Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Descriptive Writing Nature: A Journey Into the Wilderness

This is an example of a nature descriptive essay crafted by one of our essay writers. If you’re finding it tough to write this kind of essay (or any other type of paper), don’t know how to appeal to readers, or can’t figure out how to become one of those students who do well, using an essay writing service might be just what you need. Sometimes, it’s hard to find the right words or even figure out how to describe a scene in a way that really paints a vivid picture in your essay. Our team will gladly help you solve all your essay writing problems. Feel free to use the sample essay below for inspiration.

nature descriptive writing

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How to Write a Deductive Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

The teacher asks you to write a deductive essay.


They want to evaluate your thinking and analytical skills in understanding various concepts. Writing deductive essays helps you learn how to find information, structure it, and use reasonable assumptions and credible evidence to reach a logical conclusion.

Sounds tricky?

This guide is here to help you master this type of academic writing. Get ready for stellar deductive essay writing help! We’ll provide in-depth information on how to structure, develop, and polish your assignment to wow teachers.

how to write a deductive essay

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5-Paragraph Essay on Respect: Key Elements to Include

If you need to write a 5-paragraph respect essay but don’t know what information to include, this guide will help you. We will divide the information into five blocks so that you can see what ideas to use in each paragraph of your respect essay. If you don’t want to spend time on writing, you can order your paper on our website and receive a perfect sample quickly.

5-Paragraph Essay on Respect

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Definition Success Essay

For many, the most important goal is a successful life. This formulation is very common, but what is behind it is not always obvious. Everyone puts something of their own into the definition of success. Some people put material well-being, some people put creative fulfillment, others put mutual love and a strong family, and others combine all of the above in this concept. The lack of a clear and understandable definition of success often becomes the reason that people apply someone else’s idea to themselves. This leads to dissatisfaction with their own achievements and ignoring the personal success that they have already achieved in their endeavors.

success definition essay

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How to Succeed in Academic Writing

What if you could approach each writing assignment with confidence, having all the necessary tools and strategies for crafting compelling, well-supported arguments? Even though for many students, it may seem impossible, academic writing can be stress-free and even exciting. At its core, it is more than just stringing words together. It’s a disciplined writing process involving critical thinking, research, and clear communication that leads you to unique insights. The key point to keep in mind is that no one has outstanding writing skills innately. However, you can become a better writer through regular practice and dedication. If you want to know how to improve your writing skills, you will find many valuable tips in this article.

how to succeed in academic writing

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17 Widely Known Idioms With the Most Unexpected Origins

Idioms are a part of our written and spoken English. Each expression has its own definition that cannot be understood by interpreting the meaning and sense literally. They exist in every language and have various origins, including historical events, important figures, cultural traditions, a certain population (like native Americans), and everyday experiences. Idiomatic phrases make our speech more engaging and add depth to communication.

Unexpected Idiom Origins

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How to Write an Evaluation Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

So, you’ve been assigned to write an evaluation essay, but you’re not exactly sure where to start writing. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! An evaluative essay can seem tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty straightforward. When writing an evaluation essay, you need to provide a judgment on something based on a set of evaluation criteria. It could be a book, a movie, a product, a restaurant, or even a process.

how to write an evaluation essay

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Hook for Research Paper: How to Choose the Best One

What can make you question your writing skills more than anything else? For most students, it’s the inability to write that first sentence of the introductory paragraph. Often, instructors place a huge emphasis on the way you start and what hook for research paper you use because it can make or break your entire piece.

hook for research paper

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How to Write An Essay Outline

Imagine starting to write an essay without any idea of what you’re going to say. Pretty overwhelming, right? That’s why having a proper essay outline matters. An outline serves as a set of instructions and helps you organize your thoughts logically. Think of it as the skeleton of your paper—the structure that holds everything in place.
how to write an essay outline

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How to Write Good Hooks for Essays: Types, Tips, and Fresh Examples

What is an essay hook? How do you write good hooks for essays? What are some essay hook examples for different types of college papers?

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Persuasive Speech Topics: An Advanced Guide to Choosing the Best Issue for Discussion

Being a college student means being ready to handle any and all of the writing assignments you may be assigned. Academic writing is not limited to essays of different types, as college learners have to learn all the different writing styles in order to get ready for their future careers. A persuasive speech is one of the tasks students might face on their academic journey. Due to the fact that the spectrum of academic writing tasks is pretty large, there is hardly a college learner who keeps all the rules in mind; in most cases, college students have trusted sources where they can go to in order to brush up on some tips and requirements.

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How to Write a Book Report Outline

Struggling with book report writing?

Here’s the deal:

For your book review to impress the teacher and get an A, you’ll first need to do your best to craft a stellar book report outline. In this article, you’ll learn how to do that, including gaining information on a book report’s structure, purpose, and length. (And don’t miss the book report template!

