Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

5-Paragraph Essay on Respect: Key Elements to Include

If you need to write a 5-paragraph respect essay but don’t know what information to include, this guide will help you. We will divide the information into five blocks so that you can see what ideas to use in each paragraph of your respect essay. If you don’t want to spend time on writing, you can order your paper on our website and receive a perfect sample quickly.

5-Paragraph Essay on Respect

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The Vietnam War: Tracing the Roots of Conflict essay

Vietnam War Essay Example

1. The French were involved in a war of Indochina prior to the American involvement. Trace the causes of this conflict and describe the key events and general course of the French Indochina War.
Traditionally, the First Indochina war started in the French Indochina in 1946 and ended in 1954. The war was a fighting or conflict between forces from France and their Viet Minh opponents. Numerous factors were involved in the conflict including the French Far East Expeditionary Corps from the French Union led by France. The Vietnamese national army supported the French against the Viet Minh whose leaders were Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh. The large part of this conflict occurred in the northern region of Vietnam called Tonkin, although the fighting engulfed the rest of the nation, spreading to the protectorates of the French Indochina in Cambodia and Laos (Young, 1991).

After the French reoccupation in Indochina after the Second World War, the region being in control of the Japanese, the Viet Minh started a protest or rebellion against the French authority that was in control of a number of French colonies in Indochina. The few initial years of the conflict involved rural uprising that was increasingly low key against the French. Nevertheless, after the communists from China arrived in the Vietnamese northern border in 1949, the fighting took another turn and became a conventional war between two forces that were armed with modern weapons (Jian, 1993).

The forces of the French Union included several forces from the rest of the former empire including Tunisia, Algeria, Laotian, Moroccan, Vietnamese, and Cambodian ethnic minorities. While the plan of pushing the troops of Viet Minh into launching a war on the excellently defended base was validated, the lack of materials for construction, air cover, and tanks prevented an effective defense, leading to a decisive defeat of the French forces. The Geneva conference made a provisional decision to divide Vietnam into two regions, the north, and south. The northern region was the Vietnam democratic republic under Ho Chi Minh, and the south was the Vietnam state under Bao Dai (Jian, 1993).

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Essay on Socialization [2800 words]

Example Essay on Socialization: Nature versus Nurture

According to one side of the debate, individuals and social behavior are a product of heredity or nature. The others say that individual and social behavior are a product of experience and learning or nurture. Darwin pushed the nature viewpoint in his theory of evolution. “Humans are a product of natural processes”, he said. Evolutionary theorist used his theory to explain cross cultural differences and social inequalities. According to this, the dominant positions the Europeans occupied in the world was a result of natural selection – Asian, African and other people were regarded as biologically inferior. Within a group, people were believed to be rich and poor due to “survival of the fittest”. The concept of survival of the fittest was used to justify genocide.

In the 20th century the pendulum swayed toward “nurture”. Pavlov experimented to show that dogs could be taught to salivate even at the sound of a bell, Skinner showed that pigeons could be taught ping-pong. The experiments were done through “reward” and “punishment”. These social scientists argued that human mind is equally malleable. It was believed that human mind is tabula rasa, upon which experience writes.

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American Literature Essay [640 words]

Reflective Essay on American Literature

American literature is very rich in the past historical events that took place on this great continent.

Many of the past generations witnessed the turnout of events from the time the continent was not yet independent to the time it became a sovereign entity. There were so many battles that were fought to build this country. For instance, the long and great Civil War in America took place from 1861-1865. Struggles took place off the battle field, as well. African Americans and the American Indians had to fight for their rights to be recognized.

This is evident because there was no black national leader until recently when Obama was elected as the first African American president. American minority groups were deprived of their rights until in the 1960s when there was a federal registration enforcement of the Constitution that helped this group to have their rights protected. Many groups of Americans are responsible for writing American literature. The literature is valuable in letting generations know about their past and what their ancestors went through to build this great nation.

