Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

17 Widely Known Idioms With the Most Unexpected Origins

Idioms are a part of our written and spoken English. Each expression has its own definition that cannot be understood by interpreting the meaning and sense literally. They exist in every language and have various origins, including historical events, important figures, cultural traditions, a certain population (like native Americans), and everyday experiences. Idiomatic phrases make our speech more engaging and add depth to communication.

Unexpected Idiom Origins

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How to Write An Essay Outline

Imagine starting to write an essay without any idea of what you’re going to say. Pretty overwhelming, right? That’s why having a proper essay outline matters. An outline serves as a set of instructions and helps you organize your thoughts logically. Think of it as the skeleton of your paper—the structure that holds everything in place.
how to write an essay outline

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How to Write a Book Report Outline

Struggling with book report writing?

Here’s the deal:

For your book review to impress the teacher and get an A, you’ll first need to do your best to craft a stellar book report outline. In this article, you’ll learn how to do that, including gaining information on a book report’s structure, purpose, and length. (And don’t miss the book report template!

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How to Improve Creative Writing

Many educational systems are based on creative writing. Students are expected to make all their writing projects original, non-standard, and plagiarism-free essays. All the methods are welcome just to teach students how to become creative writers. Not all youngsters understand the right way to become creative and their projects become boring, stereotypical, and uninteresting. If you struggle with your creativity, we can help. Our useful guide provides the necessary recommendations and brilliant tricks that will help to improve your creative writing.

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How to Write a Response Paper to a Book

How to accomplish brilliantly a response writing to a book? This question is asked by all students who have been given a task to describe their impressions of a particular literary work. As a rule, this involves the student’s independent work, which they need to pass in the format of a response paper. Therefore, today we will analyze how to write this specific type of essay – a response paper to a book.

Prior to proceeding to the actual guide, everyone who intends to start working on this research piece must be aware that there should be present the first-person active voice writing style. It’s important!

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Book Review vs Book Report: 3 Key Differences between

It usually happens that university students are tested in writing a book review but too often they end up writing a book report instead. The problem is that most students don’t know the difference between a university book report and book review. The surprise of failing in an assignment that you were certainly sure to score highly can be overwhelming.

It is a good idea to make sense of a task before getting started. According to the Executive Function Handout Series about a task initiation, students are able to complete a task successfully, once they get going, if only they have explicit instructions about an assignment. Asked to write a book review or book report but can’t understand the difference? We are to explain.

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English Writing Techniques You Might Not Have Heard Of

Your professor reads through a dozen of papers each time he/she assigns an essay. If you want to get a high grade, you have to ensure that your paper stands out from the rest. How can you do that? If you have mastered the basic writing techniques in English, here are five more advanced ones that you can use to set yourself apart from the rest.

1. Be Original

As often as possible, try to take a unique approach on the topic, offer an original perspective, or use your words in a fresh and interesting way. As your professor sifts through a dozen of papers, he/she does not want to see the same topic many times. Take a creative approach to the assignment that will help you stand out, and you will get a higher grade as a result.Writing Techniques in English

Depending on the assignment, you should also write in your own unique voice. For some assignments, you may need to be extremely formal and academic. However, if you have a more creative assignment, use an informative conversational tone. Write the way you would speak to someone you respect and feel comfortable with. Allow your writing to reflect your own personality and your style as well. Writing in such a manner allows you to interact with the audience.

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Top 5 Book Review Questions to Discuss

At first thought, it seems that there is no difference between a book review, book report and book summary. The only true fact is that all these types of writing deal with a book. However, among the three a book review has a special purpose – to describe, analyse and evaluate books citing evidence and examples from the book in question.

Many students are not sure that they’re on the right way while working on a university book review. As a result, they can get very low scores for it. Want to be highly assessed? Bring 5 questions into focus to answer them in your book review.