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The Vietnam War: Tracing the Roots of Conflict essay

Vietnam War Essay Example

1. The French were involved in a war of Indochina prior to the American involvement. Trace the causes of this conflict and describe the key events and general course of the French Indochina War.
Traditionally, the First Indochina war started in the French Indochina in 1946 and ended in 1954. The war was a fighting or conflict between forces from France and their Viet Minh opponents. Numerous factors were involved in the conflict including the French Far East Expeditionary Corps from the French Union led by France. The Vietnamese national army supported the French against the Viet Minh whose leaders were Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh. The large part of this conflict occurred in the northern region of Vietnam called Tonkin, although the fighting engulfed the rest of the nation, spreading to the protectorates of the French Indochina in Cambodia and Laos (Young, 1991).

After the French reoccupation in Indochina after the Second World War, the region being in control of the Japanese, the Viet Minh started a protest or rebellion against the French authority that was in control of a number of French colonies in Indochina. The few initial years of the conflict involved rural uprising that was increasingly low key against the French. Nevertheless, after the communists from China arrived in the Vietnamese northern border in 1949, the fighting took another turn and became a conventional war between two forces that were armed with modern weapons (Jian, 1993).

The forces of the French Union included several forces from the rest of the former empire including Tunisia, Algeria, Laotian, Moroccan, Vietnamese, and Cambodian ethnic minorities. While the plan of pushing the troops of Viet Minh into launching a war on the excellently defended base was validated, the lack of materials for construction, air cover, and tanks prevented an effective defense, leading to a decisive defeat of the French forces. The Geneva conference made a provisional decision to divide Vietnam into two regions, the north, and south. The northern region was the Vietnam democratic republic under Ho Chi Minh, and the south was the Vietnam state under Bao Dai (Jian, 1993).

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Essay on Socialization [2800 words]

Example Essay on Socialization: Nature versus Nurture

According to one side of the debate, individuals and social behavior are a product of heredity or nature. The others say that individual and social behavior are a product of experience and learning or nurture. Darwin pushed the nature viewpoint in his theory of evolution. “Humans are a product of natural processes”, he said. Evolutionary theorist used his theory to explain cross cultural differences and social inequalities. According to this, the dominant positions the Europeans occupied in the world was a result of natural selection – Asian, African and other people were regarded as biologically inferior. Within a group, people were believed to be rich and poor due to “survival of the fittest”. The concept of survival of the fittest was used to justify genocide.

In the 20th century the pendulum swayed toward “nurture”. Pavlov experimented to show that dogs could be taught to salivate even at the sound of a bell, Skinner showed that pigeons could be taught ping-pong. The experiments were done through “reward” and “punishment”. These social scientists argued that human mind is equally malleable. It was believed that human mind is tabula rasa, upon which experience writes.

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How to Improve Creative Writing

Many educational systems are based on creative writing. Students are expected to make all their writing projects original, non-standard, and plagiarism-free essays. All the methods are welcome just to teach students how to become creative writers. Not all youngsters understand the right way to become creative and their projects become boring, stereotypical, and uninteresting. If you struggle with your creativity, we can help. Our useful guide provides the necessary recommendations and brilliant tricks that will help to improve your creative writing.

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How to Write a Research Paper in MLA format

Both the content and the form of a research paper matter. In case your assignment requires using a certain format, do not neglect specific rules for every formatting style. The most common formats for research papers include MLA, APA, Turabian, Chicago, and Harvard, and they are all unique. Let us examine the MLA format.

MLA (Modern Language Association) is the formatting style most commonly used for research papers in the fields of humanities, linguistics, liberal and other arts. When writing a research paper in MLA format, you are to devote special attention to the page layout and bibliography. Non-compliance with format guidelines may spoil the entire impression of your paper, and lower your mark as well. To avoid this, you need to master MLA formatting rules.

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How to Write a Response Paper to a Book

How to accomplish brilliantly a response writing to a book? This question is asked by all students who have been given a task to describe their impressions of a particular literary work. As a rule, this involves the student’s independent work, which they need to pass in the format of a response paper. Therefore, today we will analyze how to write this specific type of essay – a response paper to a book.

Prior to proceeding to the actual guide, everyone who intends to start working on this research piece must be aware that there should be present the first-person active voice writing style. It’s important!

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Law Personal Statement Writing Tips

One of the entry requirements for any course is writing a personal statement. This part of application is required by many universities for the reason that many students apply with the same grades. The question appears “How to distinguish those potential students who is really agreeable for a particular course?” For that purpose, most colleges and universities make a practice of writing personal statements by applicants, thereby asking – write us a personal statement and we’ll see who you are.

So, you have your Law personal statement written and you want to determine if it is worth sending to the university of your choice or not. More often than not, what seems like a quality statement at first, can turn out to lack several crucial points. Review carefully your writing and judge its content and structure according to the criteria suggested by admissions tutors.