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Short Essay on Nelson Mandela [500 words]

Nelson Mandela was a popular figure not only in South Africa but in the whole world, and this was mostly because of what he stood for and symbolized in life. Nelson Mandela, or Rolihlahla Mandela, was born on the 18th day of July in the year 1918 and adopted the name Nelson after he was named so by a teacher in the school where he was learning as a young boy. Nelson was born in the Transkei area of South Africa. Transkei is an area characterized by numerous mountains, grasslands and valleys. The area is located on the southwestern part of South Africa. Mandela’s father, Henry Mandela, was a tribal chief of the Tembu tribe and together with his wife and Mandela’s mother, Fanny, were related to the royal family of Tembu. Mandela, however, grew up without his father because his father passed on when he was only 9 years old. After which, an acting chief of the Tembu tribe raised him.

Mandela received his basic education in a mission school where he excelled in his education and later attended college. While in school and college, Mandela enjoyed a variety of sporting activities, including running and boxing. While at the University of Fort Hare, Mandela trained as a lawyer and among his friends in law school was Oliver Tambo. Mandela, however, moved away from the law school in 1939 after students held a series of demonstrations in protest of the way the law school was run. Even though the custom required that his parents select for him a wife, Mandela did not want to abide by this custom of arranged marriages and he therefore left his home area and went to Johannesburg. It is in the city of Johannesburg that Mandela completed his studies and eventually became a qualified lawyer.

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Expository Essay on Depression [500 words]

Even though depression entails one having sad feelings, it is actually a condition that is by far more than merely having some degree of sadness. This is because the magnitude of sadness that one feels when depressed is so intense, it may also be accompanied by numerous other symptoms.

There are many types of depression, one of which is referred to as the major depressive disorder in clinical terms. This type of depression is serious because the individual is depressed for a large portion of a day, year-round. The symptoms for this depression include loss of interest in favorite activities and an unexplained gain or loss in weight. Insomnia, difficulty i falling asleep, is also one of the many symptoms. An individual who has a major depression is also more likely to feel like he or she is dissatisfied with all that life has to offer. The other symptoms of this condition include feeling very tired the entire day, even without having done any work, experiencing trouble when concentrating and in one trying to make decisions.

Doctors usually diagnose this depression if a patient has suffered five or more symptoms, if the patient has been experiencing the aforementioned symptoms for a period of two or more weeks, and if one of the symptoms is the loss of interest in activities that the patient once found very interesting.

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Descriptive Essay on Nature

No matter where we go or what we see – nature is always there. Even in the concrete jungle of New York City, you will see a red flower or a green tree that will break the harshness of dirty grey concrete, glass, and neon. In the sunset in Miami, nature gives a breathtaking display of beauty every evening, painting the sky with glorious colors. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one sees a breathtaking view of nature’s handicraft that is so big and has the power to take your breath away. Each scenario is completely different, yet each has its own splendor, no matter if it is a sunset, a desert, mountain, prairie, lake, or ocean.

People have always appreciated nature, and they still do to some extent. They are both challenged and pacified by it. Nature is beautiful, and the fact that it is changing so magically through different seasons amazes every human being. At the same time, we’re fascinated by how timelessly unchanged some of its fixed elements, like mountains, remain throughout history.

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The Importance of One’s Name essay sample

Argumentative essay on The Importance of one’s Name:
When a child is born, the parents name him or her as per their wish. They could name him or her in accordance to their cultural practices, events, names of dead relatives, materials and tools used, animals among others. Names always play critical roles in people’s lives. Different names may to mean different things.

Names may be similar but have different meanings while others may be different but have the same meanings. Virtually everything that is in existence has a name attached to it. Such names are always used when referring to these things to bring to memory the thing in question. Every name has some sense of power associated with it. Such powers may have influences on the life of any individual possessing those names. Therefore, naming of a newborn child or an adult depends on several factors such as cultural beliefs, practices, customs, and the environment.

It is an indisputable fact that human beings have been responsible for naming everything, whether alive or dead, moving, static, plants, animals or microorganisms. For instance, : Sandra Cisneros, in her essay My name notes that a name can mean hope, many letters, sadness waiting (pg. 190) The naming in such cases has been as distinctly precise as none of the organisms named share the same names. In cases where they might share such names, there has always been a clear and precise way that conventionally applies in differentiating the two organisms. Under such situations, different methods are put into consideration. These methods of differentiation of names majorly depend upon the parental hierarchy of such organisms.

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Cost Volume Profit Analysis Essay

Cost volume profit analysis examines the interaction of a company’s sales volume, selling price, cost structure, and profitability.