1.  Who is the Author of the Book?

In a book review, you have to give credit to the author. The author’s name and background should be part of an introduction. You can also state the perspective from which the author wrote the book and evaluate if he or she was biased in favour of writing the book or not. Besides, focus on the question – why the author wrote on this subject rather than on some other subject.

University Book Review Writing Tips

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American Literature Essay [640 words]

Reflective Essay on American Literature

American literature is very rich in the past historical events that took place on this great continent.

Many of the past generations witnessed the turnout of events from the time the continent was not yet independent to the time it became a sovereign entity. There were so many battles that were fought to build this country. For instance, the long and great Civil War in America took place from 1861-1865. Struggles took place off the battle field, as well. African Americans and the American Indians had to fight for their rights to be recognized.

This is evident because there was no black national leader until recently when Obama was elected as the first African American president. American minority groups were deprived of their rights until in the 1960s when there was a federal registration enforcement of the Constitution that helped this group to have their rights protected. Many groups of Americans are responsible for writing American literature. The literature is valuable in letting generations know about their past and what their ancestors went through to build this great nation.

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How to Write a Journal in 8 Steps

We all know that students have to write a great variety of academic assignments. They are compulsory and reflect the current knowledge and skills of students. Of course, they teach students many useful things and develop their skills and knowledge. However, students may likewise write for themselves. We mean journaling, which is very popular and helpful. It has benefits that are oftentimes compared with music or art therapy. Journaling helps to unwind, put off some pressure, and reduce stress. Besides, it helps to sharpen your writing skills. Therefore, we’ll explain how to write journals. In addition to traditional academic assignments, students can also benefit from utilizing  pro writing services like AdvancedWriters for assistance in crafting compelling journal entries.

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How to Write a Critical Book Review More

Writing a critical book review is a daunting task. Something about the word ‘critical’ seems to conjure up scary visions of having to wade through huge tomes of literary theory that threaten to swallow your limited analyzing abilities as a student.

A review at the end of the day is supposed to be critical where you share your opinion on a specific topic and it tells the makers or readers your honest opinion on it. There are many reviewers out there, criticizing all kinds of books including fiction and essays, but not all these reviewers or their opinions are valued. At times, it is only because they’re lacking a proper outline and hence are not able to write their thoughts properly.

Why Have an Outline for a Critical Book Review?
Like any other assignment set by a systematically produced curriculum, a critical book review is also easy. You simply apply a systematic approach and break it into parts. You jot down the essential elements you need to include.

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Gerontology Research Topics: 20 Interesting Ideas

Gerontology is a science that interlaces with many other disciplines like biology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics, etc. It is a field of studies that explores the process of aging. The most important aspects of this science are monitoring and studying the physical changes of people growing old, their mental alterations or adjustments in their social lives. While you may not study gerontology as your major or even secondary course, it can become a good topic for a thesis paper within your biology, anthropology or sociology class due to their tight connection with the science of aging.

Why should you consider writing an academic paper within this discipline? Because lately the number of elderly has been rapidly increasing, and it means that in the nearest future the demand for gerontologists will grow. The experts predict that by 2050 every fifth person on the planet will be 60 years old. These people will need a special approach to being cared for, treating their mental as well as physical diseases and being a member of modern society. This is an extremely interesting field, that’s why we’ve put together a list of thesis topics in gerontology. By writing an academic piece on one of them, you will understand whether the science of aging sparks your interest or not.

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5 Key Points of a Strong Computer Science Personal Statement

A personal statement is one of the most crucial aspects of any university or college application. It gives admission officers an idea of your ability to think critically as a potential student. In addition, it allows them to measure the probability of your success as a student at their university.

For students who want to study Computer Science, writing a personal statement is no different. Your failure to provide a strong personal statement can leave admission officers convinced that you’re not worthy to join the program. Sounds frustrating. But before you get your hands on the project, keep in mind that only doing nothing towards the goal to enroll in your dream college is doomed to failure. And if you work hard, the best results won’t be long in coming. Additionally, seeking programming assignment help to refine your technical skills and showcase your passion for Computer Science through impressive coding projects can significantly enhance your application and demonstrate your readiness for the program.