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Book Review vs Book Report: 3 Key Differences between

It usually happens that university students are tested in writing a book review but too often they end up writing a book report instead. The problem is that most students don’t know the difference between a university book report and book review. The surprise of failing in an assignment that you were certainly sure to score highly can be overwhelming.

It is a good idea to make sense of a task before getting started. According to the Executive Function Handout Series about a task initiation, students are able to complete a task successfully, once they get going, if only they have explicit instructions about an assignment. Asked to write a book review or book report but can’t understand the difference? We are to explain.

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20 Business Management Dissertation Ideas to Rock in Entrepreneurship

Cоmрlеtіоn оf an MBA рrоgrаm provides students with futurе bеnеfіtѕ. The graduates оf MBA and PhD рrоgrаmѕ whо had соmрlеtеd MBA and PhD dіѕѕеrtаtіоnѕ аrе the сrеаm оf thе crop аnd are lіkеlу tо оссuру tор роѕіtіоnѕ. Wе are lіvіng іn a highly competitive buѕіnеѕѕ wоrld. Emрlоуеrѕ knоw thаt applying for a job is easier for those who have completed a hіghеr еduсаtіоn and have оbtаіned impressive resumes as well as еxреrіеnсе in research аnd data analysis.

Uѕuаllу, thе Mаѕtеrѕ dissertation іѕ a lоngеr piece of wrіtіng thаn one that іѕ requіrеd for an undеrgrаduаtе dissertation. It requires mоrе extensive rеаdіng and rеѕеаrсh to gіvе a critical іntеrрrеtаtіоn оf the ѕоurсеѕ. Thе English dissertation ideas below аrе ѕuіtаblе bоth fоr Master and Bасhеlоr Dеgrее Buѕіnеѕѕ dіѕѕеrtаtіоn tорісѕ.

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How to Write a Book Review: 4 Tips for Fast Writing

If you search for “writing book review” in Google, you will undoubtedly find tons of materials on how to write a book review competently. However, do you know how to write one quickly, especially if you have a fast-approaching deadline? Most articles on book reviews don’t discuss this–and if they do, it is not in length.

Here are four ways to write book reviews speedily:

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English Writing Techniques You Might Not Have Heard Of

Your professor reads through a dozen of papers each time he/she assigns an essay. If you want to get a high grade, you have to ensure that your paper stands out from the rest. How can you do that? If you have mastered the basic writing techniques in English, here are five more advanced ones that you can use to set yourself apart from the rest.

1. Be Original

As often as possible, try to take a unique approach on the topic, offer an original perspective, or use your words in a fresh and interesting way. As your professor sifts through a dozen of papers, he/she does not want to see the same topic many times. Take a creative approach to the assignment that will help you stand out, and you will get a higher grade as a result.Writing Techniques in English

Depending on the assignment, you should also write in your own unique voice. For some assignments, you may need to be extremely formal and academic. However, if you have a more creative assignment, use an informative conversational tone. Write the way you would speak to someone you respect and feel comfortable with. Allow your writing to reflect your own personality and your style as well. Writing in such a manner allows you to interact with the audience.

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5 Minute Speech Topics on Euthanasia

Writing about euthanasia is important because it is a currently debated topic, one about which laws are being made. It is therefore essential to understand some history behind the issue, how it is relevant today.

If you are assigned with a 5 minute speech on this issue, then you can consider yourself quite lucky. Here you have 5 minute speech topics that are relevant and really interesting. After selecting one from the list, you need to define the purpose of your speech. The purpose might be to inform the readers or to persuade them. If you need help finding the topic you will use, consider the 20 examples below.

Remember too that these are meant as guiding examples, and you might find one you want to use as it is, or one you want to slightly edit before putting it into use:

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Psychology Personal Statement: 5 Writing Tips

Psychology is the study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting a person’s behavior. It is no surprise that most institutions that offer courses in the study of Psychology are looking in detail at which candidates to accept. Tertiary institutions are looking beyond the marks or grades of each applicant, they are looking for deeper insights as to whether the candidates accepted will excel in the study of psychology and make a material contribution to the profession.

In this article, we will take a look at some of the unique aspects of the psychology personal statement. We will share with you some tips on how to structure your personal statement, the things that you should include, and some examples of the types of things that you may want to say in order to stand out from the rest of the candidates competing for the available positions.

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Radiography Dissertation Topics and Writing Tips

Selecting a topic for a Radiography dissertation is one of the most difficult steps in the academic career. The topic should cover 2 tasks: on the one hand, it should be interesting to you, on the other hand it should be significant for the general research of the field. This article contains a few pieces of advice on how to come up with good ideas, choose the best topic and start writing the Radiology dissertation.

Radiology Dissertation Topics

In the past, radiology mainly involved X-Rays, but today, there are many forms of radiology. The following are the directions in which you can find a really interesting and unusual dissertation. As you can see, these topics discuss new technology, their relevance, and their pros and cons.

