can work in several fields ranging from construction to infrastructure development such as railways and tarmac roads.

The following are some of the best topics in quantity survey for students conducting Quantity Surveying course. With these topics, you are a just one step away from graduating and starting your career.

Great Examples of Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

  1. A Review of the Building Code of Collapsed Buildings.
  2. An Overview of Techniques Used to Control Cost for Building and Construction Projects.
  3. The Nature of Risk in the Building and Construction Industry and How to Manage It.
  4. The Tasks and Functions of Informational Builders in the Construction Industry.
  5. Cost Control Techniques used in Construction Sites.
  6. Obtaining Construction Licenses: Procedures and Challenges faced by Contractors.
  7. Designing and Using the Electronic Bill of Quantity System in the Building and Construction Industry.

Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

How to Choose a Topic for a Quantity Surveying Dissertation

A topic should be selected after closely reviewing it with your colleagues, supervisor, librarian and at times, with your parents. You should always choose a topic that interests you on a deeper level. Writing a dissertation requires a lot of time, effort, and commitment. Therefore, it is fair for you to choose for yourself a topic that makes you happy.

After selecting a subject, the actual work begins. Writing a dissertation carefully is the real task in your research. Through proper planning and managing your work strategically, this can be done quickly. When writing your quantity survey dissertation, the most recent methods and techniques developed in the construction industry should be used.

Deeply research the topic you chose. Search for books in the library or the internet. Highlight the main points that you want to include in your research report. Every step in your research should be planned for and attended to with the highest degree of focus. Otherwise, at AdvancedWriters.com, you can pay for a dissertation written by real academic experts. Our dissertation writers are ready to help 24/7. All you need is to place an order.

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