Now it’s time to start preparing your Computer Science personal statement. When you are writing one, you need to demonstrate clearly that you are ready to actively engage with the program and to contribute to the advancement of the subject beyond the university campus.

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How to Write a Reflection Paper On An Article

A reflection paper is a fairly common type of essay that students of educational institutions often have to write. It must be academically correct, in accordance with generally accepted norms, but, at the same time, be deeply personal. This particular kind of essay aims to “challenge the student to an open conversation”, honestly analyze and reflect on how this or that article or book influenced his/her thoughts on the subject. To understand how to create a really high-quality reflection paper, you should familiarize yourself with the information provided below. Many students turn to a reputable college paper writing service to ensure their reflection paper strikes the delicate balance between academic rigor and personal introspection, fostering an open dialogue and insightful analysis of their thoughts influenced by various articles or books.

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2 Minute Presentation Topics on Modern Architecture

If you are tasked with giving a presentation on modern architecture, you have the unique opportunity to introduce a not well known aspect of buildings and their history. While 2 minutes are not that long, it is still long enough to give your classmates an introduction to one aspect of architecture you might find fascinating.

If you are in need of 2 minute presentation topics on modern architecture then consider the list of 20 topics below:

  1. How Social Housing Architecture Is Changing
  2. Urban Redevelopment: Architectural Assessments and Change
  3. The Role Played by the Church of England in Maintaining National Architecture
  4. Preserving National Heritage: How Modern Architecture Must Remake Historic Buildings
  5. Global Cultural Spaces: How Architecture Reflects Identity
  6. Sustained Buildings: Combining Nature and Architecture
  7. University Architecture and Design: The Search for Modern Perfection
  8. The Rich Decoration of Venetian Style Architecture
  9. Victorian-Edwardian Styles of Modern Architecture
  10. What Changing Architectural Styles Tell about the Civic Pride in Modern Architecture
  11. The Political Aesthetic of Foster’s Dome
  12. The Americanization of British Urban Architecture
  13. Reinventing Civic Design with Modern Architecture
  14. Environmentally Friendly Architecture: How Modern Utilities Have Changed Architectural Standards
  15. Clean Lines Creating Challenges for Modern Maintenance
  16. The Influence of Islam on the Architecture of Turkey: How Changing Rulers Changed the Construction
  17. The Influence of Christianity on Architecture: The Incorporation of Religious Artwork on Public Buildings
  18. The Geometric Shapes Used in Islamic Construction: How Interior Designs Reflect Internal Beliefs
  19. The Decline of Modern Architecture
  20. How Architecture Expresses More than Structure: The Historical Lessons Hidden in Each Building2 minute presentation topics

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7 Best Books for a Literature Response Paper

A literary response paper is designed to give your opinion on how a literary piece makes you feel or think. It is your opinion; however, it needs to be based on the facts. You will need to make sure that you really have some considerations about what you are writing. In order to master this essay style, you will need to choose a really good literary piece to produce a decent paper.

If you get to choose the topic, which most of the time you do, then you should check out one of these books:

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How to Write Great College Level Book Report

Book reports are defined as edifying reports that deliberate on a specific book from an objective point of view. Students have generally confused book reports with book reviews since they are not conscious of the differences that exist between the two. Book reports summarize the work while book reviews gives evaluation of works at hand. Basically, book reports give accounts of the major characters, plot, thesis, and the main concepts of the work. A book report is a short summary that ranges from 275 to 500 words. Students who are given book report assignments need to be informed of the basic information concerning the book. These include the book title, the author, the publisher and place of publication, as well as number of pages. This information is necessary since it is incorporated into the report. Before commencing on a book report, it is prudent to determine the genre of the book. Writing a fiction book report requires one to be cognizant of the main characters, the setting, and the context of action. Non-fiction book reports involve emphasizing the main ideas presented in the book.

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