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Top 5 Book Review Questions to Discuss

At first thought, it seems that there is no difference between a book review, book report and book summary. The only true fact is that all these types of writing deal with a book. However, among the three a book review has a special purpose – to describe, analyse and evaluate books citing evidence and examples from the book in question.

Many students are not sure that they’re on the right way while working on a university book review. As a result, they can get very low scores for it. Want to be highly assessed? Bring 5 questions into focus to answer them in your book review.

1.  Who is the Author of the Book?

In a book review, you have to give credit to the author. The author’s name and background should be part of an introduction. You can also state the perspective from which the author wrote the book and evaluate if he or she was biased in favour of writing the book or not. Besides, focus on the question – why the author wrote on this subject rather than on some other subject.

University Book Review Writing Tips

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5 Assignment Writing Tips to Help You Cope with Limited Time

Time is an enemy for many students who study at college or university. It takes them a long time to make a report or write a coursework. What to say about exams when the time is limited? No educator will wait for the moment when a source of inspiration, time and the desire for an assignment will appear. It is supposed to be written and submitted to an instructor on a due date or within specific time.

The question is how to succeed in performing successfully all of them and not to flunk out. It doesn’t matter whether you find yourself in such a situation because of huge tones of work on your shoulders or simply because of procrastination. What matters is how you use the limited time to tackle a college assignment effectively.

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American Literature Essay [640 words]

Reflective Essay on American Literature

American literature is very rich in the past historical events that took place on this great continent.

Many of the past generations witnessed the turnout of events from the time the continent was not yet independent to the time it became a sovereign entity. There were so many battles that were fought to build this country. For instance, the long and great Civil War in America took place from 1861-1865. Struggles took place off the battle field, as well. African Americans and the American Indians had to fight for their rights to be recognized.

This is evident because there was no black national leader until recently when Obama was elected as the first African American president. American minority groups were deprived of their rights until in the 1960s when there was a federal registration enforcement of the Constitution that helped this group to have their rights protected. Many groups of Americans are responsible for writing American literature. The literature is valuable in letting generations know about their past and what their ancestors went through to build this great nation.

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Short Essay on Nelson Mandela [500 words]

Nelson Mandela was a popular figure not only in South Africa but in the whole world, and this was mostly because of what he stood for and symbolized in life. Nelson Mandela, or Rolihlahla Mandela, was born on the 18th day of July in the year 1918 and adopted the name Nelson after he was named so by a teacher in the school where he was learning as a young boy. Nelson was born in the Transkei area of South Africa. Transkei is an area characterized by numerous mountains, grasslands and valleys. The area is located on the southwestern part of South Africa. Mandela’s father, Henry Mandela, was a tribal chief of the Tembu tribe and together with his wife and Mandela’s mother, Fanny, were related to the royal family of Tembu. Mandela, however, grew up without his father because his father passed on when he was only 9 years old. After which, an acting chief of the Tembu tribe raised him.

Mandela received his basic education in a mission school where he excelled in his education and later attended college. While in school and college, Mandela enjoyed a variety of sporting activities, including running and boxing. While at the University of Fort Hare, Mandela trained as a lawyer and among his friends in law school was Oliver Tambo. Mandela, however, moved away from the law school in 1939 after students held a series of demonstrations in protest of the way the law school was run. Even though the custom required that his parents select for him a wife, Mandela did not want to abide by this custom of arranged marriages and he therefore left his home area and went to Johannesburg. It is in the city of Johannesburg that Mandela completed his studies and eventually became a qualified lawyer.

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Expository Essay on Depression [500 words]

Even though depression entails one having sad feelings, it is actually a condition that is by far more than merely having some degree of sadness. This is because the magnitude of sadness that one feels when depressed is so intense, it may also be accompanied by numerous other symptoms.

There are many types of depression, one of which is referred to as the major depressive disorder in clinical terms. This type of depression is serious because the individual is depressed for a large portion of a day, year-round. The symptoms for this depression include loss of interest in favorite activities and an unexplained gain or loss in weight. Insomnia, difficulty i falling asleep, is also one of the many symptoms. An individual who has a major depression is also more likely to feel like he or she is dissatisfied with all that life has to offer. The other symptoms of this condition include feeling very tired the entire day, even without having done any work, experiencing trouble when concentrating and in one trying to make decisions.

Doctors usually diagnose this depression if a patient has suffered five or more symptoms, if the patient has been experiencing the aforementioned symptoms for a period of two or more weeks, and if one of the symptoms is the loss of interest in activities that the patient once found very interesting.