CVP analysis is a useful tool in making management decisions such as production, investment, and financing decisions. Wonder Company simulation has to establish various factors that influence its product sales and customer demand. The success of a company is based on how many people are willing to purchase their products at existing prices. Competition is inevitable in case a company does not have monopoly powers. Brand management seeks to promote the presence of a company in the market. Many companies are investing heavily in brand management to improve sales by attracting more customers and retaining existing ones. Company products follow an inevitable life cycle. A life cycle of a product begins with the conception of an idea on what to produce, how to create, and who will constitute a market for the product. The product is then moved to the product development stage, where it is delivered and finally availed to the market for consumers to purchase and use it. After several years in the market, a company might fail to upgrade its product based on existing market requirements leading to consumers opting to use alternative products. Lack of market may result in a company failing to meet its objectives and eventually wound up. In such cases, the company withdraws its products in the market. Brand management takes place in various forms. It begins with the assessment of how customers are relating to a product in the market and proceeding to evaluate how their perception of the product changes with time. Consumer perception of a product significantly determines company success.

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5-Paragraph Essay on Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was born on February 12, 1809, and died at the age of 56 on the 4th day of March 1861. Lincoln was the president of the United States for four years, from 1861 to 1865. Lincoln was born in Hardin County in the state of Kentucky in a small cabin. The family had only one room. His parents, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks were farmers who had a large tract of land that measured 348 acres on which their cabin was situated. His parents were uneducated, however.

Lincoln’s political career began in 1832 when he created a political campaign for a political party known as the Whig Party. This party was based on efforts that sought to improve navigation on the neighboring river. Ten years later, Lincoln married the love of his life, Mary Todd, with whom he had four sons. Unfortunately, one of his four sons did not survive into adulthood. Lincoln’s participation in active national politics took a turn for the better in 1842 when he campaigned and was elected to the US House of Representatives.

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Persuasive Essay on Adopting a Dog

There are numerous reasons why one should make the wise decision to adopt a dog. The first and foremost reason is that one gets to save a life by choosing to adopt a dog. In just the United States of America, more than two million dogs are available for adoption on a yearly basis.

The main reason why so many dogs are available for adoption is that many people give up their pets to animal shelters, and the number of individuals who go to shelters to adopt a dog is small. Unfortunately, many animal shelters do not have enough space to house the pets comfortably and sometimes do not even have enough resources to take care of the pets. These reasons sometimes push animal shelters to tight corners and cause them to eliminate some of the pets that have not been adopted. If more people came up and adopted the dogs, fewer animals would be eliminated or tortured by those who adopt them for weird reasons.

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Research Paper Abstract on Child Abuse

Child abuse is defined as a non-accidental behavior by parents, caregivers, or any other adults that is outside the norms of conduct and can cause physical or emotional harm to a child or a young person (Bromfield, 2005).

There are five main types of child abuse:

  1. physical abuse
  2. emotional maltreatment
  3. neglect
  4. sexual abuse
  5. the witnessing of family violence

Physical abuse is defined as a non-accidental use of physical force that can cause harm to a child. This includes: shoving, hitting, slapping, shaking, throwing, punching, kicking biting, burning, strangling and poisoning (Bromfield, 2005). It doesn’t matter whether an adult had an intend to cause a child harm or not, if an action lead to harm, it is regarded as abusive anyway. Physical abuse can also depend on the age of a child and the nature of the behavior: an action which can be regarded as dangerous and potentially harmful for a child of a certain age can also be regarded as physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is defined as an inappropriate verbal or symbolic act towards a child that can lead to child’s problems on a psychological level.

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Descriptive Essay on a Piece of Art

Very few paintings today are as popular as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. There may be very many painters today, some of whom may be more skilled than Leonardo; however, there is yet to be a painter who can express facial features on a piece of art as Leonardo did. For instance, Mona Lisa’s smile has been a subject of much debate, given the many articles that have been written to try and describe this smile. Leonardo’s other work of art, christened the Lady with Ermine, also presents facial features in an outstanding manner.

An examination of the Mona Lisa in the present day reveals that the painting has indeed had better days. The original color of the painting appears faded and is almost gone and this is perhaps the reason why the original painting has been repainted at least three times. The painting does not appear to be clean and this can be observed in the greenish glaze on the painting. The repainting of the painting and the greenish glaze makes the painting somewhat different from what Leonardo originally painted. In a bid to understand the Mona Lisa, artists have continued to question the identity of Mona Lisa.