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Nursing Admission Essay Example

Admission Essay on Nursing

My philosophy with regards to nursing is closely related to my deep desire to assist people. I want to be a nurse because of many reasons, one being that I love helping people, caring for people. and generally being there for people in terms of need. My desire for nursing became stronger some years ago when I did volunteer work in a hospital. The little work I did there ignited my passion for nursing since I felt that it is only through nursing that I will be able to satisfy the passion that I have for serving and helping people. Also, I want to do nursing because I believe that besides prescribed medicine, good care is also a cure to many of the ailments that plague patients. With a little love and care, a patient can feel more relaxed and, therefore, be better positioned to heal. Consequently, I believe that once I become a nurse, I will make a great difference in the lives of many people by helping them to recover from their various ailments.

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Online Learning Tools and Resources for Virtual and Distance Learning

Nowadays, our planet faces the issue of a new pandemic known as Covid-19. It’s not safe to conduct the standard campus-based lessons and so, educators and learners develop alternative ways to learn online. Fortunately, technological progress has already provided them with all kinds of learning tools. Besides, new inventions appear almost every week. We’d like to review the best tools, which ensure effective virtual and distance learning.

It must be mentioned that these tools are important for students, as well as for their teachers and professors. Students cannot receive tasks without their teachers who will create those tasks and will control the process of learning. Therefore, most tools we’ll review are created for educators who create assignments and likewise can actively communicate with their students. Assignment writing help plays a pivotal role not only for students striving to excel in their academic pursuits but also for educators who rely on these tools to craft assignments, oversee the learning process, and engage with students effectively.

Helpful Options to Ensure Productive E-Learning

best platforms

As there are multiple smart applications for e-learning, it’s sometimes difficult to choose the best ones. Therefore, we offer several options that can perfectly suit educators and students. Consider the following tools for distance learning:

● Edmodo
This application ensures great communication between teachers and students. It’s similar to a social network. The application helps to create collaborative groups, distribute educational materials, assess the progress of students, keep in touch with parents, and so on. It’s a very popular application (over 34 million users) and it perfectly combines learning and technology.

● Socrative
Using Socrative, students and teachers can collaborate using any device (laptop, tablet, mobile phone, etc.). The application is easy to manage and comprehend. Teachers can create different exercises and educational games. Once their students accomplish them, teachers instantly see the results and can quickly adjust the upcoming lessons if necessary. It’s a very productive application, which enhances personalized learning.

● Projeqt
This tool serves for the creation of multimedia presentations. It’s possible to embed interactive maps, quizzes, puzzles, videos, and something of the kind. This tool helps teachers to deliver new materials quickly and conveniently. Every lesson can be supported by the necessary visuals.

● Thinglink
Another resourceful tool is called Thinglink. This tool enables the creation of interactive images, which can be supported by music, different sounds, texts, etc. Thanks to the visual effects available in this tool, teachers can awaken the curiosity of learners and so, engage them in learning online. It’s possible to share posts on different websites and social media platforms for the faster spreading of information.

● TED-Ed
Using this great online tool, educators can sufficiently increase the collaborative skills of students, as well as their own skills. TED-Ed helps to collaborate with students in large groups to meet common objectives. Besides, teachers can collaborate with other teachers conducting lessons, webinars, and conferences online (applying visuals).

● ClassDojo
Thanks to ClassDojo, it’s possible to improve the behavior of students, which is extremely important in virtual and distance learning. It enables instant accessing to the results and instantly rewarding. This method affects the perception of education in students. When they receive instant feedback, they become more concentrated on the results. The application enables real-time notifications.

● eduClipper
This is a very resourceful platform, which can be used by students and educators. Using it, users can access different references and educational materials. It’s very important for students because they will always have some trustworthy sources close at hand. Educators can make their lessons more interactive and informative thanks to useful links available on the Internet.
Amongst other great online learning tools are Storybird, Animoto, Kahoot, and others.

Free Resources for Students

Students should constantly try to improve their results on their own. Self-education is utterly important to be a successful student. Therefore, we propose several great platforms that offer free learning resources for students:

  • Unite for Literacy. This resource offers a rich choice of online books for elementary students. Students can either read or listen to them. Audiobooks are available.
  • NewsEla. Using this online resource, students will access up-to-date news articles. Thus, they’ll enlarge their knowledge in almost any academic direction. Quizzes and writing assignments are included.
  • Khan Academy. This is a famous online learning platform that offers a rich choice of courses for students. Youngsters can pass any discipline to check their current level and enhance skills.
  • Peardeck. Thanks to this resource, students can enhance their creative skills. They’ll deal with different quizzes, presentations, slide creations, and something of the kind.
  • StoryBoardThat. This platform helps to create visual support of different kinds. Thus, students will be able to divide everything they read into logical sections to comprehend and memorize it faster. Teachers can likewise use it to prepare for reading classes.
  • cK-12. This website helps to reduce the cost of academic textbooks. It offers free sharing of educational materials among teachers and students. You can access and download different educational materials for free.

Prompts for Teachers to Engage Students

It may be very difficult to engage some students in the process of learning even via the traditional way of learning. Virtual education complicates this task because there’s no control in person. Virtual classes take place rarely. Thus, many youngsters tend to play hooky. Fortunately, there are some great methods to engage the most inattentive students. Consider the following methods:

  • Be interested in your students;
  • Understand the possibilities of every student;
  • Simplify the process of e-learning;
  • Try to organize online communication as frequently as possible;
  • Create tasks in the form of games;
  • Let your students use different apps to complete their assignments;
  • Ensure the privacy of every student;
  • Plan ahead;
  • Constantly encourage your students;
  • Personalize the learning process;
  • Control your time;
  • Encourage online collaboration;
  • Reward your students.

These prompts will help to make virtual and distance learning more interactive and engaging. If you’re a student and your virtual lessons lack enthusiasm and productivity, show this article to your teacher/professor. Perhaps he/she will adopt the prompts and will also use the tools we have offered.

Although we’ve mentioned really effective learning tools, you shouldn’t limit your choice. There are many other variants for students and their teachers. You’ll easily find tools to develop math, language, writing, reading, expand your scientific and technological skills, and so on.

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Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America [Book Review]

Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez summary

From time immemorial, humans always had the ‘urge’ to move into new geographical territories with various motivations. Starting from earlier motivations of discovering new lands, imperialism to current economic motivations, people enter new countries en masse. This movement for economic development is known as immigration in present day context, and there are few economically developed countries, which elicit high number of immigrants. This immigration experience is one of the constant affairs of American life, as people from all over the world, view America as the land of immense opportunities, and enter it both legally and illegally. This view about America was critically analyzed by Juan Gonzales in his book titled, Harvest of Empire, focusing mainly on the immigration of the Latino population and how it impacts America’s foreign policies as well. Gonzales provides the readers a historical overview of how the Latino immigration started centuries ago, and at the same time provides a laser-like analysis of the current events, that are impacting the Latino population and thereby America’s politics and diplomacy. So, this paper will first provide a review of the book and then will analyze how its contents, particularly the portions which focus on the current issues impacting the Latino population, relate to today’s politics and diplomacy.

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How to Write a Journal in 8 Steps

We all know that students have to write a great variety of academic assignments. They are compulsory and reflect the current knowledge and skills of students. Of course, they teach students many useful things and develop their skills and knowledge. However, students may likewise write for themselves. We mean journaling, which is very popular and helpful. It has benefits that are oftentimes compared with music or art therapy. Journaling helps to unwind, put off some pressure, and reduce stress. Besides, it helps to sharpen your writing skills. Therefore, we’ll explain how to write journals. In addition to traditional academic assignments, students can also benefit from utilizing  pro writing services like AdvancedWriters for assistance in crafting compelling journal entries.

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How to Write a Critical Book Review More

Writing a critical book review is a daunting task. Something about the word ‘critical’ seems to conjure up scary visions of having to wade through huge tomes of literary theory that threaten to swallow your limited analyzing abilities as a student.

A review at the end of the day is supposed to be critical where you share your opinion on a specific topic and it tells the makers or readers your honest opinion on it. There are many reviewers out there, criticizing all kinds of books including fiction and essays, but not all these reviewers or their opinions are valued. At times, it is only because they’re lacking a proper outline and hence are not able to write their thoughts properly.

Why Have an Outline for a Critical Book Review?
Like any other assignment set by a systematically produced curriculum, a critical book review is also easy. You simply apply a systematic approach and break it into parts. You jot down the essential elements you need to include.

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Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

Quantity surveying is a field that mainly deals with specific aspects involving measurement and estimation of costs in the building and construction industry.  Due to the recent increase in the number of houses needed to be constructed, the quantity surveying field has experienced an evolution in its trends and methods.

Today, many colleges and universities are offering regular degree programs for quantity surveyors-to-be. According to Prospects website, an increasing number of UK and international construction projects leads to the ever-increasing number of employment opportunities, with most graduates (90%) working in building and engineering.

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Gerontology Research Topics: 20 Interesting Ideas

Gerontology is a science that interlaces with many other disciplines like biology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics, etc. It is a field of studies that explores the process of aging. The most important aspects of this science are monitoring and studying the physical changes of people growing old, their mental alterations or adjustments in their social lives. While you may not study gerontology as your major or even secondary course, it can become a good topic for a thesis paper within your biology, anthropology or sociology class due to their tight connection with the science of aging.

Why should you consider writing an academic paper within this discipline? Because lately the number of elderly has been rapidly increasing, and it means that in the nearest future the demand for gerontologists will grow. The experts predict that by 2050 every fifth person on the planet will be 60 years old. These people will need a special approach to being cared for, treating their mental as well as physical diseases and being a member of modern society. This is an extremely interesting field, that’s why we’ve put together a list of thesis topics in gerontology. By writing an academic piece on one of them, you will understand whether the science of aging sparks your interest or not.