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Informal Essay about Friendship

Friendship Essay Sample (500 words)

Friendship can be defined as a personal relationship between two or more individuals, grounded in feelings of concern for one another and includes intimacy to a certain degree. Given that human beings are generally considered social, friendship is an important part of every individual’s life. Most people dedicate a portion of their day to interacting with friends, whether face-to-face or by phone or on the computer. Given the vital role that friendship plays in the lives of almost all human beings, it is prudent to friendship from different perspectives, including the nature of friendship.

How does one know what true friendship is? Friendship is demonstrated through mutual care, acts of intimacy, and activities that individuals share with those whom they consider friends. Friendship is always valued and justified by examining both its individual importance and social worth. Individual value of friendship is gauged from the perspective of an individual who considers the amount of resources, time, energy that he or she is willing to invest in the relationship. The value an individual places on a friendship can also be measured from the perception of whether the friendship makes one’s life feel better or worse. Whether an individual appreciates the friendship of another, though, is sometimes tied up with how that person feels about himself. If one does not value himself, that person is less likely to value someone else or the friendship offered by someone else.

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Essay on “An Anthropologist on Mars”

Investigating cases on behavior and neurology presents a significant number of health ideas. The brain is capable of performing tasks through a finite number of reactions and neurons in the nervous system. In light to this, I decide to go through the works of Oliver Sacks named “An Anthropologist on Mars”. I keenly study the seven cases of patients and colleagues he has highlighted about their extraordinary brains. Each case differs from the other thus depicting the issues on study. From the brain tumor victim to surgeon suffering from Tourette’s syndrome the dimension of the study broaden.

In order for one to be in a position to understand their subjects appropriately, the personality method of investigation is vital. Therefore, spending ample time with your subjects is very crucial in this field. I find “An anthropologist on Mars” fascinating since it gives amn opportunity to view peoples’ brains conditions as well as study them to the letter. The fascinating neurobiological stories explore some of the unique experiences and perceptions of oneself. The saddest thing about the study on disorders of the nervous system and the brain is that the condition of most of the patients is beyond repair. This is irrespective of the diverse scope of knowledge in the book.

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The Science and Art of Nursing Essay

Nursing can be expressed as both a science and an art. Nursing has to embrace both science and art of the practice. The field of nursing can be broad and ambiguous. Therefore nurse’s duties are misconstrued causing appropriate boundaries between primary physician activates and nursing activities to be blurred. The effectiveness of nursing is dependent on the interaction of the people in the nursing sector and a developed control of human emotion, discipline, and adequate skillset. The skill, knowledge and judgment that must be exercised by nurses are what are constituted as an art form, because of the level of control involved with the practice. Science aims at expanding the knowledge of the individual and the subject matter involved. This is what relates nurse partitioning as a science (Donahue, 2011). The increase in knowledge that informs and underpins the practice and thinking of a discipline is the science, nature, and art of the study. This short dissertation outlines the elements that make nursing both an art and a science, which when adequately balanced benefit the patient and surrounding practitioners’ experience.

“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive
devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for
what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared
with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit?” (Sienna Heights University, 2013)

Nursing as a Science
Medical Science has had an instrumental role in health. The major focus has been placed on the reliable methodologies and scientific development. According to the American Nurses Association, nurses have a unique role to assist the sick individuals in activities that contribute to health and recovery. The way that nurses fulfill their duties is what will determine whether the act is an art or a science or an equivalent application of both characteristics. The nurse should be familiar with and understand the medical terms, medical procedures, and various medicines administered to patients to provide optimal care patient care. They must also study and thoroughly understand symptoms and precautionary actions to be taken in regard to patient illness. There is a noteworthy constituent of precision to be utilized to facilitate daily medical tasks within the medical environment. Science is a study of precision, facts, and an aim to transform theory to fact. Nurses must be familiar with a plethora of facts on a daily basis. The process of mastering this ability is a science. The mastering of this process delineates a less skilled nurse from an expert (Lynch & Duval, 2011).