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Book Review on “Undaunted Courage”

Book review: “Undaunted Courage” by Steven Ambrose
In his book, Undaunted Courage, Steven Ambrose brings to our attention the life history of young Lewis before the expedition to the pacific coast. He gives us an impression that Lewis was an intelligent young boy, an attribute that saw him lead the expedition. According to the author, Lewis’ childhood was promising and his future was bright. He made good choices in his youthful life. The Lewis and Clark expedition was influenced by the relationship between Lewis and Thomas Jefferson, who was a family friend. The author comes up with a summary of the 2000-mile expedition in an amazing prose. During the exploration, Lewis wrote his characteristic voluminous journals expressing their two years joy as well as the mysteries they were experiencing.

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How to Write an Informal Essay

In this guide, you’ll find actionable tips and practical advice on how to write an informal essay.

how to write an informal essay

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Argumentative Writing with Stylistic Devices

The fact that argumentative papers are actually the most difficult papers to write is very common. However, there are many things involved in writing such. On many occasions when you are putting up an argument, people are not buying what you are writing or saying just because it is the truth.

Readers usually tend to look at the beauty of what you are putting into words and how sophisticated and stylish it is. This is why you have to do everything possible to garnish your argumentative paper with numerous stylistic devices. There are many of them, but we will treat only 7 of the most popular ones.

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How to Write a PhD Research Proposal

If you are contemplating taking your academic career to the next level and completing a PhD in the chosen field of study, then it is important to begin thinking about how you are going to present your proposal.

In this article, we will explain the requirements of a PhD research proposal and walk you through the key steps that you will need to follow preparing your proposal.

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Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson Comparison Essay

Compare And Contrast The Life And Poetry Of Edgar Allan Poe And Emily Dickinson

Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson are both famous writers whose lives greatly contributed to their style of poetry writing. Edgar Poe lost his parents at a tender age of three. Later in life he struggled with alcoholism and depression due to loneliness, which formed the basis of her poetry themes.

Emily Dickinson was alone writer who rarely left his home and had no visitors. Poe’s poems are characterized by a common theme of horror because he focused on bringing out the poetic effect of structure and style.

Dickinson’s poems were based on the theme of loneliness, domestic lifestyle and sentimentalism. Her poems were characterized by her upbringing lifestyle and the England seventeenth century the metaphysical poems. The two poets works were similar because their poems reflected upon their lifestyle, however, they contrasted whereby Poes poems were based on the theme of horror while Dickinson’s poems reflected about the traditional lifestyle that existed at the time.

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Descriptive Essay on Nature

No matter where we go or what we see – nature is always there. Even in the concrete jungle of New York City, you will see a red flower or a green tree that will break the harshness of dirty grey concrete, glass, and neon. In the sunset in Miami, nature gives a breathtaking display of beauty every evening, painting the sky with glorious colors. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one sees a breathtaking view of nature’s handicraft that is so big and has the power to take your breath away. Each scenario is completely different, yet each has its own splendor, no matter if it is a sunset, a desert, mountain, prairie, lake, or ocean.

People have always appreciated nature, and they still do to some extent. They are both challenged and pacified by it. Nature is beautiful, and the fact that it is changing so magically through different seasons amazes every human being. At the same time, we’re fascinated by how timelessly unchanged some of its fixed elements, like mountains, remain throughout history.

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Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball

Today, people enjoy playing a great variety of sports. While people in the United States are more passionate about baseball and American football, French men give preference to Association football. Due to a technological revolution, we all have an opportunity to watch our favorite games either in stadiums or on TV, as well as play any for recreation.

Football and basketball are two of the most common sports that are played in many parts of the world. For an individual who is torn between selecting which of the two sports he should play, it can be very helpful to know the characteristics of the two sports and compare these qualities in order to select the one that interests a particular person the most. One of the most obvious differences between the two sports lies in the way they are played. While football is in most cases played outdoors in areas that may not necessarily have artificial lighting or controlled temperatures, basketball is mostly played in indoor fields that have both artificial lighting and temperature control.

The size of the football field is also several times bigger than that of basketball.
The other difference lies in the way the players interact with the ball. In football, the ball is played by fumbling, while in basketball, the ball is played by bouncing the ball up and down on the floor repeatedly in an action known as dribbling. In football, the main objective of the game is to capture the territory of the opposing team in ten-yard segments, eventually driving the ball to the opposing team’s end zone. In basketball, the main aim is to throw the ball as many ways as possible into the opposing team’s basket, given that the more baskets a team makes, the higher the score.

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The Importance of One’s Name essay sample

Argumentative essay on The Importance of one’s Name:
When a child is born, the parents name him or her as per their wish. They could name him or her in accordance to their cultural practices, events, names of dead relatives, materials and tools used, animals among others. Names always play critical roles in people’s lives. Different names may to mean different things.

Names may be similar but have different meanings while others may be different but have the same meanings. Virtually everything that is in existence has a name attached to it. Such names are always used when referring to these things to bring to memory the thing in question. Every name has some sense of power associated with it. Such powers may have influences on the life of any individual possessing those names. Therefore, naming of a newborn child or an adult depends on several factors such as cultural beliefs, practices, customs, and the environment.

It is an indisputable fact that human beings have been responsible for naming everything, whether alive or dead, moving, static, plants, animals or microorganisms. For instance, : Sandra Cisneros, in her essay My name notes that a name can mean hope, many letters, sadness waiting (pg. 190) The naming in such cases has been as distinctly precise as none of the organisms named share the same names. In cases where they might share such names, there has always been a clear and precise way that conventionally applies in differentiating the two organisms. Under such situations, different methods are put into consideration. These methods of differentiation of names majorly depend upon the parental hierarchy of such organisms.

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How to Earn Money When You Spend Most Time at College

It seems like life nowadays is all about chasing the bag. Who would not want a cozy, tranquil life where you enjoy the work of your sweat? If you’d take a wager and conduct a survey, you’ll discover 80% of your audience would rather live a sad affluent life than a poor, merry life. These numbers speak for themselves and tell the story.

I have found college to be a very tribulating time in a student’s life. There comes a time when the college student wants to be a roaming bird, let to fend for himself. However, the pulsing question on how to achieve this remains unanswered. Allow me to help you out. The following are ways to earn some money while in college.

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Issue Analysis Paper

The statement reveals how educational institutions can influence students when deciding the field of study they wish to pursue. On the one hand, there are reasons to support this idea because educational institutions have years of experience and can accurately determine a student’s abilities to- or not to pursue a specific course. Further, the scientific approach to decision making via a proven assessment procedure is perfect when implemented to benefit the learner. On the other hand, these institutions may discourage learners from taking up courses or subjects they are passionate about and which they can succeed. Success in a particular is determined by an individual’s desires and passion, and not what others say or think about his or her abilities.

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Cost Volume Profit Analysis Essay

Cost volume profit analysis examines the interaction of a company’s sales volume, selling price, cost structure, and profitability.

CVP analysis is a useful tool in making management decisions such as production, investment, and financing decisions. Wonder Company simulation has to establish various factors that influence its product sales and customer demand. The success of a company is based on how many people are willing to purchase their products at existing prices. Competition is inevitable in case a company does not have monopoly powers. Brand management seeks to promote the presence of a company in the market. Many companies are investing heavily in brand management to improve sales by attracting more customers and retaining existing ones. Company products follow an inevitable life cycle. A life cycle of a product begins with the conception of an idea on what to produce, how to create, and who will constitute a market for the product. The product is then moved to the product development stage, where it is delivered and finally availed to the market for consumers to purchase and use it. After several years in the market, a company might fail to upgrade its product based on existing market requirements leading to consumers opting to use alternative products. Lack of market may result in a company failing to meet its objectives and eventually wound up. In such cases, the company withdraws its products in the market. Brand management takes place in various forms. It begins with the assessment of how customers are relating to a product in the market and proceeding to evaluate how their perception of the product changes with time. Consumer perception of a product significantly determines company success.

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5-Paragraph Essay on Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was born on February 12, 1809, and died at the age of 56 on the 4th day of March 1861. Lincoln was the president of the United States for four years, from 1861 to 1865. Lincoln was born in Hardin County in the state of Kentucky in a small cabin. The family had only one room. His parents, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks were farmers who had a large tract of land that measured 348 acres on which their cabin was situated. His parents were uneducated, however.

Lincoln’s political career began in 1832 when he created a political campaign for a political party known as the Whig Party. This party was based on efforts that sought to improve navigation on the neighboring river. Ten years later, Lincoln married the love of his life, Mary Todd, with whom he had four sons. Unfortunately, one of his four sons did not survive into adulthood. Lincoln’s participation in active national politics took a turn for the better in 1842 when he campaigned and was elected to the US House of Representatives.

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5 Key Points of a Strong Computer Science Personal Statement

A personal statement is one of the most crucial aspects of any university or college application. It gives admission officers an idea of your ability to think critically as a potential student. In addition, it allows them to measure the probability of your success as a student at their university.

For students who want to study Computer Science, writing a personal statement is no different. Your failure to provide a strong personal statement can leave admission officers convinced that you’re not worthy to join the program. Sounds frustrating. But before you get your hands on the project, keep in mind that only doing nothing towards the goal to enroll in your dream college is doomed to failure. And if you work hard, the best results won’t be long in coming. Additionally, seeking programming assignment help to refine your technical skills and showcase your passion for Computer Science through impressive coding projects can significantly enhance your application and demonstrate your readiness for the program.

Now it’s time to start preparing your Computer Science personal statement. When you are writing one, you need to demonstrate clearly that you are ready to actively engage with the program and to contribute to the advancement of the subject beyond the university campus.

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