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Intercultural Interview Analysis Essay

Cultural changes have been witnessed in most parts of the world. In the current world, it is becoming difficult to maintain indigenous cultures. This is attributed to the rate at which technology is transforming the world across borders and making interactions between people of different cultures easier. The interaction has facilitated erosion of several aspects of people’s cultures. In place of these cultural norms, people adapt universal ways of doing things which determine how they carry out social aspects of their lives. However, this has not always been the case; people had distinct cultural values that determined how they went about their economic and social affairs. These elements identified the different cultural groupings back then. Consequently, understanding these aspects and adapting to them represent the greatest challenge for people who work across borders. Even though there have been continuous erosion of most cultural values, these changes are more pronounced in the younger generation. The older generation is more rigid in the aspect that they have held to cultural values. Understanding a people’s culture is critical in communicating with the people. It is the reason why one has to know the culture before setting out to interact with a different cultural group. The best way to understand cultural differences is by carrying out interviews. This paper structures such an interview with a fellow student who is a Mexican.

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Critical Thinking Essay Example [1100 words]

What it means to be human in ancient Israel

Israelites are a group of people in the Middle East who believe that they are all descendants of Jacob. The Israelites are perhaps the only people with a well recorded history dating back to 6000BC; their history is well written in religious books such as the Quran and the bible. In the olden days being an Israelite was a hard thing as you had to live according to the standards set by the leaders and the God that was never seen, most people suffered as there was no democracy. The Israelites were ruled by kings who had super special powers and no one was authorized to question their judgment. To them, the kings were a level lower than God and therefore deserved to be respected.

The people of Israel were monotheists, meaning they worshiped only one God but sometimes they ended up worshiping the gods and goddesses of the surrounding people. According to their religious beliefs, it was clearly stated that one should worship only God despite that some went against the rule. However, there were serious consequences attributed to that. For instance, anyone found worshiping another god was stoned to death outside the city and in the case where the whole group was found to worship other gods it resulted in mass punishments that would sometimes lead to death. The Israelite community constituted of twelve tribes. Among these tribes was the Leviticus where the entire priests were chosen from.

The Levites only become priest and they were not required to do any duties other than their temple work. Furthermore, they had no land and therefore depended on the other tribes for food who had to give out one tenth of their produce to the Levites. This can be seen as some form of exploitation of the people of Israel as others had to work and use their hard work to feed the people who had been chosen by god. Despite this, they highly believed that it was the right thing to do before God.

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Essay on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight essay:
This essay discusses in depth the personality of Sir Gawain as depicted by the author Marie Borroff in her book ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’. By elucidating the outstanding traits of Sir Gawain, we shall show how rightly he has been claimed as the protagonist of the story, and how prominent qualities in his character make him so distinguishing from the rest of contemporary knights of King Arthur’s round table.

Sir Gawain
After a close study of the book ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ the traits of Sir Gawain as mentioned in the ensuing paragraphs make him the most prominent of all the knights in the Camelot of King Arthur.

Faith in God and Religious Devotion
The theme of religion can be well drawn from words of Gawain about his encounters depicting him as a religious man, a religious man who puts his faith in God’s care and acknowledges that he is protected. The words of the knight are filled with vigor in respect to the fate ahead of him. The fact was that the blow dealt to the green knight would be reciprocated to the participant in the game. Gawain struck the knights head off, and this was the fate he was entitled to face though with an assurance of regeneration after certain duration and this was a source of motivation for Gawain’s action.

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Strategic Planning Essay

This is a free sample essay on Strategic Planning:
A Whole School ICT Policy is a crucial document that describes how and why a school is developing ICT. It should be seen as a dynamic document, which is reviewed regularly. The policy is intended as a statement of the beliefs, values and objectives of the school and aims to ensure that staff can work collaboratively within the context of utilising ICT as a functional tool within school. The purpose of the policy is to both review current practice and plan for the future needs of all in the school. As an essential management tool the policy should encompass aspects of why the school is heading in a particular direction, set realistic goals leading toward the ultimate intention and how milestones will be achieved.

This assignment will discuss key issues in the development of a whole school ICT policy for a secondary school consisting of eleven to eighteen year old pupils. The school intake is 180 pupils per year, with an average of 50% entering the sixth form. The number of pupils enrolled is calculated as 1080 with six classes of thirty pupils in each year, from Year 7 to Year 11 and a Lower and Upper Sixth form of 90 pupils each. I have adopted the strategy that pupils in Years 7 to 9 work in Form Groups of 30, with GCSE Groups in Years 10 and 11 being split into groups of ?.

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